Particle systems in random environments

Short description

One of the central research topics in probability is understanding the interplay between
random processes and random environments. The school will focus on widely popular
models, such as random walks, the contact process, the voter model and branching
random walks in random (dynamical) environments and/or graphs.

Location and dates

The school will take place from Monday 26th August (9 am) to Friday 30th August
(1 pm)
at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.

For directions and a map of the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt please click here:
The lectures will take place in the lecture hall IV (HIV), which is situated in the
Hörsaalgebäude (15) and the Poster-session will take place in Room 711 in the Maths
department (18).


The school will feature three mini-courses and a number of invited talks by young
researchers. There will be the opportunity for the participants to present their work at a
poster session.

Lecturers of the mini-courses:
• Luca Avena (University of Florence)
• Nina Gantert (TU Munich)
• Daniel Valesin (University of Warwick)

Invited speakers:
• Sara Terveer (LMU Munich)
• Florin Boenkost (Universität Wien)
• Matteo Quattropani (La Sapienza, University of Rome)
• Eleanor Archer (Université Paris Nanterre)
• John Fernley (Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics)
• Thomas van Belle (Universität Duisburg Essen)
• Carmen van-de-l’Isle (University of Bath)
• Florian Schweiger (University of Geneva)




This school is organised within the DFG Priority Programme SPP2265 “Random Geometric Systems”
Funding is available for accommodation expenses for the participants (note: travel
costs will not be covered).
Registration is free but compulsory: please send an email to:
containing all the following information:
• your full name and affiliation
• the exact dates of your stay and if you need your accommodation costs to be covered by us. If so, we will book a hotel room for you.
• if you would like to contribute a poster to the poster session.
• if you plan to come to the conference dinner.
• if you have any dietary requirements.
• please include ‘[SuSc24]’ in the email subject.
  Registration deadline: June 20, 2024.


 Alice Callegaro (Technische Universität München), Felix Hermann (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Marco Seiler (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)