Equity and Option Trading Seminar


Dr. Michael Smith, ICMA Centre, Reading (UK)
PD Dr. Aleksey Min, Chair of Mathematical Finance, Garching-Hochbrück

Date 24.06.2021 - 26.06.2021, 9am - 5pm
Location Zoom-Meeting
Content Equity trading, options trading, hedging of derivatives, calculating greeks, payoff diagrams, option valuation, risk management

At the end of module, students are able to get practical insight in work as a trader, apply knowledge on options, derivatives and calculate relevant quantities for risk management.

Partner companies support the seminar by presenting practical applications within their company environment.

This seminar will be followed by the EUREX Exchange Trader Qualification Seminar, which is preliminary scheduled for the winter term 2021/2022. In order to participate in the EUREX course, passing this seminar is required.

Time Table

Grundlagen des Aktien- und Optionshandels [MA8020]

Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r)
Umfang1 SWS
SemesterSommersemester 2021
Stellung in StudienplänenSiehe TUMonline
TermineSiehe TUMonline


  • 24.06.2021 09:00-17:00 Online: Videokonferenz / Zoom etc.
  • 25.06.2021 09:00-17:00 Online: Videokonferenz / Zoom etc.
  • 26.06.2021 09:00-17:00 Online: Videokonferenz / Zoom etc.


Inhaltliche Voraussetzungen

Discrete Time Finance (MA3701) Equity and FX Trading workshop
