Equity and Option Trading Seminar


Dr. Michael Smith, ICMA Centre, Reading

28.06. - 30.06.17, 09:00-18:00

Location Risk Factory, Business Campus Garching-Hochbrück, Parkring 11
Content equity trading, options trading, hedging of derivatives, calculating greeks, payoff diagrams, option valuation, risk management
Description At the end of module, students are able to get practical insight in work as a trader, apply knowledge on options, derivatives and calculate relevant quantities for risk management.
This seminar will be followed by the EUREX Exchange Trader Qualification Seminar. In order to participate in the EUREX course, passing this seminar is required.
Requirements Discrete Time Finance, Equity and FX trading workshop


This seminar is financed by the study allowance from the mathematic faculty.

Dieses Seminar wird aus den Studienzuschüssen Mathematik finanziert.


Registration is now available via TUMonline