FiMaTUM Alumniclub e.V.

General Information
Munich, London, Frankfurt, New York, Zurich, … that’s a few of many great cities where Mathematicians of TUM work and live. All of them share a common interest in Financial and Actuarial Topics and we aim at presenting them the opportunity for professional networking, sharing expertise and personal development.
How can you profit as an Alumnus/Alumna?
- Direct contact to alumni with the same interests all around the world
- Social events like sportive (e.g. mountain hikes, climbing woods, golf), cultural (e.g. Christmas market, Oktoberfest) or at the university (e.g. meet up at Fit for TUMorrow Day)
- Informative news on success stories of our members and developments at the Chair of Mathematical Finance
How can you profit as a Student?
- Qualitative information on potentially interesting internships or job opportunities
- Workshops and lectures by professionals
- Mentoring by successful Alumni
You feel ready to join our club? Get straight to it and prepare the following documents:
- Application form [Deutsch] [English]
- SEPA Direct Debit Mandate [Deutsch] [English]
- Depending on who you are:
- Student at TUM: Confirmation of enrolment (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung)
- Alumni at TUM: Graduation diploma (Abschlusszeugnis)
- External: Short informal letter of motivation why you want to join our club (1/2 page)
And send them as scan to or as a printed copy to the address
FiMaTUM Alumni Club e.V.
c/o Alexander Kammerer
Milbertshofenerstraße 36b
80807 München
What comes next?
If your application fits, you’ll receive an e-mail with confirmation of being a member of our club.
If you want to find out more about events organized by FiMaTUM, check out the club's Linkedin-Page . We frequently post about the club's activities - some of which are not exclusive to club members. It would be a pleasure to welcome you at one of our events!
In case you have any further questions before joining our club, feel free to reach out to us via an E-Mail at
We look forward to welcoming you as a member of FiMaTUM Alumni Club e.V..
Additional Documents
- Membership Fee [Deutsch] [English]
- Statute (Satzung)
FiMaTUM Alumni Club e.V.
c/o Alexander Kammerer
Milbertshofenerstraße 36b
80807 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 289 - 17413
Alexander Kammerer
Lexuri Fernandez
Olha Tupko
Katharina Papst
Im Vereinsregister München
unter der Registernummer 208531
eingetragen am 18.02.2020
Inhaltlich verantwortlich
Alexander Kammerer
c/o Lehrstuhl für Finanzmathematik
Parkring 11
85748 Garching bei München
Konzeption und technische Umsetzung
Alexander Kammerer
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