Pascal Heid
Department of Mathematics
School of Computation, Information and Technology
Technical University of Munich
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching (Munich)
Room: 02.08.33 (find my room)
Office phone number: +49 (89) 289 - 17467
Email: pascal.heid(at)
Pascal Heid
Numerical analysis of nonlinear partial differential equations: I'm mostly interested in the adaptive interplay of linearisation and discretisation schemes, with an emphasis on the iterative nonlinear solver. Thereby, the application focus lies on equations arising from the modelling of non-Newtonian fluids.
More recently, I further gained an interest in the approximation of functions in metric-measure spaces, for instance the 2-Wasserstein distance, by a computational scheme, and its relation to deep neural networks.
More information on my personal website.