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- A.E.Kovtanyuk, A.Yu.Chebotarev, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
The unique solvability of a complex 3D heat transfer problem
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 409(2) (808-815) - A.E.Kovtanyuk, A.Yu.Chebotarev, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Theoretical analysis of an optimal control problem of conductive-convective-radiative heat transfer
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 412(1) (520-528) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, V.L.Turova
Models and optimal control in freezing and thawing of living cells and tissues
Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization. Int. Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 160 (155-172) - A.E. Kovtanyuk, A.Yu.Chebotarev, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Solvability of P1 approximation of a conductive-radiative heat transfer problem
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 249 (247-252)
- N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, D.Marx, V.N.Starovoitov, V.L.Turova
Modeling in the development of an elasto-optical biosensor based on nanostructures
International Journal of Biomathematics and Biostatistics, 2(2) (191-202) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, V.L.Turova
Mathematical modeling and simulations in cryopreservation of living cells
Edited collection "Cryopreservation: Technologies, Applications and Risks/Outcomes", Nova Science Publishers Inc (109-176) - N.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, N.Mayer, V.Turova
Computation of value functions in nonlinear differential games with state constraints
D.Hömberg, F.Tröltzsch (Eds.), System Modeling and Optimization, Proceedings of the 25th IFIP TC7 Conference (235-244) - T.G.Amler, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, K.A.Ruf
Regularity of solutions of a phase field model
Dynamics of PDE, 10(4) (353-365)
- K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, V.L.Turova
Freezing of living cells: mathematical models and design of optimal cooling protocols
International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 160 (521-540) - A.E.Kovtanyuk, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Numerical simulations of a coupled radiative-conductive heat transfer model using a modified Monte Carlo method
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55(4) (649-564) - A.E.Kovtanyuk, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Numerical simulations of a coupled conductive-radiative heat transfer model
5th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 5-9 (119) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin
Multiphase flows with phase transitions: models and numerics
JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6 (2) (73-86) - N.D.Botkin, M.Brokate, K.-H.Hoffmann, O.A.Pykhteev, V.L.Turova
Simulation of hysteretic effects in multi-phase flows in aquifers
AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1479 (1243-1246)
- N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, V.L.Turova
Optimal control of ice formation in living cells during freezing
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35(8) (4044-4057) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, V.L.Turova
Stable numerical schemes for solving Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs equations
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 33 (2) (992-1007) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, N.Mayer, V.L.Turova
Approximation schemes for solving disturbed control problems with non-terminal time and state constraints
Analysis, 31(4) (355-379)
- A.E.Kovtanyuk, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Numerical simulations of a coupled conductive-radiative heat transfer model using parallel computing
Priority programm 1253 "Optimization with Partial Differential Equations", 2010 (November), Preprint-Number: SPP1253-112 (1-13) - A.Frackowiak, N.D.Botkin, M.Cialkowski, K.-H.Hoffmann
A fitting algorithm for solving inverse problems of heat conduction
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53 (2123-2127) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, N.Mayer, V.L.Turova
Approximation schemes for solving disturbed control problems with nonterminal time and phase constraints
Priority programm 1253 "Optimization with Partial Differential Equations", 2010 (August), Preprint-Number: SPP1253-105 (1-21) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Optimal control in cryopreservation of living cells
Proceedings of the International Conference "Actual Problems of Stability and Control Theory" (APSCT´2009), Vol. 16(5), Russia, September 22-26 (233-240)
- N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Control design in cryopreservation of living cells
Abstracts of the International Conference "Actual Problems of Stability and Control Theory", Ekaterinburg, Russia, September 21-26 (158-159) - T.G.Amler, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, A.M.Meirmanov, V.N.Starovoitov
Transport equation with boundary conditions of hysteresis type
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 32 (2177-2196) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, V.L.Turova
Stable solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Application to control of freezing processes.
Preprint SPP 1253-080 (1-25) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin
Modeling and optimization in cryopreservation using phase field models
Abstracts of the 4th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 2-6 (88) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, A.Frackowiak, A.M.Cialkowski
Heat exchange between air and solid surface covered with a nanostructure
submitted to International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
- K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, V.L.Turova
Optimal control in cryopreservation of living tissues
Preprints of the International Conference "Differential Equations and Topology", Moscow, Russia, June 16-22 (254-255) - K.-H.Hoffmann, T.G.Amler, N.D.Botkin, V.L.Turova
Propagation and deposition of air driven nanoparticles in complex channeled structures.
Poster presentation. Abstracts of the conference "Mathematics in Biosciences", Helmholtz Zentrum München (32) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, A.Frackowiak, A.M.Cialkowski
Study of the heat transfer between gases and solid surfaces covered with micro rods
Preprint SPP1253-10-05, Priority programm 1253 (1-13) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, A.Frackowiak, A.M.Cialkowski
L^2 and H^(1/2) fitting algorithmus for solving inverse problems of heat transfer
Preprint SPP1253-10-06, Priority programm 1253 (1-10) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Optimal control in cryopreservation of cells and tissues
Preprint SPP1253-10-07, Priority programm 1253 (1-34)
- N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, O.A.Pykhteev, V.L.Turova
Dispersion relations for acoustic waves in heterogeneous multi-layered structures contacting with fluids
Journal of the Franklin Institute, 34(5) (520-534) - K.-H.Hoffmann, D.Marx, N.D.Botkin
Drag on spheres in micropolar fluids with nonzero boundary conditions for microrotations
J. Fluid Mech., 590 (319-330)
- N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, O.A.Pykhteev, B.N.Starovoitova, V.L.Turova
Two complementary approaches to modelling a biosensor
Proceedings of ASM 2006 (Applied Simulation and Modelling), Rhodos, Greece, June 26-28 (525-530) - N.D.Botkin, A.M.Khludnev, K.-H.Hoffmann
The variational contact problem for elastic objects of different dimensions
Siberian Mathematical Journal, 47(3) (584-593) - H.Hölscher, N.D.Botkin, M.Tewes, M.Löhndorf, K.-H.Hoffmann, E.Quandt
Modeling of pneumatic tires by a finite element model for the development a tire friction remote sensor
Computers and Structures (submitted) - K.-H.Hoffmann, V.L.Turova
Numerical simulation for microholography with short wave lengths
caesar Annual Report 2005 (Medical Technology 2_3_6) (1-2) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, O.A.Pykhteev
Optimization of cooling protocols in cryopreservation of living tissues
caesar Annual Report 2005 (Biotechnology 2_2_5) (1-2) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, O.A.Pykhteev
Finite element modelling of a microfluidic reaktor
caesar Annual Report 2005 (Nanotechnology/Materials Science 2_1_28) (1-2) - K.-H. Hoffmann, N.D. Botkin, O.A. Pykhteev
Orthodontic film composites-superelastic composite material
caesar Annual Report 2005 (Nanotechnology/Materials Science 2_1_12) (1-2) - D.Hoffmann, M.Moske, K.-H.Hoffmann, M.Giersig, R.Pascal, N.Botkin, V.Starovoitov, M.Hilgendorff, G.Treitz, M.Zabe-Kühn, B.Fassbender
ELOBIS- Elasto-optical biosensor based on nanostructures
caesar Annual Report 2005 (Biotechnology 2_2_1) (1-2)
- N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, O.A.Pykhteev, V.L.Turova
Dispersion relations for acoustic waves in heterogeneous multi-layered structures contacting with fluids
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization, Sharjah, U.A.E., February 1-3 - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, V.N.Starovoitov
Homogenization of interfaces between rapidly oscillating fine elastic structures and fluids
SIAM J. Appl. Math., 65(3) (983-1005) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, A.M.Meirmanov, V.N.Starovoitov
Description of adhering with saturation using boundary conditions of hysteresis type
Nonlinear Analysis, 63(5-7) (1467-1473) - A.Voigt, K.-H.Hoffmann, R.Backofen, N.Botkin, A.Goepfert, O.Pykhteev, V.Turova, S.Vey, A.Zollorsch
caesar Annual Report 2004 (Nanotechnology/Materials Science 2_1_30) (1-2) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, O.A.Pykhteev, V.L.Turova
MAMS: Mathematical Modeling of a Biosensor
caesar Annual Report 2004 (Coupling of Biological and Electronic Systems 2_2_1) (1-2)
- N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, O.A.Pykhteev, V.L.Turova
Numerical computation of dispersion relations for multi-layered anisotropic structures
Proceedings of the Nanotechnology conference and trade show, Boston, USA, March 7-11 (401-414) - H.Hölscher, N.Botkin, M.Tewes, M.Löhndorf, K.-H.Hoffmann, E.Quandt
Modelling of pneumatic tires by a finite element model for the developement of a tire friction remote sensor
Preprint 2004-10-28 40. caesar, Bonn (1-17) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, F.Otto, V.N.Starovoitov, V.L.Turova
Nonlinear interaction of piezoelectrically excited surface waves
Singuläre Phänomene und Skalierung in mathematischen Modellen. Reinsche Fridrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Sonderforschungsbereich 611, Arbeits- und Ergebnisbericht 2002-2004 (279-303) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, O.A.Pykhteev, V.L.Turova
MAMS: Mathematical Modeling of a Biosensor
caesar Annual Report 2003 (Coupling of Biological and Electronic Systems 2_2_2) (1-2)
Other years
- A.Y.Chebotarev, G.V.Grenkin, A.E.Kovtanyuk, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Inverse problem with finite overdetermination for steady-state equations of radiative heat exchange.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 460(2), 2018 (737-744) - A.Y.Chebotarev, G.V.Grenkin, A.E.Kovtanyuk, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann,
Diffusion approximation of the radiative-conductive heat transfer model with Fresnel matching conditions.
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 57, 2018 (290-298) - A.E.Kovtanyuk, A.Y.Chebotarev, G.V.Grenkin, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Analysis of thermal processes in a multilayer biotissue exposed to optical radiation.
Proceedings of the Int. Conference Days on Diffraction (DD 2017), IEEE, St.-Petersburg, Russia, June 19-23, 2017 (194-199) - G.V.Grenkin, A.Yu.Chebotarev, A.E.Kovtanyuk, N.D.Botkin, K.-H. Hoffmann.
Boundary optimal control problem of complex heat transfer model.
J. Math. Anal. Appl., 433(2), 2016 (1243-1260) - A.Yu.Chebotarev, A.E.Kovtanyuk, G.V.Grenkin, N.D.Botkin, K.-H. Hoffmann.
Nondegeneracy of optimality conditions in control problems for a radiative-conductive heat transfer model.
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 289, 2016 (371-380) - A.E.Kovtanyuk, A.Yu.Chebotarev, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Optimal boundary control of a steady-state heat transfer model accounting for radiative effects
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 439(2), 2016 (678-689) - A.E.Kovtanyuk, A.Yu.Chebotarev, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Unique solvability of a steady-state complex heat transfer model
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 20(3), 2015 (776-784) - A.Yu.Chebotarev, A.E.Kovtanyuk, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffman.
Strong optimal controls in a steady-state problem of complex heat transfer.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 494: Proceedings of IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization (CSMO 2015), Springer, Cham, 2015 (209-219) - A.E.Kovtanyuk, A.Yu.Chebotarev, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
The unique solvability of a complex 3D heat transfer problem
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 409(2), 2014 (808-815) - A.E.Kovtanyuk, A.Yu.Chebotarev, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Theoretical analysis of an optimal control problem of conductive-convective-radiative heat transfer
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 412(1), 2014 (520-528) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, V.L.Turova
Models and optimal control in freezing and thawing of living cells and tissues
Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization. Int. Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 160, 2014 (155-172) - A.E. Kovtanyuk, A.Yu.Chebotarev, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Solvability of P1 approximation of a conductive-radiative heat transfer problem
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 249, 2014 (247-252) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, D.Marx, V.N.Starovoitov, V.L.Turova
Modeling in the development of an elasto-optical biosensor based on nanostructures
International Journal of Biomathematics and Biostatistics, 2(2), 2013 (191-202) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, V.L.Turova
Mathematical modeling and simulations in cryopreservation of living cells
Edited collection "Cryopreservation: Technologies, Applications and Risks/Outcomes", Nova Science Publishers Inc, 2013 (109-176) - N.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, N.Mayer, V.Turova
Computation of value functions in nonlinear differential games with state constraints
D.Hömberg, F.Tröltzsch (Eds.), System Modeling and Optimization, Proceedings of the 25th IFIP TC7 Conference, 2013 (235-244) - T.G.Amler, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, K.A.Ruf
Regularity of solutions of a phase field model
Dynamics of PDE, 10(4), 2013 (353-365) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, V.L.Turova
Freezing of living cells: mathematical models and design of optimal cooling protocols
International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 160, 2012 (521-540) - A.E.Kovtanyuk, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Numerical simulations of a coupled radiative-conductive heat transfer model using a modified Monte Carlo method
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55(4), 2012 (649-564) - A.E.Kovtanyuk, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Numerical simulations of a coupled conductive-radiative heat transfer model
5th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 5-9, 2012 (119) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin
Multiphase flows with phase transitions: models and numerics
JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6 (2), 2012 (73-86) - N.D.Botkin, M.Brokate, K.-H.Hoffmann, O.A.Pykhteev, V.L.Turova
Simulation of hysteretic effects in multi-phase flows in aquifers
AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1479, 2012 (1243-1246) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, V.L.Turova
Optimal control of ice formation in living cells during freezing
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35(8), 2011 (4044-4057) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, V.L.Turova
Stable numerical schemes for solving Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs equations
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 33 (2), 2011 (992-1007) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, N.Mayer, V.L.Turova
Approximation schemes for solving disturbed control problems with non-terminal time and state constraints
Analysis, 31(4), 2011 (355-379) - A.E.Kovtanyuk, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Numerical simulations of a coupled conductive-radiative heat transfer model using parallel computing
Priority programm 1253 "Optimization with Partial Differential Equations", 2010 (November), Preprint-Number: SPP1253-112, 2010 (1-13) - A.Frackowiak, N.D.Botkin, M.Cialkowski, K.-H.Hoffmann
A fitting algorithm for solving inverse problems of heat conduction
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53, 2010 (2123-2127) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, N.Mayer, V.L.Turova
Approximation schemes for solving disturbed control problems with nonterminal time and phase constraints
Priority programm 1253 "Optimization with Partial Differential Equations", 2010 (August), Preprint-Number: SPP1253-105, 2010 (1-21) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Optimal control in cryopreservation of living cells
Proceedings of the International Conference "Actual Problems of Stability and Control Theory" (APSCT´2009), Vol. 16(5), Russia, September 22-26, 2010 (233-240) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Control design in cryopreservation of living cells
Abstracts of the International Conference "Actual Problems of Stability and Control Theory", Ekaterinburg, Russia, September 21-26, 2009 (158-159) - T.G.Amler, N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, A.M.Meirmanov, V.N.Starovoitov
Transport equation with boundary conditions of hysteresis type
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 32, 2009 (2177-2196) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, V.L.Turova
Stable solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Application to control of freezing processes.
Preprint SPP 1253-080, 2009 (1-25) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin
Modeling and optimization in cryopreservation using phase field models
Abstracts of the 4th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 2-6, 2009 (88) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, A.Frackowiak, A.M.Cialkowski
Heat exchange between air and solid surface covered with a nanostructure
submitted to International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2009
- K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, V.N.Starovoitov, V.L.Turova
Treatment of the interface between fine elastic structures and fluids with homogenization method
Preprint N100, SFB611 "Singuläre Phänomene und Skalierung in mathematischen Modellen'', Bonn, 2003 (1-24) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, V.N.Starovoitov, V.L.Turova
Treatment of the interface between fine elastic structures and fluids
Proceedings of the International Conference "Physics and Control'', St.-Petersburg, Russia, August 20-22, 2003 (1367-1372) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, V.N.Starovoitov, V.L.Turova
Modeling the interaction between bristle elastic structures and fluids
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, Vol. 1, San Francisco, February 23-27, 2003 (126-129) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, A.M.Meirmanov, V.N.Starovoitov
Diffusion problem with boundary conditions of hysteresis type
Preprint N111, SFB611 "Singuläre Phänomene und Skalierung in mathematischen Modellen'', Bonn, 2003 (1-15) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, V.N.Starovoitov, V.L.Turova
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of the Biosensor
caesar Annual Report 2002 (Coupling of Biological and Electronic Systems 2_2_2), 2003 (1-2) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, V.L.Turova
Biosensor: Development of numerical methods and software
caesar Annual Report 2002 (Coupling of Biological and Electronic Systems 2_2_3), 2003 (1-2) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Fully coupled model of a nonlinear thin plate excited by piezoelectric actuators
Optimal control of complex structures (Oberwolfach, 2000), Internat. Ser. Numer. Math., Vol. 139, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2002 (107-118) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann, V.N.Starovoitov
Homogenization of interfaces between rapidly oscillating fine elastic structures and fluids
Preprint 2002-12-30 30. caesar, Bonn, 2002 - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, V.L.Turova
Biosensor: Modeling and Simulation
caesar Annual Report 2001 (Coupling of Biological and Electronic Systems 2_2_2), 2002 (1-2) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Real-time optimization and stabilization of distributed parameter systems with piezoelectric elements
Online Optimization of Large Scale Systems, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2001 (205-228) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
A fully coupled model of a nonlinear thin plate excited by piezoelectric actuators
Smart materials. Proceedings of the first caesarium, Bonn, Nov. 17-19, 1999, Springer, 2001 (9-22 ) - K.-H.Hoffmann, N.D.Botkin, M.Tewes, M.Schlensog, V.L.Turova
Wave propagation in biosensors
caesar Annual Report 2000 (Nanotechnology/Materials Science 2_1_3), 2001 (1-2) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Homogenization of von Kármán plates excited by piezoelectric patches
ZAMM, 80(9), 2000 (579-590) - N.D.Botkin, A.O.Govorov, A.V.Kalameitsev, M.Rotter, A.Wixforth, J.Kotthaus, K.-H.Hoffmann
Nonlinear acoustoelectrictransport in a two-dimensional electron system
Physical Review B, 62(4), 2000 (2659-2668) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
Homogenization of a fully coupled model for a nonlinear thin plate excited by piezoelectric transducers
Preprint 00-23, DFG-Project "Echtzeit-Optimierung großer Systeme'', 2000 (1-11) - N.D.Botkin, K.-H.Hoffmann
A fully coupled model of a nonlinear thin plate excited by piezoelectric actuators
Preprint 00-25, DFG-Project "Echtzeit-Optimierung großer Systeme'', 2000 (1-13)