05.11.2024 16:00 Elisa Dell'Arriva: Approximation Schemes on Knapsack and Packing Problems of Hyperspheres and Fat Objects
Geometric packing problems have been investigated for centuries in mathematics and a notable example is the Kepler's conjecture, from the 1600s, about the packing of spheres in the Euclidean space.
In this talk, we mainly address the knapsack problem of hyperspheres. The input is a set of hyperspheres associated with profits and a hyperrectangular container, the knapsack. The goal is to pack a maximum profit subset of the hyperspheres into the knapsack. For this problem, we present a PTAS. For a more general version, where we can have arbitrary fat objects instead of hyperspheres, we present a resource augmentation scheme (an algorithm that gives a super optimal solution in a slightly increased knapsack).