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Oberseminar Dynamics
Current Semester Talks
Former Talks
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
14.10.2024 | Anna Büttner | PIK Potsdam | A universal adaptive network formulation of power grid dynamics |
21.10.2024 | Max Sauerbrey | TU Delft | Solution theory for the stochastic thin film equation with spatially colored noise |
28.10.2024 | Giulio Zucal | MPG CBG | Graph and Hypergraph limits |
28.10.2024 | Weiwei Hu | Uni Georgia | Optimal control for suppression of singularity in chemotaxis |
04.11.2024 | Leonardo Serantola | UNESP | On the Stability of Hybrid Polycycles |
11.11.2024 | Christopher Beekmann | TU Eindhoven | A Rough Path Approach to Random Bifurcations |
18.11.2024 | Joris van Winden | TU Delft | Stability and noise-induced motion of symmetric patterns in SPDEs |
25.11.2024 | Frederik Heers | TUM | Lyapunov Exponents of Recurrent Neural Networks |
02.12.2024 | Andre Röhm | Uni Tokyo | Information processing with driven dynamical systems via Reservoir Computing |
09.12.2024 | David Hien | TUM | Cycling Signatures: Analyzing Recurrence using Algebraic Topology |
16.12.2024 | Alejandro Sanchez | Uni Barcelona | Characterising exchange of stability in scalar reaction-diffusion equations via geometric blow-up |
13.01.2025 | Henrik Weyer | LMU | Intracellular protein patterns: Phase-space geometry and nonlinear wavelength dynamics |
20.01.2025 | Mark van den Bosch | Uni Leiden | Global versus local phase tracking: Metastability of travelling waves in stochastic reaction-diffusion systems |
27.01.2025 | Antonio Agresti | Uni Sapienza Rome | Chasing regularization by noise of 3D Navier-Stokes equations |
27.01.2025 | Konrad Reichel | TUM | Trajectory-wise Time Rescaling in Controllability and Optimal Control Theory |
03.02.2025 | Juri Joussen | Uni Stuttgart | Two-time scale dynamics of solutions to a rimming flow equation |
10.02.2025 | Theresa Lange | SNS Pisa | On convex integration solutions to the surface quasi-geostrophic equation with generic additive noise |
17.02.2025 | Dennis Chemnitz | FU Berlin | Dynamic Stability in Stochastic Gradient Descent |
17.02.2025 | Xuexing Zhao | TUM | Multiscale Stochastic System and Fokker-Planck Equation |
10.03.2025 | Indra Ghosh | Massey Uni | Advances in bifurcations and dynamics of low-dimensional maps |
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
15.04.2024 | Jonas Janson | Lund Uni | Pattern Formation and Film Rupture in an Asymptotic Model of the Bénard– Marangoni problem |
22.04.2024 | Ivan Bonamassa | CEU | Chimeric critical phenomena of non-local cascades at mixed-order phase transitions |
29.04.2024 | Mete Ahunbay | TUM | On the Uniqueness of Bayesian Coarse Correlated Equilibria in Standard First-Price and All-Pay Auctions |
29.04.2024 | Christian Kuehn | TUM | Early-Warning Signs and their Applications to Climate Dynamics |
06.05.2024 | Martin Peev | ICL | Renormalising Noncommutative SPDEs |
13.05.2024 | Zheng Bian | Uni Sao Paulo | Emergence of chaotic cluster synchronization in heterogeneous networks |
27.05.2024 | Nicola Vassena | IZBI Leipzig | Finding bifurcations in reaction networks with parameter-rich kinetics |
03.06.2024 | Jonas Tölle | Aalto Uni | Stability and moment estimates for nonlinear SPDEs with singular diffusivity |
10.06.2024 | Matthew Colbrook | Uni Cambridge | Data-Driven Spectral Measures and Generalized Eigenfunctions of Koopman Operators |
10.06.2024 | Jonas Latz | Uni Manchester | Losing Momentum in Continuous-time Stochastic Optimisation |
17.06.2024 | Tomer Berlinski | TUM | Modelling SIS Epidemics on Small-World Networks Using Moment Closures |
24.06.2024 | Dan Hill | Uni Saarbrücken | Approximating fully localised planar patterns: A radial spatial dynamics approach |
01.07.2024 | Swann Marx | Uni Nantes | Stability and controllability analysis of infinite-dimensional singularly perturbed systems |
15.07.2024 | Gianmarco del Sarto | SNS Pisa | A non-autonomous framework for climate change and extreme weather events increase in a stochastic energy balance model |
22.07.2024 | Erik Mau | Uni Potsdam | Phase reduction explains chimera shape: when multi-body interaction matters |
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
18.09.2023 | Kate Meyer | Carleton College | Continuation of fixed points and bifurcations from ODE to flow-kick disturbance models |
16.10.2023 | Stefanie Ecker | TUM | SIS models and the impact of stress on infection rates |
23.10.2023 | Rainer Engelken | Columbia Uni | Lyapunov spectra of recurrent neural networks: implications for machine learning |
23.10.2023 | Iacopo Longo | Imperial College | Persistent sychronization of heterogeneous networks with time-dependent linear diffusive coupling |
30.10.2023 | Eddie Nijholt | Imperial College | High-order phase reduction using the parametrization method |
13.11.2023 | Martina Neumann | Uni Wien | Transferability of graph neural networks using graphon and sampling theories |
13.11.2023 | Peter Koltai | Uni Bayreuth | Takens meets Koopman: Linear least squares prediction of nonlinear time series |
27.11.2023 | Corbit Sampson | Colorado Uni | Oscillatory and excitable dynamics in opinion models with group dynamics |
27.11.2023 | Riccardo Bonetto | RU Groningen | Networks of pendula with diffusive interactions |
04.12.2023 | Behnaz Rahmani | Uni Auckland | Understanding complex oscillations in a model of intracellular calcium dynamics |
11.12.2023 | Martin Rasmussen | Imperial College | Random dynamical systems with bounded noise: a boundary mapping approach |
18.12.2023 | Alexander Schell | ETH Zürich | Functional analytical insights into rough path theory and its expanding frontiers in data science and machine learning |
08.01.2024 | Deb Panja | Utrecht Uni | Temporal criticality |
15.01.2024 | Eun Joo Kim | TUM | Multimodal tropical tree cover states in monostable dynamical systems - reconsidering theory and observations |
22.01.2024 | Felix Dietrich | TUM | Improving nonlinear canonical correlation analysis through jointly smooth functions |
22.01.2024 | Arkady Pikovsky | Uni Potsdam | Dynamics of oscillator populations with disorder in the phase shifts in coupling |
05.02.2024 | Edmilson Roque | Uni Sao Paulo | Ergodic basis pursuit induces robust reconstruction of sparse network dynamics |
12.02.2024 | Alexandru Craciun | LMU | On the stability of gradient descent for large learning rates |
19.02.2024 | Jule Schindler | TUM | Analysis of a multiscale model for cholera |
04.03.2024 | Amit Einav | Durham Uni | About chaos and order in many element systems |
25.03.2024 | Gautham Govind | TUM | When can we approximate wide contrastive models with neural tangent kernels and principal component analysis? |
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
17.04.2023 | Artur Stephan | WIAS Berlin | Fast-slow chemical reaction systems: gradient systems and EDP-convergence |
24.04.2023 | Andreas Morr | PIK Potsdam | Red Noise in continuous-time Stochastic Modelling |
01.05.2023 | public holiday | ||
08.05.2023 | Pascal Lehner | TUM | An Infinite Dimensional Linear Fast-Reaction System |
22.05.2023 | Anastasia Golovin | TUM | Extension of the Adaptive Voter Model to Hypergraphs |
29.05.2023 | public holiday | ||
05.06.2023 | Yu Meng | MPI PKS | Tipping point in stochastic networked dynamical system |
05.06.2023 | Joasias Reppekus | BU Wuppertal | Live One-resonance and doubly connected basins of attraction in dynamics of iterated holomorphic maps |
12.06.2023 | Bastian Hilder | Lund Uni | Modulating fronts in pattern-forming systems with oscillatory instability |
12.06.2023 | Xiaoliang Zhao | Bielefeld Uni | Derivation of macroscopic equations for interacting diffusions with singular kernels |
26.06.2023 | Marc Hovemann | Uni Jena | Triebel-Lizorkin spaces and applications: PDEs, dynamical systems and neural networks |
26.06.2023 | Michel Davydov | INRIA | Replica-mean-field limit of continuous-time fragementation-aggregation-interaction processes |
03.07.2023 | Gideon Chiusole | TUM | Towards Abstract Wiener Model Spaces |
10.07.2023 | Georg Heinze | TU Chemnitz | Graph-based nonlocal gradient systems and their local limits |
17.07.2023 | Jaeyoung Yoon | SNU | Winfree model with higher-order couplings and influences |
24.07.2023 | Martina Conte | Politecnico di Turino | Modeling of cell dynamics across scales |
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
10.10.2022 | Dr. Oleh Omelchenko | Uni Potsdam | Periodic orbits in the Ott-Antonsen manifold |
17.10.2022 | Sara-Viola Kuntz | TUM | Geometric Blow-up for Limit Cycle Bifurcations and Maps |
24.10.2022 | Weiwei Qi | Uni Alberta | Noise-induced transient dynamics |
31.10.2022 | Marta Varela | Imperial College | Data-Informed Biophysical Modelling of Heart |
14.11.2022 | Maximilian Schemel | TUM | Mixed-Mode oscillations in the Olsen model |
12.12.2022 | Guilherme de Paula Reis | TUM | Interacting diffusion on random graphs |
09.01.2023 | Shuang Chen | CCN Uni | Periodic traveling wave solutions with large speed |
16.01.2023 | Ekin Köksal | TUM | Impact of Parameter Uncertainties in Ice Sheet Models |
23.01.2023 | Frederik Thomsen | TU Delft | Global features in models of cancer therapy with time-varying treatment |
30.01.2023 | Giulio Zucal | MPI MIS | Action convergence: from graph to hypergraph limits |
30.01.2023 | Parvaneh Johari Nadl | MPI MIS | Curvature and hyperconvexity |
06.03.2023 | Sergey Tikhomirov | Uni Duisburg-Essen | Two tube model of miscible displacement: viscous fingers as travelling waves |
20.03.2023 | Goro Akagi | Tohoku University | Rate of convergence to asymptotic profiles for fast diffusion on domains via energy methods |
27.03.2023 | Antonia Duex | TUM | Early-warning signs of SDEs with multiplication operators |
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
29.04.2022 | Iacopo Longo | TUM | A path towards classifying rate-induced tipping as a nonautonomous bifurcation |
09.05.2022 | Rita Nader | Université d'Orléans | Stochastic resonance in stochastic PDEs |
16.05.2022 | Yu Tian | University of Oxford | Unifying information propagation models on networks and influence maximisation |
23.05.2022 | Arno Berger | University of Alberta | Digits and dynamics - A brief tour of Benford's Law |
20.06.2022 | Alexander Robinson | Complutense Uni Madrid | Mapping the stability of dynamic Earth system components |
27.06.2022 | Iacopo Longo | TUM | A path towards classifying rate-induced tipping as a nonautonomous bifurcation |
04.07.2022 | Lukas Wessels | TU Berlin | Optimal Control of Stochastic Reaction-Diffusion Equations |
11.07.2022 | Jacopo Vittadello | TUM | Dynamics of Nonautonomous Measure Driven Differential Equations and Applications to Resilience |
18.07.2022 | Peter van Heijster | Wageningen Uni | Travelling waves in a reaction-diffusion model with nonlinear forward-backward-forward diffusion |
25.07.2022 | Elisabetta Brocchieri | Université d’Evry-Val-d’Essonne | Cross-diffusion systems: existence and uniqueness of strong solutions |
29.08.2022 | Jesús Dueñas Pamplona | Universidad de Valladolid | The role of concave derivative in nonautonomous scalar bifurcation theory and applications in critical transitions in population dynamics |
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
11.10.2021 | Daniela Schlager | TUM | Stability Analysis of Multiplayer Games on Simplicial Complexes in Adaptive Networks |
18.10.2021 | Christophe Poquet | Université Lyon | Periodic behavior of mean-field systems |
25.10.2021 | Eric Lucon | Université Paris Descartes | Large-time dynamics of mean-field interacting diffusions along a limit cycle |
01.11.2021 | no talk | public holiday | |
08.11.2021 | Alexandra Holzinger | TU Wien | Rigorous mean-field derivation of cross-diffusion population models |
15.11.2021 | Seungjae Lee | TUM | Poisson and non-Poisson Chimeras in Two-population Networks |
22.11.2021 | Zhongwei Shen | University of Alberta | Transient dynamics in stochastic systems |
29.11.2021 | Sune Lehmann | DTU | Some thoughts on modeling temporal communication networks and dynamical processes |
06.12.2021 | Merten Stender | TU Hamburg | Recurrence-based nonlinear time series analysis |
13.12.2021 | Tommaso Rosati | Imperial College London | The Allen-Cahn equation with generic initial datum |
31.01.2022 | Konstantin Clauß | TUM | Local random wave model for semiclassical fractal structure of chaotic resonance states |
07.02.2022 | Marin Bilos | TUM | Neural Flows: Efficient Alternative to Neural ODEs |
14.02.2022 | Mahalakshmi Sabanayagam | TUM | New Insights into Graph Convolutional Networks using Neural Tangent Kernels |
21.02.2022 | Christian Hilbe | MPI EB | Memory-n strategies of direct reciprocity |
07.03.2022 | David Poyato | Université Lyon | Mean field limit of non-exchangeable multi-agent systems |
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
12.04.2021 | Tao Wen | SUTD | Analysis of Fractal Characteristics of Complex Networks and Its Application |
19.04.2021 | Benjamin Jüttner | DTU | Synchronization in adaptive networks |
26.04.2021 | Johannes Piller | TUM | Shear-induced chaos and conditioned Lyapunov exponents: A case study of the Bautin bifurcation |
03.05.2021 | no Oberseminar | OWD on Friday instead | |
10.05.2021 | Yuanzhao Zhang | Cornell University | Stability analysis of cluster synchronization patterns in generalized networks: Is symmetry really your friend? |
17.05.2021 | Mazyar Ghani | TU Berlin | A dynamical Theory for rough singular equations with delay |
24.05.2021 | public holiday | no talk | |
31.05.2021 | Montie Avery | University of Minnesota | Universal dynamics of pulled fronts |
07.06.2021 | no Oberseminar | OWD on Friday instead | |
14.06.2021 | Florian Klimm | Imperial College Uni Cambridge | Modularity maximisation for graphons |
21.06.2021 | Jean Daniel Mukam | TU Chemnitz | A Magnus-type integrator for semilinear parabolic non-autonomous SPDEs |
28.06.2021 | Jan Korbel | Medizinische Universität Wien | Thermodynamics of structure-forming systems |
05.07.2021 | no Oberseminar | OWD on Friday instead | |
12.07.2021 | Shuang Chen | Huazhong Uni | Instability of small-amplitude periodic waves from fold-Hopf bifurcation |
19.07.2021 | Yunan Yang | New York University | Optimal Transport for Parameter Identification of Chaotic Dynamics via Invariant Measures |
19.07.2021 | Jemima M. Tabeart | University of Edinburgh | Parallelisable preconditioners for saddle point weak-constraint 4D-Var |
14.09.2021 | Tram Nguyen | Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz | Parameter identification for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in Magnetic Particle Imaging |
14.09.2021 | Chiara Piazzola | CNR-IMATI | Uncertainty quantification and identifiability of SIR-like dynamical systems |
14.09.2021 | Hillary Fairbanks | Lawrence Livermore | A Multilevel Sampling Approach to Accelerate Large-Scale Bayesian Inference |
28.09.2021 | Jose Mujica | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Computation of invariant manifolds in a boundary-value-problem setup: applications on slow-fast systems and coupled oscillators |
28.09.2021 | Davide Sclosa | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Mean-Field Limits of Phase Oscillator Networks and Their Symmetries |
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
02.11.2020 | Manuel Fuchsberger | TUM | Directed Percolation and the Transition to Turbulence: A Geo-Statistical Analysis |
09.11.2020 | no Oberseminar | OWD on Friday instead | |
16.11.2020 | Andrew Ringsmuth | CSH | Modelling cross-scale interactions in social-ecological systems for sustainable governance |
23.11.2020 | Hana Krakovská | TUM | Resilience of Dynamical Systems |
30.11.2020 | Rishabh Gvalani | MPI MIS | The mean field and diffusive limits for weakly interacting diffusions |
07.12.2020 | no Oberseminar | OWD on Friday instead | |
14.12.2020 | Marios Gkogkas | TUM | Homogenization of fast-slow systems with chaotic fast dynamics |
21.12.2020 | Francesca Scarabel | York Uni | A renewal equation model for disease transmission dynamics with contact tracing |
11.01.2021 | no Oberseminar | OWD on Friday instead | |
18.01.2021 | Jan Boeckmann | TUM | An Approximation Algorithm for Network Flow Interdiction with Unit Costs |
25.01.2021 | Roisin Braddell | UPC | The Boundary of Bounded Motions in the Planar Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem |
01.02.2021 | Anne Pein | TUM | The parabolic Anderson model with Pareto potential on critical Galton-Watson trees conditioned to survive |
08.02.2021 | Tania Biswas | Uni Pavia | Optimal Control Problems for the Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes System |
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Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
14.10.2019 | Bảo Tăng Quốc | KF Uni Graz | Quasi-steady-state approximation and fast reaction limit for volume-surface reaction-diffusion systems |
21.10.2019 | Amitai Linker | TUM | The contact process on stationary dynamic networks |
28.10.2019 | Esther Daus | TU Wien | Multi-species cross-diffusion population models: existence of solutions and derivation from underlying particle models |
04.11.2019 | Karel Kenens | Uni Hasselt | Gevrey asymptotic expansions for slow manifolds |
11.11.2019 | Carsten Chon | EPFL | The almost-sure asymptotic behavior of the solution to the stochastic heat equation with Lévy noise |
18.11.2019 | Pasha Tkachov | GSSI | On stability of traveling wave solutions for integro-differential equations related to branching Markov processes |
18.11.2019 | Jichen Yang | Uni Bremen | Spectral analysis and decay estimates for reaction-subdiffusion equations |
03.12.2019 | Yi-Ming Lai | Uni Nottingham | Beyond networks: Master stability and pattern formation with graphons |
09.12.2019 | Marcel Braukhoff | TU Wien | Chemotaxis-consumption model and the importance of the boundary conditions |
10.12.2019 | Alexander Lohse | Uni Hamburg | Realizing directed graphs as heteroclinic networks |
16.12.2019 | Martin Schreiber | TUM | On Next-Generation Time Stepping Methods for Weather and Climate Simulations |
16.12.2019 | Merlin Pelz | TUM | Mathematical Analysis of a Multi-Scale Partial Differential Equation Model of Vegetation Pattern Formation in Dryland Ecosystems |
13.01.2020 | Mariya Ptashnyk | Heriot Watt Uni | Analysis of a free-boundary problems describing mechanical interactions in a multicellular system |
27.01.2020 | Edouard Strickler | INRIA Nancy | Random switching between vector fields sharing a common zero and applications to biology |
03.02.2020 | Marius Yamakou | Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg | Transitions between weak-noise-induced resonance phenomena in a multiple timescale neural system |
24.02.2020 | Peter Ashwin | Exeter | Tipping points of nonautonomous dynamical systems: from theory to application |
02.03.2020 | Raffaella Mulas | MPI MIS | Hypergraph Laplace Operators for Chemical Reaction Networks |
11.03.2020 | Gabriel Fuhrmann | Imperial College | Topological dynamics at the interface between order and disorder |
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
29.04.2019 | Maximilian Engel | TUM | Modelling animal group size statistics: from coagulation-fragmentation equations to Markov jump processes |
06.05.2019 | Björn de Rijk | Uni Stuttgart | The effect of different velocities on global existence and decay in reaction-diffusion-advection systems |
06.05.2019 | Katharhina Eichinger | TUM | Sample Path Estimates for Stochastic Fast-Slow Systems Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion |
27.05.2019 | Valeria Giunta | Uni Palermo | Aggregation phenomena, secondary instabilities and well-posedness in chemotaxis models of inflammatory diseases |
11.06.2019 | Mattia Marinelli | DTU | Balancing power systems with electric vehicles – large-scale stability perspective |
17.06.2019 | Sebastian Schwarzacher | Uni Karlin | Existence and regularity for a non-linear Koiter shell interacting with an incompressible fluid |
24.06.2019 | Francesco Romano | Uni Michigan | Particle coherent structures in incompressible fluid flows |
24.06.2019 | Robert Hesse | Uni Jena | Global Mild Solutions for Rough Evolution Equations |
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
09.04.2018 | Jana Lipkova | TUM | S-Leaping: An adaptive accelerated stochastic simulation algorithm |
16.04.2018 | Chuang Xu | Uni Alberta | Stochastic Bistability: A Logistic Model with Mating Limitation and Stochastic Immigration |
30.04.2018 | Hildeberto Jardon-Kojakhmetov | TUM | Normal forms for slow-fast systems |
07.05.2018 | Esther Daus | TU Wien | Cross-diffusion population systems for multiple species |
28.05.2018 | Camilo Silva | TUM | Nonlinear dynamics and combustion instabilities: an overview |
11.06.2018 | Stefanie Sonner | Uni Graz | Exponential attractors for infinite dimensional dynamical systems |
18.06.2018 | Annalisa Iuorio | TU Wien | Geometric Singular Perturbation Analysis of a Model for Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) |
25.06.2018 | Daniela Vögeler | TUM | Breaking the curse of dimension in multi-marginal Kantorovich optimal transport on finite state spaces |
02.07.2018 | Philipp Rinklin | TUM | Thermally induced lesions and signal modulation in cardiomyocyte networks |
09.07.2018 | Sabine Jansen | LMU | Metastability and effective interfaces for the high-intensity Widom-Rowlinson model |
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
23.10.2017 | Cinzia Soresina | CNR IMATI | About predator-prey reaction cross-diffusion systems derived by time scale arguments |
30.10.2017 | Stefania Ottaviano | Uni Trient | The influence of the population contact network and stochasticity on the epidemics transmission |
06.11.2017 | Francesco Romano | LMU | Early-warning signs for critical transitions in stochastic differential equations |
13.11.2017 | Maxime Breden | TUM | Computer-assisted proofs for dynamical systems |
20.11.2017 | Christian Seis | Uni Münster | Convergence rates for numerical approximations to linear continuity equations with rough coefficients |
18.12.2017 | Christian Bick | Uni Oxford | Oscillator Networks: Collective Dynamics through Generalized Interactions |
15.01.2018 | Daniel Karrasch | TUM | Lagrangian Coherent Structures I |
22.01.2018 | Daniel Karrasch | TUM | Lagrangian Coherent Structures II |
29.01.2018 | Morteza Shahrezaye | HFP Munich | Dynamic Networks and Applications in Social Media Analysis - Part 1 |
29.01.2018 | Orestis Papakyriakopoulos | HFP Munich | Dynamic Networks and Applications in Social Media Analysis - Part 2 |
05.02.2018 | Annalisa Iuorio | TU Wien | Geometric Singular Perturbation Analysis of a Model for Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) |
12.02.2018 | Sergey Tikhomirov | Uni St- Petersburg | Shadowing of infinite and finite pseudotrajectories |
20.02.2018 | Paul Carter | Uni of Arizona | Canard induced pulse-adding and spike-adding transitions in slow-fast systems |
28.02.2018 | Peter Giesl | Uni Sussex | Existence and construction of a contraction metric as solution of a matrix-valued PDE |
Datum | Name | Universität | Titel |
24.04.2017 | Manuel Gnann | TUM | Stability of receding traveling waves in viscous thin films |
10.05.2017 | Alexandra Neamtu | Uni Jena | Dynamics of Stochastic Evolution Equations in Banach Spaces |
15.05.2017 | Luca Asselle | Uni Bochum | Simple Tonelli waists on closed surfaces |
29.05.2017 | Simon Plazotta | TUM | Gradient Flows: a constructive approach in abstract metric spaces |
09.06.2017 | Kathryn Spalding | Loughborough Uni | Lyapunov spectrum of Markov and Euclid trees |
09.06.2017 | Narcis Banos | MAIA | Diffusive properties of chaotic orbits in the presence of accelerator modes in low dimensional conservative systems |
26.06.2017 | Jonas Sauer | MPI MIS | Time-Periodic Lp Estimates for Parabolic Boundary Value Problems |
03.07.2017 | Felix Kemeth | TUM | An Equal Space, An Equal Time: Data-Driven Embeddings of Complex Dynamics |
10.07.2017 | Sebastian Throm | TUM | Self-similarity in Smoluchowski's coagulation equation |
17.07.2017 | Martin Rasmussen | Imperial College | Topological equivalence of random dynamical systems |
17.07.2017 | Pasha Tkachov | Uni Bielefeld | Long-time behavior in non-local monostable equations: Effects and methods |