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Members of the research group Numerical Mathematics


Picture of Barbara Wohlmuth

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Barbara Wohlmuth

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Apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Rainer Callies


Foto von Olga Watton

Olga Watton

Scientific Staff

Picture of Markus Muhr

Dr. rer. nat. Markus Muhr

Akademischer Rat (a.Z.)

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M.Sc. Jonas Beddrich

Foto von Andreas Burkhart

M.Sc. Andreas Burkhart

Foto von Fabian Holzberger

M.Sc. Fabian Holzberger

Foto von Medeea Ariana Horvat

M.Sc. Medeea Ariana Horvat

Foto von Stephan Lunowa

Ph.D. Stephan Lunowa

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M.Sc. Georg Schwarz

Foto von Andreas Wagner

M.Sc. Andreas Wagner

Foto von Jan Zawallich

M.Sc. Jan Zawallich


Foto von Tobias Duswald

Tobias Duswald, M.Sc.

Former Members of the Research Group

  • Dr. Laura Melas
  • Amir Peiraviminaei
  • Giorgia Marcolini, Ph. D.
  • M.Sc. Gladys Gutierrez Lupinta
  • Dr. Tanu Singh
  • Dr. Marvin Fritz
  • Dr. Ustim Khristenko
  • Dr. habil. Tobias Köppl
  • Dr. Mabel Lizzy Rajendran
  • Dr. Daniel Drzisga
  • Dr. Shubhangi Gupta
  • Dr. Brendan Keith
  • Dr. Mario Teixeira Parente
  • M.Sc. Florian Beiser
  • Prof. Dr. Laura Scarabosio
  • Prof. Dr. Vanja Nikolić
  • Dr. Ettore Vidotto
  • Dr. Markus Huber
  • Dr. Steven Mattis
  • Dr. Piotr Swierczynski
  • Dr. Linus Wunderlich
  • M.Sc. Ali Ghasemi
  • Dr. Ehsan Fattahi Evati
  • Dr. Thomas Horger
  • Dr. Klaus-Dieter Reinsch
  • Dr. Lorenz John
  • Dr. Petra Pustejovska
  • Dr. Olena Burkovska
  • Dr. Ludwig Barnerßoi
  • Dr. Christian Waluga
  • Prof. Dr. Thomas Dickopf (Professor zur Vertretung)
  • Dr. Anna Zhigun
  • Dr. Björn Gmeiner
  • Prof. Dr. Miriam Mehl
  • Bernhard Gatzhammer
  • Eva Mueller
  • Dr. Matthias Wohlmuth
  • Prof. Dr. Herbert Egger
  • Matthias Schlottbom
  • Dr. Igor Shevchenko
  • Dr. Anh-Vu Vuong
  • Dr. Tobias Weigl
  • Dr. Michael Dörfel
  • Dr. Martina Pospiech
  • Prof. Dr. Bernd Simeon
  • Dr. Christoph Heinrich
  • Dipl. Math. Dipl. Phys. Manuel Villegas Caballero
  • Dipl. Tech. Math. Evgeniy Zharovsky
  • Dr. Andreas Klimke
  • Florian Augustin
  • Dipl. Tech. Math. Human Rezaijafari
  • Matthias Hofmann
  • Dipl.-Technomath. Stefan Karpinski



Prof. Dr. Peter Rentrop