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Dynamical Systems
Research group of Prof. Dr. Daniel Matthes
The research group of Prof. Matthes explores the qualitative theory of partial differential equation solutions.
Winter term 2024/25
Course no. | Title | Dates | Duration | Type | Lecturer (assistant) |
0000004219 | Advanced Student Seminar: Functional Inequalities and PDEs |
2 | HS | |
0220009245 | Analysis Seminar |
2 | SE | |
0240809627 | Exercises for Functional Analysis |
2 | UE | |
0240851848 | Functional Analysis |
4 | VO | |
0000003722 | Höhere Analysis in Aufgaben [MA1009] |
2 | UE |
Summer term 2025
Course no. | Title | Dates | Duration | Type | Lecturer (assistant) |
0000004191 | Advanced Student Seminar: Semi-groups: from C-0 to C-omega |
2 | HS | |
0220009245 | Analysis Seminar Augsburg/München |
2 | SE | |
0820830407 | Complex Analysis [MA2006] |
2 | VO | |
0000003722 | Höhere Analysis in Aufgaben [MA1009] |
2 | UE | |
0000004175 | Workshop (Chaos in Dynamical Systems) [MA0006P] |
2 | WS |
Name | Research Activity | University | Term |
Prof. Dr. Filippo Santambrodgio | John v. Neumann-Professor | Université Paris SUD Université Claude Bernard - Lyon | SoSe 2018 |
Prof. Dr. Guillaume Carlier | John v. Neumann-Professor | Ceremede Dauphine | SoSe 2018 |
Dr. Simon Plazotta
Dr. Benjamin Söllner