This week-long conference on Algebraic Statistics brings the international Algebraic Statistics community in contact with the Combinatorial Synergies SPP. It features 10 invited talks from international speakers, 12 short talks, and a poster session. The workshop begins at 9:30am on Monday, March 24th and ends at 12:00pm on Friday, March 28th. For more information please visit the conference website.
The scientific program is organized by Carlos Améndola, Mathias Drton, Benjamin Hollering, and Thomas Kahle. There is no conference fee but registration is required for attendance. Those who have not registered yet and are interested in participating in the workshop should send an email to Benjamin Hollering (benjamin.hollering(at)
This conference has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 883818) and the DFG priority program SPP 2458 "Combinatorial Synergies".