Conference: Frontiers in Calculus of Variations and Applied Analysis
TUM Institute for Advanced Study, Munich

The workshop brings together leading researchers in partial differential equations, calculus of variations and geometric measure theory to address cutting-edge nonlinear problems in mathematical analysis. The speakers will present their recent contributions with applications ranging from continuum mechanics and materials science to optimal transport and shape optimization. The event serves as a forum to stimulate interdisciplinary dialogue and foster future collaborations between pure and applied analysts.
- Marco Cicalese, Technical University of Munich
- Leonard Kreutz, Technical University of Munich
- Gianluca Orlando, Politecnico di Bari
The workshop is open to young researchers.
The workshop starts on Monday, 8th September at 9am and finishes on Friday, 12th September 2025.
Please register here by July 25th 2025
Invited speakers
- Giovanni Alberti, University of Pisa
- Lia Bronsard, McMaster University, Hamilton
- Giuseppe Buttazzo, University of Pisa
- Antonin Chambolle, University of Paris Dauphine-PSL
- Giuseppe Maria Coclite, Politecnico di Bari
- Maria Colombo, EPFL, Lausanne
- Sergio Conti, University of Bonn
- Gianni Dal Maso, SISSA, Trieste
- Sara Daneri, GSSI, L'Aquila
- Rupert Frank, LMU, Munich
- Manuel Friedrich, FAU, Erlangen
- Gero Friesecke, TUM, Munich
- Nicola Fusco, University of Naples Federico II
- Adriana Garroni, University of Rome La Sapienza
- Michael Goldman, CMAP, Palaiseau
- Vesa Julin, University of Jyväskylä
- Giovanni Leoni, CMU, Pittsburgh
- Francesco Maddalena, Politecnico di Bari
- Massimiliano Morini, University of Parma
- Cyrill Muratov, University of Pisa
- Carlo Nitsch, University of Naples Federico II
- Matteo Novaga, University of Pisa
- Heiner Olbermann, UC Louvain
- Mark Peletier, TU Eindhoven
- Alessandra Pluda, University of Pisa
- Aldo Pratelli, University of Pisa
- Melanie Rumpfling, University of Oxford
- Francesco Solombrino, University of Salento, Lecce
- Emanuele Spadaro, University of Rome La Sapienza
- Christina Trombetti, University of Naples Federico II
Travel, Accommodation and Conference Dinner
- The workshop takes place at the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) which is located on the Garching Research Campus (Garching Forschungszentrum), in the north of Munich and can be easily reached by public transport and by car: IAS, Lichtenbergstraße 2, 85748 Garching-Forschungszentrum
- Parking is available on campus but using public tranport is recommended
- Several hotels are located in nearby Garching and Garching Hochbruck should you require accommodation.
- There will be a conference dinner in central Munich on Wednesday evening. Please indicate your participation on registration.