- Value-at-Risk Constrained portfolios in incomplete markets: a dynamic programming approach to Heston's model. Annals of Operations Research, 2025, more…
- Multivariate Affine GARCH in portfolio optimization. Analytical solutions and Applications. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 2025 more…
- Constant Proportion Performance Participation. 2025, more…
- Financial Innovation in Retail Electricity Markets: Residential Solar and Battery Power Purchase Agreements. Working Paper, submitted for publication, 2024, more…
- A Stationary Bootstrap Approach to Simulating Rooftop Solar PV Generation and Electricity Consumption from Households. Working Paper, submitted for publication, 2024, more…
- The Power of Derivatives in Portfolio Optimization under Affine GARCH models. Decisions in Economics and Finance, 2024 more…
- Bayesian learning in an Affine GARCH model with application to portfolio optimization. Working Paper submitted for publication 12 (1611), 2024 more…
- Optimal Consumption and Investment in General Affine GARCH Models. OR Spectrum, 2024 more…
- Do Jumps Matter in Discrete-Time Portfolio Optimization? Operations Research Perspectives, accepted for publication 13, 2024 more…
- Mean-Variance Optimization under Affine GARCH: A Utility-Based Solution. Finance Research Letters 59 (104749), 2024 more…
- Analyzing Credit Spread Changes using Explainable Artifcial Intelligence. International Review of Financial Analysis 94 (103315), 2024 more…
- The Theory of Constant Proportion Performance Participation. Working Paper submitted for publication, 2024 more…
- A Multi-Curve HJM Factor model for pricing and risk management. Quantitative Finance Vol. 23 (No. 11), 2023, 1659–1675 more…
- Mind the Cap! - Constrained Portfolio Optimisation in Heston's Stochastic Volatility Model. Quantitative Finance, 2023, 1-21 more…
- Revisiting the 1/N-strategy: a neural network framework for optimal strategies. Decisions in Economics and Finance, 2023 more…
- COVIX - An Index Allowing to Assess the Pandemic Situation Based on Infections and Hospitalization Data. Applied Sciences, Vol. 13, No. 7, 4554, 2023 more…
- Dynamische Portfolio-Absicherung mit Frühwarnkomponente. Absolut Report 22 (3), 2023 more…
- Constrained portfolios in incomplete markets: a dynamic programming approach to Heston's model. Working Paper submitted for publication, 2022 more…
- Optimal HARA Investments with terminal VaR constraints. Advances in Operations Research, Vol. 2022, Article ID 6357701, 2022, more…
- Portfolio Optimization: Not Necessarily Concave Utility and Constraints on Wealth and Allocation. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 2022, 1-40 more…
- Closed-form portfolio optimization under GARCH models. Operations Research Perspectives 9, 2022, 1-13 more…
- Decrease of capital guarantees in life insurance products: can reinsurance stop it? Insurance: Mathematics and Economics Vol. 105, 14-40 (Insurance: Mathematics and Economics), 2022 more…
- Portfolio Optimization with Wealth-Dependent Risk Constraints. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal (Vol. 3), 2022, 244-268 more…
- Stock Market Crisis Forecasting using Neural Networks with Input Factor Selection. Applied Sciences 12, 2022, 1-16 more…
- Explaining Aggregated Recovery Rates. Risks 10 (18), 2022, 1-30 more…
- Optimal investment strategies for pension funds with regulation-conform dynamic pension payment management in the absence of guarantees. European Actuarial Journal 12 (1), 2022, 647-700 more…
- Quantifying Drivers of Forecasted Returns Using Approximate Dynamic Factor Models for Mixed-Frequency Panel Data. Forecasting 3, 2021, 56-90 more…
- Dynamic Surplus Optimization with Performance- and Index-Linked Liabilities. European Actuarial Journal, 2021 more…
- Closed-form portfolio optimization under GARCH models. 2021, more…
- Editorial to the special issue on Behavioral Insurance: Mathematics and Economics. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 101, 2021, 1-5 more…
- Optimal life-cycle consumption and investment decisions under age-dependent risk preferences. Mathematics and Financial Economics 15, 2021, 275-313 more…
- Hawkes Processes in Insurance: Risk Model, Application to Empirical Data and Optimal Investment. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 101, 2021, 107-124 more…
- Option-Like Properties in the Distribution of Hedge Fund Returns. Frontiers of Engineering Management 7 (2), 2020, 275–286 more…
- Optimal Fees in Hedge Funds with First-Loss Compensation. Jounal of Banking and Finance 118, 2020 more…
- Pricing multiple barrier derivatives under stochastic volatility. Journal of Computational Finance 24 (2), 2020, 77-101 more…
- Behavioral Portfolio Insurance Strategies. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management (34), 2020, 353-399 more…
- Behavioral Portfolio Choice under Hyperbolic Absolute Risk Aversion. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 23 (7), 2020 more…
- Modeling Recovery Rates of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities in the US. Mathematics 8 (11), 2020 more…
- Option-Based Performance Participation. Journal of Banking and Finance (105), 2019, 44-61 more…
- Portfolio optimization under Solvency II. Annals of Operations Research 281, 2019, 193–227 more…
- Wenn die nächste Krise droht - Können finanzmathematische Modelle in die Zukunft sehen? Versicherungswirtschaft 74 (11), 2019, 78-81 more…
- Robust Multivariate Portfolio Choice With Stochastic Covariance In Presence Of Ambiguity. Quantitative Finance, 2018 more…
- Forecasting turbulence in the Asian and European stock market using regime-switching models. Quantitative Finance and Economics 2 (2), 2018, 388-406 more…
- Optimal fee structures in hedge funds. Journal of Asset Management Vol. 19 (No. 7), 2018, 522–542 more…
- To see or not to see - Können finanzmathematische Modelle in die Zukunft sehen? BAI Newsletter (2), 2018, 17-23 more…
- Liability Driven Investments with a Link to Behavioral Finance. Innovations in Risk, 2017 more…
- Two Asset-Barrier Option under Stochastic Volatility. Applied Mathematical Finance 24 (6), 2017, 520–546 more…
- Vulnerable Exotic Derivatives. Journal of Derivatives 24 (3), 2017, 84-102 more…
- HARA Utility Maximization in a Markov-Switching Bond-Stock Market. Quantitative Finance 17 (11), 2017, 1715-1733 more…
- A cointegrated regime-switching model approach with jumps for commodity futures prices. Risks 5 (3), 2017, 1-19 more…
- Finanzmathematische Frühwarnsysteme in der Aktienallokation institutioneller Anleger. Absolut Report 16 (6), 2017, 42-49 more…
- Optimal investment with transaction costs under cumulative prospect theory in discrete time. Mathematics and Financial Economics 11 (4), 2017, 393-421 more…
- Principal Component Models with Stochastic Mean-Reverting levels. Pricing and Covariance surface improvements. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 32 (5), 2016, 585-606 more…
- Optimierung in stetiger Zeit – Dynamische Portfoliooptimierung. RISIKO MANAGER (6), 2016, 32-36 more…
- Closed-form solutions for Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Benefits. European Actuarial Journal 6 (1), 2016, 197-231 more…
- Stochastic Covariance and Dimension Reduction in the Pricing of Basket Options. Review of Derivatives Research 19 (3), 2016, 165-200 more…
- Incorporation of stochastic policyholder behaviour in analytical pricing of GMABs and GMDBs. Risks 4 (4), 2016, 1-36 more…
- Estimation of Stochastic Covariance Models using a Continuum of Moment Conditions. Transactions on Mathematical Software, accepted for publication 42 (4/33), 2016, - more…
- Inflation protected investment strategies. Risks 4 (2), 2016, 1-21 more…
- Risk Management and Portfolio Selection using α-stable Regime Switching Models. Applied Mathematical Sciences 10 (12), 2016, 549 - 582 more…
- Pricing two-asset Barrier Options under Stochastic Correlation via Perturbation. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 18 (3), 2015, 1-44 more…
- Portfolio Optimization in Affine Models with Markov Switching. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 18 (5), 2015, 1-46 more…
- Optimal Investment in Multidimensional Markov-modulated Affine Models: Theory and Examples. Annals of Finance 11 (3), 2015, 503-530 more…
- The Markov-switching Jump Diffusion LIBOR Market Model. Quantitative Finance 15 (3), 2015, 455-476 more…
- Longevity Risk Assessment for Defined-Benefit Pension Plans. Insitutional Investors Journals, Special Issues 2014 (1), 2014, 88-98 more…
- Stochastic Correlation and Volatility Mean-reversion - Empirical Motivation and Derivatives Pricing via Perturbation Theory. Applied Mathematical Finance 21 (6), 2014, 555-594 more…
- Closed form pricing of two-asset barrier options with stochastic covariance. Applied Mathematical Finance 21 (4), 2014, 363-397 more…
- Forecasting market turbulences using regime-switching models. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 28 (2), 2014, 139-164 more…
- Estimation of Risk Measures for Large Credit Portfolios. Journal of Credit Risk 10 (2), 2014, 3-37 more…
- Tail Approximations in Credit Portfolios using Large Deviations Techniques. Applied Mathematical Sciences 8 (22), 2014, 1071-1098 more…
- Optimal Portfolios with Mortgage-Backed Securities. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management 19 (2), 2013, 121-136 more…
- Moving Window Asian Options: Sparse Grids and Least-Squares Monte Carlo. Open Journal of Statistics (OJS) 3 (6), 2013, 427-440 more…
- Multi-Dimensional Structural Credit Modeling under Stochastic Volatility. ISRN Probability and Statistics, 2013, - more…
- Market Crises and the 1/N Asset-Allocation Strategy. The Journal of Investment Strategies 2 (4), 2013, 1-23 more…
- Pricing of Derivatives on Commodity Indices. International Review of Financial Analysis 29, 2013, 143 - 151 more…
- A Fund of Hedge Funds under Regime Switching. The Journal of Alternative Investments 15 (4), 2013, 8-23 more…
- The Crash-NIG-Factor Copula Model: Modeling dependence in Credit Portfolios through the Crisis. European Actuarial Journal 3, 2013, 407-438 more…
- Modeling and Managing Portfolios including Listed Private Equity. Journal of Computers and Operations Research 39 (4), 2012, 753 - 764 more…
- Structural Credit Modeling under Stochastic Volatility. International Journal of Statistics and Probability 1 (1), 2012, 20 - 35 more…
- Impact of Factor Models on Portfolio Risk Measures: A Structural Approach. Journal of Credit Risk 8 (2), 2012, 47-79 more…
- ILLIX – A New Index for Quantifying Illiquidity. Journal of Financial Transformation 34, 2012, 183-193 more…
- Levy-Based Heath-Jarrow-Morton Interest Rate Derivatives: Change of Time Method and PIDEs. International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications 11 (1), 2012, 1-25 more…
- Asset Correlations in Turbulent Markets and their Implications on Asset Management. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 28 (1), 2011, 1-23 more…
- The Risk Appetite of Private Equity Sponsors. Journal of Empirical Finance 18 (5), 2011, 815–832 more…
- An Intensity-based Approach for Equity Modeling. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 27 (6), 2011, 676-690 more…
- A General Structural Approach for Credit Modeling under Stochastic Volatility. Journal of Financial Transformation 32, 2011, 123-132 more…
- Options on a CPPI Portfolio. International Mathematical Forum 6 (5), 2011, 229-262 more…
- Theory of Performance Participation Strategies. working paper, 2011, - more…
- The Crash-NIG-Factor Copula Model: Risk Management of Credit Portfolios. Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions 4 (4), 2011, 392-418 more…
- Stochastic Dominance of Portfolio Insurance Strategies - OBPI versus CPPI. Annals of Operations Research 185 (1), 2011, 75-103 more…
- Portfoliooptimierung in sich ändernden Marktphasen. Absolut|report 9 (6), 2010, 30-39 more…
- Pricing of a CDO on Stochastically Correlated Underlyings. Quantitative Finance 10 (3), 2010, 265-277 more…
- Modeling the Evolution of Implied CDO Correlations. Financial Markets and Portfolio Management 24 (3), 2010, 289-308 more…
- Pricing Credit Derivatives under Stochastic Recovery in a Hybrid Model. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 26, 2010, 254-276 more…
- Pricing Distressed CDOs with Stochastic Recovery. Review of Derivatives Research 13 (3), 2010, 219-244 more…
- Valuation of Reverse Mortgages under (limited) Default Risk. European Journal of Finance 16 (4), 2010, 305-327 more…
- Comparison and Robustification of Bayes and Black-Litterman Models. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 71 (3), 2010, 453-475 more…
- Robustification of Bayesian Portfolio Allocation. Rethinking Risk Measurement and Reporting, 2010, 829-854 more…
- Portfolio Selection under Changing Market Conditions. International Journal of Financial Services Management 4 (1), 2009, 48-63 more…
- The Price of Liquidity in Constant Leverage Strategies. RACSAM 103 (2), 2009, 373-385 more…
- Pricing of Spread Options on Stochastically Correlated Underlyings. The Journal of Computational Finance 12 (3), 2009, 31-61 more…
- Fit for Leverage - Modelling of Hedge Fund Returns in View of Risk Management Purposes. International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 4 (19), 2009, 895-916 more…
- Valuation of Mortgage-Backed Securities and Mortgage Derivatives: A Closed-Form Approximation. Applied Mathematical Finance 16 (5), 2009, 401-427 more…
- Modeling and Pricing of Credit Derivatives Using Macro-Economic Information. Journal of Financial Transformation 26, 2009, 60-68 more…
- What Drives PE? Analyses of Success Factors for Private Equity Funds. Journal of Private Equity 11 (4), 2008, 63-85 more…
- Empirical Evaluation of Hybrid Defaultable Bond Pricing Models. Applied Mathematical Finance 15 (3), 2008, 219-249 more…
- Explaining Aggregated Recovery Rates. working paper, 2008, - more…
- Asset Liability Managment in Financial Planning. The Journal of Wealth Management 11 (2), 2008, 29-46 more…
- Optimal Portfolio Allocation with Asian Hedge Funds and Asian Reits. International Journal of Service Sciences 1 (1), 2008, 36-68 more…
- Loan Recovery Determinants: A Pan-European Study. working paper, 2008, - more…
- A Hybrid-Form Model for the Prepayment-Risk-Neutral Valuation of Mortgage-Backed Securities. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 11 (6), 2008, 635-656 more…
- Inverse Portfolio Optimization under Constraints. The Journal of Asset Management 9 (3), 2008, 239-253 more…
- Integrated Portfolio Management with Options. European Journal of Operations Research 185 (3), 2008, 1477-1500 more…
- Asset Liability Management: Integration oder Diversifikation? Portfolio Institutionell 4, 2008, 20-22 more…
- Generalized Maximum Expected Utility Models for Default Risk - A Comparison of Models with Different Dependence Structures. Journal of Credit Risk 3 (3), 2007, 3-24 more…
- Portfolio Optimization Under Liquidity Cost. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 39 (2), 2007, 221-238 more…
- Integrated Modelling of Stock and Bond Markets. International Journal of Finance 19 (1), 2007, 4252-4277 more…
- Zertifikate - Mehrwert für Privatanleger? Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen 59 (22), 2006, 1235-1239 more…
- Three-Factor Defaultable Term Structure Models. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 17 (2), 2004, 249-285 more…
- Portfolio Optimization Under Credit Risk. Computational Statistics 18 (3), 2003, 317-338 more…
- Using Scenario Analysis for Risk Management. Journal of the German Statistical Society (AStA) 86, 2002, 97-117 more…
- A Three-Factor Defaultable Term Structure Model. The Journal of Fixed Income 10 (2), 2000, 63-79 more…
- Hedging Barrier Options with Standard Products. risklab research paper No. 9805, 1998, - more…
- Benchmark Optimization for Complex Interest-Rate Portfolios. risklab research paper No. 9801, 1998, - more…
- Do You Regret? Asset Allocation bei beschränktem erwarteten Verlustpotential. Solutions 2 (2), 1998, 7-14 more…
- Portfolio Optimization Under Limited Value at Risk. risklab research paper No. 9802, 1998, - more…
- Value at Risk (VaR): Viele Wege führen ans Ziel. Teil 2: Methoden mit approximativer Bewertung. Solutions 1 (2), 1997, 13-21 more…
- Effiziente Value at Risk Berechnung für Rentenportfolios. Finanzmarkt und Portfolio Management 11 (2), 1997, 165-178 more…
- Estimation of the Term Structure and its Application to Risk Management. Discussion Paper No. 103, Europa-Universität VIADRINA, Frankfurt (Oder), Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 1997, - more…
- Value at Risk (VaR): Viele Wege führen ans Ziel. Teil 1: Methoden mit vollständiger Bewertung. Solutions 1 (1), 1997, 11-16 more…
- Downside Up: Optimierung komplexer Zinsportfolios bei beschränktem Verlustpotential. Solutions 1 (3/4), 1997, 13-22 more…
- Univariate und bivariate GARCH-Modelle zur Schätzung des Beta-Faktors. Finanzmarkt und Portfolio Management 10 (1), 1996, 45-52 more…
- A New Form of Jensen's Inequality and its Application to Statistical Experiments. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Series B 36 (4), 1995, 389-398 more…
- The Effect of Information in Separable Bayesian Semi-Markov Control Models and its Application to Investment Planning. Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 41 (3), 1995, 277-288 more…
- Monotonocity and Bounds for Convex Stochastic Control Models. ZOR - Methods and Models of Operations Research 39 (2), 1994, 187-207 more…
- Learning Effects in Economic Models Under Uncertainty. Methods and Models of Operations Research 63, 1990, 115-118 more…