Foto von Dominik de Witte

M.Sc. Dominik de Witte

Technische Universität München

Professur für Risk and Insurance (Prof. Scherer)


Parkring 11/II
85748 Garching b. München

Short CV

Dominik de Witte began his studies in mathematics with a minor in finance and economics at the Technical University of Darmstadt in October 2015. After receiving his bachelor’s degree in October 2018, he graduated from TU Darmstadt in March 2021 with a master’s thesis on "Lévy Processes in Insurance Risk Models". During his master's studies, Dominik spent time abroad at Lunds universitet (Sweden) focusing on financial mathematics and statistics and gained practical experience as an intern in the financial services department of KPMG. In May 2021, Dominik started his PhD at the Chair of Financial Mathematics.

