Sabina Meder

Short CV

Sabina Meder studied business administration in Muenster and Aachen, as well as Applied Economics with Keith Redhead in Coventry, UK. She played an active role in the development of the computerized Exchange for Deutsche Terminboerse (DTB). She contributed to international committees for DIN, ISO and S.W.I.F.T., creating international standards for banking and securities on behalf of Deutsche Boerse AG. She developed and edited training manuals covering trading, clearing, and security co-ordination. She facilitated respective trainings for Eurex and the CBOT worldwide. During an extended stay abroad (3 years in the U.S.) she completed training for Business Coaching endorsed by the International Coach Federation and acquired considerable experience in coaching in the U.S.. Back in Germany she provided consulting services through resolution of problems, explanation of bank services and policies. Since 2011 she is assisting the mathematical finance Department in developing a course and lecture for the Eurex Exchange Trader Qualification.
