M.Sc. Marco Rauscher
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Finanzmathematik (Prof. Zagst)
Parkring 11/II
85748 Garching b. München
Short CV
Marco Rauscher started his undergraduate studies in October 2015 and obtained his bachelor’s degree from TUM in 2018. Afterwards he began his master’s program in the field of mathematics with a strong focus on “finance” and “machine learning”. During his master’s program Marco spent one semester abroad at the University of Lund in Sweden. Moreover, he gathered practical experience as an intern at the Bayerische Landesbank. For his master’s thesis on machine learning in the field of VIX related products he participated in the iCAIR research project and collaborated with the University of Toronto. Since he has finished his master’s degree, he is a PhD candidate at the Chair of Financial Mathematics with Prof. Horvath as his mentor.