
Munich Risk and Insurance Days 2024

October 10 - 11, 2024

The aim of our workshop is to foster a lively discussion on current risk management topics between academics (with an interest in actuarial science and mathematical finance) and professionals from related fields (actuaries, risk managers, financial engineers). During the two days of the workshop, high-level speakers (from the financial industry and academia) will present on recent results on practical and methodological aspects of risk management in the insurance context. More information can be found here.

Fit for TUMorrow Day 2024

November 8, 2024

Details will follow in time.

12th Conference in Actuarial Science and Finance - Award

The Conference in Actuarial Science and Finance occurs every two years as part of a joint collaboration between the University of the Aegean, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Kobenhavns Universitet and New York University. It is a forum for state-of-the-art results in insurance, finance, and risk management, and attracts top academicians and practitioners from every corner of the world. The scientific committee of the 12th Edition of the conference, held in Karlovasi (Island of Samos, Greece) awarded Constantin Siggelkow, PhD candidate at Chair of Mathematical Finance of the Technical University of Munich, with the 2nd prize of the Best Presentation Awards for young researchers. His joint work with Prof. Matthias Scherer (TUM) titled “Enhancing SME Factoring: A Stackelberg Game-Based Hybrid Pricing Model” develops a hybrid pricing model to mitigate the combination of static default and dynamic adverse selection risk in trade credit factoring for SMEs.

Job advertisement for student assistant

From 01.09.2024, or by arrangement

The Research Group for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics at the Technical University of Munich is looking for a student assistant (m/f/d) to support its own homepage.

GAUSS prizes for young talent - excellent theses

Cologne, 14. Mai 2024

The prize for the GAUSS Prize and the three GAUSS Young Investigator Prizes were awarded on 13 May 2024 at this year's DGVFM General Meeting.
Dr Yevhen Havrylenko from the Technical University of Munich received a young talent award for his dissertation "Risk limitation and risk sharing in investment and insurance". This deals with risk limitation and risk sharing in investment and insurance. "In particular, the questions on optimal hedging strategies deal with topics that are currently relevant in practice and are of great mathematical and scientific interest," said Prof Dr Müller, praising the work.
The full press release can be found here .

87th meeting of the German ASTIN Group

Together with Roland Voggenauer, Matthias Scherer moderated the "87th Conference of the German ASTIN Group" at the DAV Annual Conference in Berlin on 25 April 2024. The very varied programme included presentations on the topics of "Cyber Insurance Modelling", "Analytics in Health Insurance with AI", "Agricultural Insurance in the Light of Climate Change", "From Pricing to Climate Actuary", the "Report of the Claims Committee" and an overview of the "DGVFM Database Project".

We congratulate Ben Spies on his successful promotion!

Ben Spies successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled "Using Affine GARCH Models in Portfolio Optimisation" on 9 April 2024.The thesis was supervised by Professor Rudi Zagst and Professor Marcos Escobar-Anel.Ben will continue his work at the Chair of Financial Mathematics until May. We wish Ben all the best for his future career!

Workshop “Stochastic Modelling in Insurance, Asset Management, and Banking”

From 20 to 22 February 2024, a workshop took place at the TUM Academy Centre Raitenhaslach, which was organised in cooperation between the Financial and Actuarial Mathematics research group and the University of Calgary. The workshop focused on stochastic modelling in the fields of insurance, asset management and banking and provided a platform for international experts to discuss new research results and trends from practice. The agenda of the workshop was very diverse, discussing topics such as the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the banking sector, affine option pricing models, the optimisation of insurance portfolios and energy markets. We would like to thank the TUM Academy Center Raitenhaslach for the excellent organisation and hospitality. The combination of idyllic surroundings and the historical significance of the centre provided the ideal setting for an inspiring exchange and will certainly be remembered in particular by our guests from overseas.

Research seminar in the Montafon

In March 2024, doctoral students, post-docs and professors from the Financial and Actuarial Mathematics research group, the Chair of Energy Trading and Financial Services at the University of Duisburg-Essen and the Chair of Business Mathematics at the University of Augsburg gathered for a joint research seminar in Montafon in the Austrian Alps. Under the expert guidance of Prof. Dr Rudi Zagst, Prof. Dr Matthias Scherer, Prof. Dr Christoph Knochenhauer, Prof. Dr Rüdiger Kiesel and Prof. Dr Ralf Werner, the latest topics and challenges from the research areas were presented and discussed. In a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere, the seminar provided an excellent platform for the exchange of ideas, the discussion of complex problems and the joint development of solutions. Once again this year, special thanks go to the sisters of the Maria-Hilf convalescent home, whose excellent catering and warm hospitality contributed significantly to the success of the event.