Mathematical Physics

Mathematical physics is an interdisciplinary field of research. It draws its inspirations and motivations from physics and aims to develop mathematics and mathematical methods for solving physical problems. It is also interdisciplinary with regard to the subfields of mathematics itself. The methods may involve analytical, algebraic, probabilistic or numerical approaches, depending on the physical puzzle, which may come from quantum, statistical or classical mechanics or field theory.
The research groups at TUM cover a broad spectrum of mathematical physics. A particular focus is on tools for applications in quantum science.
Research areas
In mathematical physics, our research covers the following topics:
- Integrable systems
- Interacting stochastic particle systems
- Quantum computation
- Quantum information theory
- Quantum many-body theory
- Quantum molecular dynamics
- Random operators and matrices
- Statistical physics
- Semiclassical analysis
- Topological field theory
Caroline Lasser, Prof. Dr.
Related research groups
Analysis and its Applications
Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Quantum Information Theory