Life Science

The Life Science groups at the TUM connect theory and applications, contribute to practical solutions in medicine and biology, and stimulate the field of mathematics with interesting and unique questions.
Life Science: connecting mathematics, biology and medicine
Biology and medicine trigger many areas of fundamental mathematical research. For example, biological research has promoted the development of the Galton-Watson-Process and the branching processes, time scale analysis and the Fenichel Theory, as well as many aspects of statistics.
In return, mathematics makes a vital contribution to understanding in many fields of biology. Current knowledge in the areas of ecology, epidemiology, neurology or evolution theory would not have been achieved without fundamental mathematical support. Modern, individual medicine and our health services are similarly dependant upon mathematical-statistical models and methods.
Research areas
In the Life Science research group at the Department of Mathematics, we work mainly on the following topics:
- biostatistics and risk prediction
- cancer models
- cell-cell communication and gene-regulatory networks
- epidemiology and ecology
- population genetics and evolution