- Background Removal for Ptychography via Wigner Distribution Deconvolution. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 17 (3), 2024, 1978-2014 more… Full text ( DOI )
Department of Mathematics
School of Computation, Information and Technology
Technical University of Munich
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching (Munich)
Room: 02.08.037 (find my room)
Office phone number: +49 (0) 89 289 18322
Email: roemerp(at)ma.tum.de
Patricia Römer started as a doctoral student at the Helmholtz Center Munich and the TU Munich in November 2020. Under the supervision of Prof. Felix Krahmer and Dr. Frank Filbir, she works on developing and analyzing algorithms for phase retrieval. The main focus of her current work lies on finding recovery guarantees for algorithms designed for solving systems of phaseless equations involving Poisson noisy data, motivated by real-world imaging problems.