Apps and Software
The creation of highly interactive and educationally valuable materials is one of the missions of our chair. As a result various Apps, iBooks and material for Exhibitions has been produced. Here is an overview.
Math to Touch
Math To Touch is a collection of interactive visualisations that illustrate interesting effects from various mathematical contexts. Symmetry, dynamical systems, Crystallography and mathematical Games are only part of it.
This collection of visualisations is also installed in the maths exhibition German Museum in Munich and used in the context of various other public exhibitions.
Math To Touch on the App Store
TUM interactive
This is an interactive journey through the 14 faculties of our university. For every faculty two explorative visualisations are provided that give an idea of relevant research topics.
The App is entirely based on the CindyJS Framework developed at our chair and makes use of advanced visualisation techniques.
TUM interactive on the App Store
TUM interactive on Google Play Store
iOrnament is a drawing app on the border of science and art. It connects structure, beauty and creativity. While drawing a stroke iOrnament repeats its according to rules of the 17 crystallographic groups. There are several visualisation challenges related to that project: real time requirements, high precision graphics, deformations of tilings, and even hyperbolic and spherical symmetry groups. The App also contains an interactive math tutorial explaining the basics of symmetry theory.
The app has a very vivid user community ranging from kids, via teachers and craftsmen to professional artists.
iOrnament Crafter
The iOrnament Crafter is a sister App to iOrnament. It allows the user to create geometric (and conformal) deformations of ornamental patterns. In particular it also allows the creation of 3D ornamental paper models of given patterns.
The Ornament Crafter was successfully used in big hands on workshops both at Technical University Munich and in the National Museum for Mathematics (MoMath) in New York.
iOrnament Crafter on the App Store
Mind the Gap
Mind the Gap is a language app that give access to language learning in context. It contains over 400 so called Cloze Tests a standard testing and learning scenario to test and train advanced language skills.
ALICE Bruchrechnen
Alice Bruchrechnen is a joint project of our chair together with the TUM School of education. It is supported by the Heinz Nixdorf Stiftung. In the project we developed an iBook (Apple Book) for teaching fractions in a hands on way. It provides highly interactive and accessible materials that are equally well suited for use in class as for private learning. The project has been successfully evaluated with a giant group of 1400 learners in a school context.
Bruchrechnen on the App Book Store
The app Musica grew ouf of an exhibition Project LaLaLab on Math and Music jointly with the IMAGINARY team. The App contains many interactive visualizations and "audializations" of interesting effect on the border of mathematics and music