Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheurle
Technical University of Munich
Chair of Advanced Mathematics and Analytical Mechanics (N.N.)
Postal address
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
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- Homepage
Education (at the University of Stuttgart)
- 1970 -1974
Student of:
(1) Mathematics, in particular Functional Analysis, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis
(2) Computer Science
(3) Theoretical Physics - 1974
Diploma in Mathematics; Title of Thesis: "Ein Antikonvergenzprinzip" - 1975
Doctorate (PhD) at the Faculty of Mathematics; Title of Thesis: "Ein selektives Iterationsverfahren und Verzweigungsprobleme" (Referees: K. Kirchgässner, E. Gekeler) - 1981
Habilitation at the Faculty of Mathematics; Title of Thesis: "Verzweigung quasiperiodischer Lösungen bei reversiblen dynamischen Systemen"
(Referees: K. Kirchgässner, J. Moser, P. Werner)Professional Career
- 1974 -1975
Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Stuttgart - 1975 -1977
Senior Researcher, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Stuttgart - 1977 -1985
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Stuttgart - 1985 -1987
Assoc., Full Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins (USA) - 1987 -1996
Full Professor, Chair of Theory and Applications of Partial Differential Equations, University of Hamburg - 1988 -1990
Acting Director, Dept. of Applied Mathmatics, University of Hamburg - 1996 - present
Full Professor and Chair at the Faculty of Mathematics, Techn. Univ of Munich - 1996 - 2017
Director, Center of Mathematics, Technical University of Munich - 1997 - 1999
Chair of the Board of Directors - 1999 - 2003
Chair of the Board of Personnel - 2003 - 2017
Chair of the Board of Finance - 1996 - 2008
Member of the ADPO (APSO) Committee, (General Study Program and Student Examination Committee), Technical University of Munich - 2000 - 2003
Dean, Faculty of Mathematics, Technical University of Munich - 2011 - present
Chairman of the Hurwitz Society to support Mathematics at the Technical University of Munich (Association of Alumni of the Faculty of Mathematics)Professional Society Affiliations
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
- European Mechanics Society (EUROMECH)
- Intern. Society for the Interaction of Mathematics and Mechanics (ISIMM)
- Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM)
- Deutsche Mathematikervereinigung (DMV)
- American Mathematical Society (AMS)
- Mathematische Gesellschaft Hamburg
- 1975 Prize awarded by the Union of Friends of the University of Stuttgart for distinguished scientific achievements
- 1982 Visiting Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Univ. of California, Berkeley (USA),
- 1983 Visiiiting Professor, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence (USA)
- 1992 Invited Lectures, Summer School, Swiss Found. of Studies, Breiten (Switzerl.)
- 1993 Invited Lectures, Summer School, ETH Zürich, Valbella (Switzerland)
- 1996 Plenary Lecture, Annual Meeting of the GAMM, Prague (Czech Republic)
Selected Research Grants
- 1991 -1994
EEC Grant under the Sci. Project "Bifurcation Theory and Appl.", - 1994 -2000
DFG Research Grants under the Priority Research Program "Ergodic Theory, Analysis, and Efficient Simulation of Dynamical Systems" - 2000 -2004
DFG Research Grant within the Collab. Research Centre (SFB) 438 "Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Verification in Material Oriented Processes and Intelligent Systems" - 1998 -2006
Member of DFG-Graduate School "Applied Algorithmic Mathematics" - 1994 -1999
NATO Collab. Research Grant (joint with Prof. J.E. Marsden, Caltech) - 2000 -2004
Grant under the EU-RTN project "Mechanics and Symmetry in Europa (MASIE)" - 2006 - present
DFG Grant for the Research Project: „Mathematical Strategies for an optimised ribbing design of large forming tools“ - 2009 - present
FVA Grant for the Research Project: „Mathematical Generation and Optimization of Arbitrary Gear Flank Geometries“Editorship
- 1987 -1995
Member of the Editorial Board of the Book Series „Dynamics Reported“ - 1994 - present
Member of the Editorial Board of J. Nonl. Sci. and Nonl. Sci. Today - 1997 - present
Member of the Editorial Board of J. Appl. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) - 2004 -2006
Contributing Editor, Intern. J. of Nonlinear Mechanics. - 2008 - present
Member of the Editorial Board of J. Geometric Mechanics
01.01.2016 - today
1. Journal article:
- F. Jimenez and J. Scheurle. On the discretization of the Euler-Poincare-Suslov equations in SO(3). (accepted at Journal of Geometric Mechanics).
- D. Matthes and J. Zinsl. Existence of solutions for a class of fourth order cross-diffusion systems of gradient flow type. (submitted).
- D. Matthes and J. Zinsl. O. Junge, D. Matthes, and H. Osberger. A fully discrete variational scheme for solving nonlinear Fokker-Planck s in multiple space dimensions. (accepted at SIAM Numerical Analysis).
- D. Matthes and J. Zinsl. A. Denner, O. Junge, and D. Matthes. Computing coherent sets using the Fokker-Planck equation. (accepted at Journal of Computational Dynamics).
- J. Maas and D. Matthes. Long-time behavior of a finite volume discretization for a fourth order diffusion equation. Nonlinearity 29 (2016), no. 7, 1992.
- D. Loibl, D. Matthes, and J. Zinsl. Existence of weak solutions to a class of fourth order partial differential tions with Wasserstein gradient flow structure. Potential Analysis 45 (2016), no. 4, 755-776.
- J. Zinsl and D. Matthes. Transport distances and geodesic convexity for systems of degenerate diffusion quations. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 54 (2015), no. 4, 3397-3438.
- A. Jüngel, C. Kuehn and L. Trussardi. A meeting point of entropy and bifurcations in cross-diffusion herding. (accepted at European Journal of Applied Mathematics)
- F.B. Belgacem, M.V. Gnann and C. Kuehn. A dynamical systems approach for the contact-line singularity in thin-film flows. Nonlinear Analysis A: Theory, Methods & Applications, Vol. 144, pp. 204-235, 2016.
- A. Widder and C. Kuehn. Heterogeneous population dynamics and scaling laws near epidemic outbreaks. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 1093-1118, 2016.
- N. Berglund and C. Kuehn. Regularity structures and renormalisation of FitzHugh-Nagumo SPDEs in three space dimensions. lectronic Journal of Probability, Vol. 21, No. 18, pp. 1-48, 2016
- C. Kuehn. A remark on geometric desingularization of a non-hyperbolic point using hyperbolic space. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 727, 012008, 2016.
2. Articles in congress reports:
3. Books and essays in serial works:
- Th. Hagen, F. Rupp & J. Scheurle (Eds.). Dynamical Systems, Number Theory and Applications: A Festschrift in Honor of Armin Leutbecher’s 80th Birthday, Word Scientific 2016.
- F. Rupp & J. Scheurle: Fourier Crystallography. In: Dynamical Systems, Number Theory and Applications - A Festschrift in Honor of Professor Armin Leutbecher's 80th Birthday, Eds.: Th. Hagen, F. Rupp & J. Scheurle, World Scientific 2016, 197-210.
- F. Rupp & J. Scheurle: The Dynamics of the Jellyfish Joyride: Mathematical Discussion of the Causes Leading to Blooming. In: Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences 2015, 38, John Wiley & Sons 2015, 3408-3420.
- D. Matthes and B. Söllner. Convergent Lagrangian discretization for drift-diffusion with nonlocal aggregation. Accepted contribution for L. Gosse and R. Natalie (Eds.): Innovative Algorithms and Analysis, Springer 2016.
- C. Kuehn. Moment closure - A brief review. in: Self-Organizing Complex Systems (editors: E. Schöll, S. Klapp & P. Hövel), Springer, pp. 253-271, 2016.
01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015
1. Journal article:
- L. Colombo, D. Martin de Diego and F. Jimenez. Variational integrators for underactuated mechanical control systems with symmetries. Erscheint in Journal of Computational Dynamics (2015).
- F. Jimenez and H. Yoshimura. Dirac Structures in Vakonomic Mechanics. Erscheint in Journal of Geometry and Physics (2015).
- J. Scheurle und S. Walcher. Minima of invariant functions: The inverse problem. Acta Appl. Math. 137 (2015), 233 - 252.
- F. Jimenez und J. Scheurle. On the discretization of nonholonomic dynamics in Rn. Journal of Geometric Mechanics 7(1) (2015), 43 - 80.
- S. Ferraro, D. Martin de Diego and F. Jimenez. New developments on the Geometric Nonholonomic Integrator. Nonlinearity 28 (2015), 871 - 900.
- F. Jimenez. Hamilton-Dirac systems for charged particles in gauge fields. Journal of Geometry and Physics 94 (2015), 35--49.
- M. Santoprete, J. Scheurle and S. Walcher. Motion in a symmetric potential on the hyperbolic plane. Canadian Journal of Mathematics 67 (2) (2015), 450 - 480.
- J.-F. Mennemann, D. Matthes, R.M. Weishäpl, and T. Langen. Optimal control of Bose-Einstein condensates in three dimensions. Accepted at New Journal of Physics.
- U. Bücking and D. Matthes. Constructing solutions to the Björling problem for isothermic surfaces by structure preserving discretization. To appear in "Advances in Discrete Differential Geometry". (Edited by A.I. Bobenko) Springer, 2016.
- D. Matthes and H. Osberger. A convergent Lagrangian discretization for a nonlinear fourth order equation. Found. Comput. Math. (2015), online first.
- J. Zinsl and D. Matthes. Exponential convergence to equilibrium in a gradient flow system modeling chemotaxis. Analysis and PDE 8 (2015), no.2, 256--466.
- F. Bassetti, L. Ladelli, and D. Matthes. Infinite energy solutions to inelastic homogeneous Boltzmann equations. Electron. J. Probab. 20 (2015), no. 89, 1--34.
- J. Zinsl. A note on the variational analysis of the parabolic-parabolic Keller-Segel system in one spatial dimension. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, 353(9):849-854, 2015.
- J. Zinsl. Exponential convergence to equilibrium in a Poisson-Nernst-Planck-type system with nonlinear diffusion, 2015. To appear in Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.04029.
- J. Zinsl. Geodesically convex energies and confinement of solutions for a multi-component system of nonlocal interaction equations, 2014, arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3266.
- F. Rupp. Static & Restricted Rigid Rotor Configurations of Three Classical 12-6-Lennard-Jones Particles. Few Body Systems 56 (2015) 81-105.
- T. Flå, F. Rupp & C. Woywod. Bifurcation Patterns in Generalized Models for the Dynamics of Normal and Leukaemic Stem Cells with Signaling. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 38 (2015) 3392-3407.
- D.Brander, J.Dorfmeister, Deformations of constant mean curvature surfaces preserving symmetries. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (5) Vol. XIV (2015) 645-675.
2. Articles in congress reports:
- D. Matthes, joint with J. Zinsl. Systems of diffusion equations as gradient flows in multi-component transportation metrics. Oberwolfach Reports (2015).
3. Books and essays in serial works:
- H. Osberger and D. Matthes. Convergence of a fully discrete variational scheme for a thin-film equation. Accepted at Radon Ser. Comput. Appl. Math.
01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014
1. Journal article:
- L. Colombo, F. Jiménez und D.M. de Diego. Variational integrators for underacutated mechanical control systems with symmetries. Preprint 2014 (eingereicht)
- S. Ferraro, F. Jiménez und D.M. de Diego. New developments on the geometric nonholonomic integrator. Preprint 2014 (eingereicht)
- F. Jiménez und H. Yoshimura. Dirac Structures in vakonomic mechanics. Preprint 2014 (eingereicht)
- F. Jiménez und J. Scheurle. On the discretization of nonholonomic dynamics in R^n. Preprint 2014 (eingereicht)
- J. Scheurle und S. Walcher. Minima of invariant functions. The inverse problem. Erscheint in Acta Applicandae Mathematicae (2014)
- M. Di Francesco, M. Fornasier, J.C. Hütter, and D. Matthes. Asymptotic behavior of gradient flows driven by nonlocal power repulsion and attraction potentials in one dimension. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 46 (2014), no.6, 3814--3837
- J. Zinsl. Existence of solutions for a nonlinear system of parabolic equations with gradient flow structure. Monatsh. Math., 174(4):653–679 (2014).
- F. Bassetti and D. Matthes. Multi-dimensional smoothing transformations: existence, regularity and stability of fixed points. Stochastic Process Appl. 124 (2014), no. 1, 154-198
- D. Matthes and H. Osberger. Convergence of a variational Lagrangian scheme for a nonlinear drift diffusion equation. ESAIM Math. Model. Numer. Anal. 48 (2014), 697–726.
- M. Di Francesco and D. Matthes. Curves of steepest descent are entropy solutions for a class of degenerate convection-diffusion equations. Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations 50 (2014), no 1.2, 199-230.
- J. Dorfmeister, I. Sterling. Minding's Theorem for low degrees of differentiability. Tokyo J. Math. (2014) 503-508.
2. Articles in congress reports:
- C. Riesinger, T. Neckel, F. Rupp, A. Parra Hinojosa & H.-J. Bungartz (2014): GPU Optimization of Pseudo Random Number Generators for Random Ordinary Differential Equations, Procedia Computer Science, Proceedings of the International Conference of Computational Science 2014 (Cairns, AUS), Volume 29, pp. 172-183.
3. Books and essays in serial works:
- B. Heim, M. Al-Baali, T. Ibukiyama & F. Rupp (Eds., 2014). Automorphic Forms - Research in Number Theory from Oman. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (Vol. 115).
01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013
1. Journal article:
- M. Bukal, A. Jüngel, and D. Matthes. A multidimensional nonlinear sixth-order quantum diffusion equation. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 20 (2013),no. 2, 337-365
- M. Santoprete, J. Scheurle and S. Walcher. Motion in a symmetric potential on the hyperbolic plane. Canadian Journal of Mathematics, (2013), 27 pages.
- F. Burstall, J. Dorfmeister, K. Leschke, A. Quintino. Darboux transforms and simple factor dressing of constant mean curvature surfaces. Manuscripta math. 140(2013) 213-236
- J. Dorfmeister, P. Wang. Willmore surfaces in Sn+2 by the loop group method: generic cases and some examples. Submitted
- J. Dorfmeister, P. Wang. Willmore surfaces in Sn+2 by the loop group method II: surfaces of finite uniton type.
- J. Dorfmeister, I. Sterling. Pseudo-spherical surfaces of low degree of differentiability. Submitted
- J. Dorfmeister, J. Inoguchi, S. Kobayashi, A loop group method for minimal surfaces in the three-dimensional Heisenberg group. Submitted
- N. Boumuki, J. Dorfmeister. On a relation between potentials for pluriharmonic maps and para-pluriharmonic maps. Results in Mathematics. 63 (2013) 335-376.
2. Articles in congress reports:
- F. Rupp and J. Scheurle. Analysis of a Mathematical Model for Jellyfish Blooms and the Cambric Fish Invasion. Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, DCDS Supplement 2013 Proceedings of the 9th AIMS Conference at Orlando. 663 - 672, 2013
- T. Flå, F. Rupp and C. Woywod: Deterministic & Stochastic Dynamics of Chronic Myelogeneous Leukaemia Stem Cells with Hill-Function Like Signaling, pp. 221-263, in A. Johann et al. (Eds., 2013): Recent Trends in Dynamical Systems - Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of Jürgen Scheurle, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (Vol. 35), Springer-Verlag.
- D. Matthes, joint with F. Bassetti and L. Ladelli. Infinite energy solutions for a homogeneous inelastic Maxwell gas. Oberwolfach Reports 10 (2013), no. 4.
3. Books and essays in serial works:
- A. Johann, H.-P. Kruse, F. Rupp and S. Schmitz (Eds., 2013): Recent Trends in Dynamical Systems - Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of Jürgen Scheurle, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (Vol. 35), Springer-Verlag.
- M. Leroch, N. Maaser and F. Rupp: Game Theory Lite - A Book Full of Problems, Accedo Verlag, München.
- T. Neckel & F. Rupp (2013): Random Differential Equations in Scientific Computing - Motivation, Theory & Simulation. De Gruyter Publishing.
01.01.2012 - 31.12.2012
1. Journal article:
- F.D. Grosshans, J. Scheurle, and S. Walcher. Invariant sets forced by symmetry. Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 4(3) 2012, 271 - 296.
- S. Lisini, D. Matthes and G. Savaré. Cahn-Hilliard and thin film equations with nonlinear mobility as gradient flows in weighted-Wasserstein metrics. J. Differential Equations 253 (2012), no. 2, 814-850.
- D. Matthes and G. Toscani. Variation on a theme by Bobylev and Villani. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 350 (2012), no. 1-2, 107-110.
- J. Inoguchi, S. Kobayashi and J. Dorfmeister. Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces in Hyperbolic 3-Space via Loop Groups. To appear in Crelle’s Journal. Online veröffentlicht April 2012
01.01.2011 - 31.12.2011
1. Journal article:
- M. Bukal, A. Jüngel, and D. Matthes. Entropies for radially symmetric higher-order nonlinear diffusion equations, Commun. Math. Sci. 9 (2011), no. 2, 353-382.
- F. Rupp: Modeling the Diffusion of Ideas by Stochastic Differential Equations, HOMO OECONOMICUS, 28 (3), 319-365, 2011
2. Articles in congress reports:
- F. Rupp, J. Scheurle: Classification of a Class of Relative Equilibria in Three Body Coulomb Systems, Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, DCDS Supplement 2011 Proceedings of the 8th AIMS International Conference (Dresden, Germany), 1254-1262 , 2011
- D. Matthes. Kinetic models with non-strict conservations. Oberwolfach Reports 7 (2011), no. 4, 3200-3203.
- J. Dorfmeister, W. Rossman. Triviality of the dressing isotropy for a Smyth type potential and nonclosing of the resulting CMC surfaces. Exploratory workshop on differential geometry and its applications, Iaşi, Romania, September 2-4, 2009. Cluj-Napoca: Cluj University Press. 61-70 (2011)
3. Books and essays in serial works:
- J. Dorfmeister. Open Iwasawa cells and applications to surface theory, in: Variational Problems in Differential Geometry, London Math.Soc. LN 394, p. 56-67, Cambridge 2012
01.01.2010 - 31.12.2010
1. Journal article:
- F. Rupp, J. Scheurle: Genuine Equilibria of Three Body Coulomb Configurations, Few Body Systems 48 (1), 2010, 1-10
- J. Scheurle and Schmitz: A criterion for asymptotic Straightness of force fields. DCDS - Series B, 14 (2), 777 - 792, 2010
- J. Dorfmeister, S. Kobayashi and F.Pedit: Complex surfaces of constant mean curvature fibered by minimal surfaces. Hokkaido J. Math 39 (2010), 1-55.
- D. Brander, J. Dorfmeister: The Björling problem for non-minimal constant mean curvature surfaces. Comm.Anal. Geom. 18 (2010) 171-194
- J. Dorfmeister, M. Guest and W.Rossman: The tt* Structure of the Quantum Cohomology of CP1 from the Viewpoint of Differential Geometry. Asian J. Math. 14 (2010) 417–438.
- J. Dorfmeister: Conformal Asymptotics of Properly Embedded Annular CMC Ends. Pacific Journal of Applied Mathematics ( H. Wu Memorial Volume.) 3 (2010) 1-10.
- A. Johann: An application for an implicit function theorem of Craven and Nashed: Continuum limits of lattice differential equations. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 367 (2010), 389-400.
- U. Baumgartner, G. Schlichting and G. Willi: Geometric characterisation of flat groups of automotphisms. Groups, Geometry and Dynamics 4(1), 2010.
2. Articles in congress reports:
- J. Dorfmeister, N. Bohmuki: On a relation between potentials for pluriharmonic maps and para-pluriharmonic maps. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Workshop on Diff.Geom. 14 (2010) 217-233
3. Books and essays in serial works:
- B. Düring and D. Matthes. A mathematical theory for wealth distribution. Part of: "Mathematical modeling of collective behavior in socio-economic and life-sciences." (Edited by G. Naldi et al.) Birkhäuser, Boston 2010, 81-113.
01.01.2009 - 31.12.2009
1. Journal article:
- N. Drude, L. Meier, H. Hoffmann and J. Scheurle: Model based strategies for an optimised ribbing design of large forming tools. Prod. Eng. Res. Devel. 3, 2009, 435 - 440.
- A. Johann and J. Scheurle: On the generation of conjugate flanks for arbitrary gear geometries. GAMM-Mitt. 32, No. 1, 2009, 61 - 79.
- J. Dorfmeister, T.Ivey and I. Sterling: Symmetric Pseudospherical Surfaces I: General Theory. Result.Math. 56 (2009), 3-21, In memory of Katsumi Nomizu.
- D. Brander, J. Dorfmeister: Generalized DPW method and an application to isometric immersions of space forms. Math.Z. 262 (2009), 143 - 172.
- J. Dorfmeister, K. Kenmotsu: Rotational Hypersurfaces of periodic mean curvature. Differential Geometry and its Applications 27 (2009) 702-712.
- A. Johann: Kink Solutions of the Classical Anisotropic XY Chain. Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2009), 662-676.
2. Articles in congress reports:
- J. Dorfmeister: Loop groups and surfaces with symmetries. Proceedings of the 16th OCU International Academic Symposium 2008, OCAMI Studies 3 (2009) 29-39
01.01.2008 - 31.12.2008
1. Journal article:
- G. Gaeta, F.D. Grosshans, J. Scheurle und S. Walcher: Reduction and reconstruction for symmetric ordinary differential equations. J. Differential Equations, 244 (2008),1810-1839.
- M.Petrera, A.Pfadler, Yu.B.Suris: On integrability of Hirota-Kimura type discretizations. Experimental study of the discrete Clebsch system. Experimental Math. (2008, to appear).
- M. Petrera, Yu.B. Suris: On the Hamiltonian structure of Hirota-Kimura discretization of the Euler top. Math. Nachr. (2008, to appear)
- M. Petrera, Yu.B. Suris. An integrable discretization of the rational su(2) Gaudin model and related systems. Commun. Math. Phys., 2008, 283, p. 227-253.
- V.E. Adler, A.I. Bobenko, Yu.B. Suris: Discrete nonlinear hyperbolic equations. Classification of integrable cases. Funct. Anal. Appl. (2008, to appear).
- J. Eschenburg, J. Dorfmeister: Real Fuchsian Equations and Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces. Matematica contemporanea 35 (2008) 1-26.
- J. Dorfmeister, P. Lang: CMC-trinoids with embedded ends: a closer look, in Geometry related to the theory of integrable systems, 99-119, RIMS Kokyuroku 1605, RIMS, Kyoto 2008
- J. Dorfmeister, D. Brander: The generalized DPW method and an application to isometric immersions of space forms. To appear in Math.Z. 2008
- J. Dorfmeister, H. Wu: Construction of Constant Mean Curvature n-Noids from Holomorphic Potentials. Math.Z. 258 (2008), 773-803
- J. Dorfmeister, K. Kenmotsu. On a Theorem by Hsiang and Yu. Ann.Glob.Anal.Geom. 33 (2008), 245-252
2. Books and essays in serial works:
- A.I.Bobenko, Yu.B.Suris: Discrete Differential Geometry: Integrable Structure. Graduate Studies in Math., vol. 98. AMS, 2008.
- Yu.B. Suris. The discrete Green's function. In: Discrete Differential Geometry, Eds. A.I. Bobenko, P. Schröder, J.M. Sullivan and G.M. Ziegler (Oberwolfach Seminars , Vol. 38). Basel: Birkhäuser, 2008, p. 117-133.
3. Articles in congress reports:
- J. Dorfmeister: Associated families of immersions versus curved flats. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Differential Gemoetry and its Applications, p. 141-151 Cluj-Napoca 2007
- S. Markwardt, J. Scheurle, K. Diepold, M. Durkovic: Data Processing based on Geometric Feature Detection, Proceedings of the CoTeSys Fall Workshop 2008.
01.01.2007 - 31.12.2007
1. Journal article:
- D. Ionescu und J. Scheurle. Birkhoffian formulation of the dynamics of LC circuits. Z. angew. Math. Phys. (ZAMP) 58(2007), p.175-208.
- A.I. Bobenko, Yu.B. Suris. On organizing principles of discrete differential geometry. Geometry of spheres. Uspekhi Mat. Nauk62:3-50, 2007. English translation: Russian Math. Surveys 62(2007), p.1-43.
- A.I. Bobenko, Yu.B. Suris. Isothermic surfaces in sphere geometries as Moutard nets. Proc. Royal Soc. A , 2007, 463, p. 3171-3193.
- J. Dorfmeister: Associated families of immersions versus curved flats. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Differential Geometry and its Applications p. 141-151, Cluj-Napoca 2007.
- J. Dorfmeister, S. Kobayashi: Coarse classification of CMC-cylinders. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359(2007), p.2483 - 2500.
- J. Dorfmeister, H. Wu: Unitarization of Loop Group Representations of Fundamental Groups. Nagoya Math. J. 187 (2007), 1-33
- J. Dorfmeister: Coarse classification of CMC-trinoids of genus g=0 and embeddeed ends, Oberwolfach Reports 24 (2007) 1365-1368
- J. Dorfmeister, K. Kenmotsu: Rotational Hypersurfaces of periodic mean curvature. Preprint 2007.
- J. Dorfmeister, S. Kobayashi, F. Pedit: Complex surfaces of constant mean curvature fibered by minimal surfaces. Preprint 2007.
- J. Dorfmeister: Characterization of all CMC-trinoids of genus g=0 and embedded ends via loop groups. Preprint 2007.
- R.J. Archbold, J. Ludwig, G. Schlichting. Limit sets and strengths of convergence for sequences in the duals of thread-like Lie groups. Math.Z. 255(2007), p.245-282.
- P. Giesl, H. Wagner. Lyapunov functions and the basin of attraction for a single-joint muscle-skeletal model. J. Math. Biol.54(4) (2007), p.453-464.
- P. Giesl. Construction of a global Lyapunov function using radial basis functions with a single operator. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 7(1) (2007), p.101-124.
- P. Giesl. Necessary condition for the basin of attraction of a limit cycle in non-smooth periodic systems. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 18(2 & 3) (2007), p.355-373.
2. Books and essays in serial works:
- P. Giesl: Construction of Global Lyapunov Functions Using Radial Basis Functions. Lecture Notes in Math. 1904, Springer, 2007.
- P. Giesl. Stepwise calculation of the basin of attraction in dynamical systems using radial basis functions. In: Algorithms for Approximation, A. Iske und J. Levesly (Hrsg.), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2007, 113-122.
01.01.2006 - 31.12.2006
1. Journal article:
- D. Eberlein und J. Scheurle: Algorithmic computation of the Conley index, J. of Differential Equations and Applications, 12(3-4) (2006), 385-398
- J. Dorfmeister, M. Schuster: Construction of planar CMC 4-noids of genus g=0, JP Jour. Geometry and Topology 6 (2006), 319-381
- Yu. B. Suris: Toda lattices. In: Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics, Eds. J.-P. Françoise, G.L. Naber and Tsou S.T. Oxford: Elsevier, 2006, Vol. 5, p. 235-244.
- A. I. Bobenko, Yu. B. Suris: Isothermic surfaces in sphere geometries as Moutard nets. Preprint 2006, arXiv:math.DG/0610434
2. Books and essays in serial works:
- P. Giesl, H. Wagner: On the Determination of the Basin of Attraction for Stationary and Periodic Movements. In: Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics, M. Diehl und K. Mombaur (Hrsg.), Springer-Verlag, LNCIS 340 (2006), 147-166.
- P. Giesl, H. Wagner: Self-stability in Biological Systems - Studies based on Biomechanical Models. In: Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics, M. Diehl und K. Mombaur (Hrsg.), Springer-Verlag, LNCIS 340 (2006), 403-410.
01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005
1. Journal article:
- A.I. Bobenko, D. Matthes, Yu.B. Suris: Nonlinear hyperbolic equations in surface theory: integrable discretizations and approximation results. Algebra Anal., 2005, 17, p. 53-83.
- A.I. Bobenko, Ch. Mercat, Yu.B. Suris: Linear and nonlinear theories of discrete analytic functions. Integrable structure and isomonodromic Green's function. J. Reine Angew. Math., 2005, 583, p.117-161.
- P. Giesl: The basin of attraction of periodic orbits in nonsmooth differential equations. ZAMM 85 No. 2 (2005), 89-104
- V. Balan, J. Dorfmeister: Weierstraß-type representation for harmonic maps into general symmetric spaces via loop groups.J.Math.Soc.Japan 57 (2005), 69-94
- J. Dorfmeister, S. Kobayashi: Coarse classification of CMC-cylinders. To appear in Trans.Amer.Math.Soc
- J. Dorfmeister, H. Wu: Unitarization of Loop Group Representations of Fundamental Groups. Preprint
- J. Dorfmeister, H. Wu: Construction of Constant Mean Curvature n-Noids from Holomorphic Potentials. Preprint
- J. Dorfmeister, M. Kilian: Dressing preserving the fundamental group, Differential Geom. Appl. 23 (2005) 176-204
- D.Eberlein, V.Enß, S.Jeschke, R.Seiler, P. Vachenauer: Next Generation in eLearning Technology: Wandel am Beispiel des Virtuellen Wissensraumes 'Mumie'. To appear
2. Books and essays in serial works:
- J. Scheurle: On temperature induced motion of shape memory materials, In: Dynamical System Methods in Fluid Dynamics, Oberwolfach Reports No. 34: 41-43, G.-M. Greuel (Hrsg.), Birkhäuser-Verlag, Basel, 2005.
- A.I. Bobenko, Yu. B. Suris: Discrete differential geometry. Consistency as integrability. Preprint 2005,arXiv:math.DG/0504358
- Yu. B. Suris: Integrable lattices. In: Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Sciences, Ed. A. Scott. New York and London: Routledge, 2005, p.456-460.
3. Sonstiges:
- A. Johann, J. Scheurle: Kink Dynamics of the Classical Transverse Field Ising Chain (Videobeitrag) In: Bubbles, Jaws, Moose Tests, and More: The Wonderful World of Numerical Simulation; Hg: H.-J. Bungartz, R.-P. Mundani, Springer, 2005.
- P. Giesl: Stimmung und Kettenbrüche In: Mikrotöne und mehr. Auf György Ligetis Hamburger Pfaden; Hg: M. Stahnke, Bockel-Verlag, 2005.
01.01.2004 - 31.12.2004
1. Journal article:
- S. Meyer, J. Scheurle, S. Walcher: Pratical normal form computation for vector fields, J. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ZAMM), 84(7)(2004), 472-482
- V.E. Adler, Yu.B. Suris: Q4: integrable master equation related to an elliptic curve. - Intern. Math. Research Notices, 2004, Nr. 47, p. 2523-2553
- V.E. Adler, A.I. Bobenko, Yu.B. Suris: Geometry of Yang-Baxter maps: pencils of conics and quadrirational mappings. - Commun. Analysis and Geometry, 2004, 12, p. 967-1007
- V. Balan, J. Dorfmeister: Harmonic maps into general symmetric spaces via loop groups -Conference Proceedings: Recent Advances in Geometry and Topology, Cluj-Napoca 2004, 49 - 64
- P. Giesl: Necessary conditions for a limit cycle and its basin of attraction -In: Nonlinear Analysis 56 No. 5 (2004), 643-677
- P. Giesl: On the Basin of Attraction of Limit Cycles in Periodic Differential Equations -In: Z. Anal. Anwendungen 23 No. 3 (2004), 547-576
- P. Giesl, D. Meisel, J. Scheurle und H. Wagner: Stability Analysis of the elbow with a load -In: Journal of Theoretical Biology 228 No. 1 (2004), 115-125
- G. Schlichting: A topological Paley-Wiener property for locally compact groups -Erscheint in: PAMS
2. Books and essays in serial works:
- D.P.L. Castrigiano, S. Hayes: Catastrophe Theory 2nd Ed. Westview Press (Perseus Books Group) Advanced Book Program, Boulder 2004
- Yu.B. Suris: Discrete Lagrangian models - In: Discrete Integrable Systems, Eds. B. Grammaticos, Y. Kosmann-Schwarzbach, T. Tamizhmani. Lecture Notes Phys., 2004, Vol. 644, p. 111-184
3. Sonstiges:
- J. Dorfmeister: Konstruktion von Flächen aus automorphen Formen - Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstag von Prof.Dr.A.Leutbecher 2004
01.01.2003 - 31.12.2003
1. Journal article:
- V.E. Adler, A.I. Bobenko, Yu.B. Suris: Classification of integrable equations on quad-graphs. The consistency approach - In: Commun. Math. Phys., 2003, 233, p. 513-543
- A.I. Bobenko, D. Matthes, Yu.B. Suris: Discrete and smooth orthogonal systems: C ∞-approximation - In: Intern. Math. Research Notices, 2003, Nr. 45, p. 2415-2459
- J. Dorfmeister, G. Haak: Construction of non-simply connected CMC surfaces via dressing -In: J.Math.Soc.Japan. 55 (2003) 335-364
- J. Dorfmeister: Generalized Weierstraß Representations of Surfaces -To appear in: Surveys on Geometry and Integrable Systems, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics
- J. Dorfmeister, J. Eschenburg: Pluriharmonic maps, loop groups and twistor theory -In: Ann.Global.Anal.Geom. 24 (2003), 301-321
- P. Giesl: Unbounded Basins of Attraction of Limit Cycles -In: Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae 72 No. 1, (2003), 81-110
- P. Giesl: The optimal elbow angle for acrobatics - stability analysis of the elbow with a load -In: PAMM Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 3 (2003), 68-71
- Th. Hagen: Jeffreys fluids in forced elongation -In: J. Math. Anal. Appl. 288 (2003), 634-645
- D. Ionescu: The Gravitational Field of an Electrically Charged Mass Point and the Causality Principle in the RTG -In: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 136 (2), pp 1177-1187, 2003
- D. Ionescu: Comparative Analysis of the Electrogravitational Kepler Problem in GRT and RTG -In: International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 38, pp. 1251-1268, 2003
- A.P. Veselov, Yu.B. Suris: Lax matrices for Yang-Baxter maps - In: . Nonlin. Math. Phys., 2003, 10, Suppl. 2 ( Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations, Eds. F.W. Nijhoff, Yu.B. Suris, C. Viallet), p. 223-230
2. Bücher und Aufsätze in Kongreßschriften:
- V. Balan, J. Dorfmeister: Harmonic maps into general symmetric spaces via loop groups -In: Conference Proceedings: Recent Advances in Geometry and Topology, Cluj-Napoca 2003, 49 - 64
- P. Giesl Selbststabilisierung menschlicher Bewegung -Thesenpapier in: Hanns Martin Schleyer-Stiftung, Heinz Nixdorf Stiftung, TU München: Ein Almanach junger Wissenschaftler, hrsg. zum I. Kongress Junge Naturwissenschaft und Praxis, München, 11.-13. Juni 2003, 58-59.,
- Yu.B.Suris: The problem of integrable discretization: Hamiltonian approach Basel: Birkhäuser, 2003. 1070 pp. Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 219
01.01.2002 - 31.12.2002
1. Journal article:
- A.I. Bobenko, Yu.B. Suris: Integrable noncommutative equations on quad-graphs. The consistency approach -In: Lett. Math. Phys., 2002, 61, p. 241-254
- A.I. Bobenko, Yu.B. Suris: Integrable systems on quad-graphs. -In: Intern. Math. Research Notices, 2002, Nr. 11, p. 573-611
- A.I. Bobenko, T. Hoffmann, Yu.B. Suris: Hexagonal circle patterns and integrable systems: patterns with the multi-ratio property and Lax equations on the regular triangular lattice -In: Intern. Math. Research Notices, 2002, Nr. 3, p. 111-164.
- J. Dorfmeister, J.-I. Inoguchi and M. Toda Weierstraß-type representation of timelike surfaces with constant mean curvature -In: Differential Geometry and Integrable Systems, Contemporary Mathematics 308 (2002), 77-99
- J. Dorfmeister, I. Sterling: Finite Type Lorentz Harmonic Maps and the Method of Symes -In: Differential Geom.Appl. 17 (2002) 43-53
- T. Hagen: On the effects of spinline cooling and surface tension in fiber spinning -In: Z. angew. Math. Mech. 82/8, 545-558 (2002)
- D. Ionescu: Can Be Conserved the Concept of Homogeneous Gravitational Field from Classical Mechanics in the Relativistic Theory of Gravitation? -In: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 130(2), 287-297 (2002)
- A. Johann: Kink solutions of the classical transverse field Ising chain -In: Eur. Phys. J. B 25, 53-60 (2002)
- A. Johann: On the dynamics of the classical transverse field Ising chain -In: J. Differential Equations 184, 224-258 (2002)
- E. Kaniuth, A.T. Lau, G. Schlichting: Lebesgue Type Docomposition of Subspaces of Fourier-Stieltjes Algebras -In: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 355 (2002), 1467-1490
- H.-P. Kruse, J. Scheurle und T.S. Ratiu: Radially symmetric solutions of a two-dimensional version of the Camassa-Holm equation Praeprint (2002)
2. Articles in congress reports:
- J. Dorfmeister Konstruktion von Trinoiden und anderen Flächen konstanter mittlerer Krümmung -In: 27. Kolloquium über Differentialgeometrie, Würzburg, 2002
3. Books and essays in serial works:
- T. Hagen: On viscoelastic fluids in elongation -In: G. Oyibo, Ed.: Advances in Mathematics Research. Vol. 1 Nova Science, New York, 187-206 (2002).
- J. Scheurle, S. Walcher: On normal form computations -In: Geometry, Mechanics and Dynamics, P. Newton, Ph. Holmes and A. Weinstein edts., Springer - Verlag 2002, 309 - 325
01.01.2001 - 31.12.2001
1. Journal article:
- R.J. Archbold, E. Kaniuth, J. Ludwig, G. Schlichting: Strength of Convergence in Duals of C*-Algebras and Nilpotent Lie Groups -In: Advances in Mathematics 158 (2001), 26-65
- V. Balan, J. Dorfmeister: Birkhoff decomposition and Iwasawa decomposition for general untwisted loop groups -In: Tohoku Math. J. 53 (2001), 593-615
- J. Dorfmeister, U. Eitner: Weierstrass-type representation of affine spheres -In: Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 71(2001), 225-250
- T. Hagen, M. Renardy: Studies on the linear equations of melt-spinning of viscous fluids -In: Diff. Integral Eqs. 14, 19-36 (2001)
- V. Liebscher, S. Walcher: On the mean value of probability measures on circular graphs. -In: Result. Math. 39 (2001), S. 58 - 90
- Yu.B. Suris: Integrable discretizations of some cases of the rigid body dynamics -In: J. Nonlin. Math. Phys., 2001, 8, p. 534-560
- Yu.B. Suris: Integrability of Adler's discretization of the Neumann system -In: Phys. Lett. A, 2001, 279, p. 327-332
- S. Walcher: On cooperative systems with respect to arbitrary orderings -In: J. Math. Analysis Appl. 263 (2001), S. 543 - 554
- S. Walcher, J. Altschuh, H. Sandermann: The lipid/protein interface as xenobiotic target site: Kinetic analysis of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. -In: J. Biol. Chem. 276 (2001), S. 42191 - 42195
2. Articles in congress reports:
- H.-P. Kruse, J. Scheurle und W. Du: A two-dimensional version of the Camassa-Holm equation -In: Proceedings of the Intern. Conference SPT2001, D. Bambusi, G. Gaeta und M. Cadoni edts., World Scientific 2001, 120 - 127
3. Books and essays in serial works:
- M. Rumberger, J. Scheurle: The orbit space method -In: Ergodic Theory, Analysis and Efficient Simulation of Dynamical Systems, B. Fiedler edt., Springer-Verlag 2001, 649 - 689
4. Lehrbücher:
- K. Meyberg, P. Vachenauer: Höhere Mathematik 1 - 6. Auflage, Springer-Verlag 2001, 529 S. +CD-ROM
- K. Meyberg, P. Vachenauer: Höhere Mathematik 2 - 4. Auflage, Springer-Verlag 2001, 457 S.
01.01.2000 - 31.12.2000
1. Journal article:
- V. Balan, J. Dorfmeister: A Weierstrass-type representation for harmonic maps from Riemann surfaces to general Lie groups-In: Balkan J. Geom. Appl. 5(1) (2000), 7-37
- J. Dorfmeister: On symmetries of constant mean curvature surfaces, Part II: Symmetries in a Weierstrass-type representation-In: Int. J Math., Game Theory Algebra 10 (2000), 121-146
- J. Dorfmeister, G. Haak: Investigation and application of the dressing action on surfaces of constant mean curvature -In: Quart. J.Math. 51 (2000), 57 -73
- T. Hagen: Eigenvalue asymptotics in isothermal forced elongation -In: J. Math. Anal. Appl. 244 (2000), 393-407
- T. Hagen, M. Renardy: Eigenvalue asymptotics in non-isothermal elongational flow -In: J. Math. Anal. Appl. 252, 431-443 (2000)
- D. Ionescu, E. Soos Electrogravitational Field Produced by a Charged Mass Point in RTG -In: Rev. Roum. Math. P. Appl. 45(2), 251-260 (2000)
- H.-P. Kruse Bifurcation of rotating inviscid liquid bridges with fixed contact lines -In: Z. Angew. Math. Mech. {\bf 80}, 2000, 411-421
- J.E. Marsden, T. Ratiu, J. Scheurle: Reduction theory and the Lagrange Routh equations -In: J. Math. Phys. 41(6) (2000), 3379-3429
- J. Scheurle, R. Seydel: A model of student migration -In: Intern. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos 10(2) (2000), 477-480
- S. Walcher On convergent normal form transformations in presence of symmetries. -IN: J. Math Analysis Appl. 244, 17-26 (2000)
- Yu.B. Suris: A reply to a comment: a note on an integrable discretization of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. -In: Inverse Problems, 2000, 16, p. 1071-1077
- Yu.B. Suris: The motion of a rigid body in a quadratic potential: an integrable discretization -In: Intern. Math. Research Notices, 2000, Nr. 12, p. 643-663
- S. Walcher On the Poincar`e problem -In: J. Diff. Eqs. 166 (1), 51-78 (2000)
- S. Walcher Plane polynomial vector fields with prescribed invariant curves -In: Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh 130A, 633-649 (2000)
2. Articles in congress reports:
- A.I. Bobenko, Yu.B. Suris A discrete time Lagrange top and discrete elastic curves -In: L.D. Faddeev's Seminar on Mathematical Physics, Ed. M. Semenov-Tian-Shansky. Amer. Math. Soc., 2000, p. 39-62
- T. Hagen, M. Renardy: Stability issues in nonisothermal elongational flow -In: Nonlinear partial differential equations, dynamics and continuum physics, pp 97-108, Mount Holyoke College 19-23.07.1998; eds: J. Bona, K. Saxton, R. Saxton, AMS, Providence, 2000
- T. Hagen, M. Renardy: On the equations of melt-spinning in nonisothermal viscous flow -In: Partial differential equations pp 147-157, Praha 10-16.08.1998; eds: J. Necas, W. Jäger, J. Stara, Chapman and Hall/ CRC 2000
- T. Hagen, M. Renardy: Eigenvalue asymptotics in fiber spinning, -In: D.M. Binding et al., Eds., Proc. XIIIth Int. Congr. Rheol. (Cambridge, 2000). Brit. Soc. Rheol., Vol. 2, Cambridge (2000), 330-332
- T. Hagen, M. Renardy: On the non-isothermal formation of polymeric fibers -In: Equadiff99 - Proceedings, B. Fiedler, K. Gröger and J. Sprekels edts., World Scientific 2000, 1126 - 1128
- D. Ionescu, E. Soos Consequences of the Causality Principle in the Relativistic Theory of Gravitation -In: Proceedings of the XXIII International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Field Theory, Protvino(Russia), 180-190, June 21-23, 2000
- H.-P. Kruse, J. Scheurle The Hamiltonian structure of the dynamics of ideal liquid bridges -In: Equadiff99 - Proceedings, B. Fiedler, K. Gröger and J. Sprekels edts., World Scientific 2000, 1182 - 1191
- M. Rösler: One-parameter semigroups related to abstract quantum models of Calogero type -In: Infinite Dimensional Harmonic Analysis, Kyoto, Sept. 20-24, 1999. Eds: H. Heyer et al.; Gräbner-Verlag, 2000; pp 290-305.
3. Books and essays in serial works:
- Z. Ge, H.P. Kruse, J.E. Marsden: The Limits of Hamiltonian Structures in Three-Dimensional Elasticity, Shells, and Rods -In: Mechanics: From Theory to Computation, ed. S. Wiggins, Springer 2000, 19-58
- H.P. Kruse, J. Scheurle: On the bifurcation and stability of rigidly rotating inviscid liquid bridges -In: Mechanics: From theory to computation, pp 512-532; ed: S. Wiggins, Springer, New York, 2000
- L. Råde, B. Westergren, P. Vachenauer: Springers mathematische Formeln, 3. Auflage, 537 S. Springer, 2000
01.01.1999 - 31.12.1999
1. Journal article:
- R.J. Archbold, E. Kaniuth, G. Schlichting, D.W.B. Somerset: On the topology of the dual of a nilpotent Lie group -In: Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 125 (1999), 269-293
- A.I. Bobenko, Yu.B. Suris: Discrete Lagrangian reduction, discrete Euler-Poincaré equations, and semi-direct products -In: Lett. Math. Phys., 1999, 49, p. 79-93
- A.I. Bobenko, Yu.B. Suris: Discrete time Lagrangian mechanics on Lie groups, with an application to the Lagrange top -In: Commun. Math. Phys., 1999, 204, p. 147-188.
- J. Denzler: Windows of given area with minimal heat diffusion -In: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 351 (1999), 569-580
- J. Denzler, A. Hinz: Catenaria vera -- the true catenary -In: Expositiones Mathematicae 17 (1999), 117-142
- H.P. Kruse: On the configuration manifold of a liquid bridge -In: Journal of Geometry and Physics 29 (1999), 260-282
- H.P. Kruse: The Hamiltonian Structure of the equations of motion of a liquid drop trapped between two planes -In: Journal of the London Mathematical Society 59 (1999), 742-768
- H.P. Kruse: Bifurcation of rotating inviscid liquid bridges with fixed contact lines -In: Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 80 (1999), 411-421
- H.P. Kruse, A. Mahalov, J.E. Marsden: On the Hamiltonian structure and three-dimensional instabilities of rotating liquid bridges -In: Fluid dynamics research 24 (1999), 37-59
- K. Meyberg: On a formula of Frobenius -In: Seminarberichte der FU Hagen 68 (1999), 406-410
- M. Renardy und T. Hagen: A calculus exam misprint -In: SIAM Electr. Probl. Sol., Problem 99-005 (1999)
- M. Rösler, M. Voit: Partial characters and signed quotient hypergroups -In: Canadian J. Math. 51 (1999), 96-116
- M. Rösler: Positivity of Dunkl's intertwining operator -In: Duke Math. J. 981 (1999), 445-463
- M. Rösler: An uncertainty principle for the Dunkl transform -In: Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 59 (1999), 353-360
- M. Rösler, M. Voit: An uncertainty principle for Hankel transforms -In: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 127 (1999), 183-194
- Yu.B. Suris: Integrable discretizations for lattice systems: local equations of motion and their Hamiltonian properties -In: Rev. Math. Phys., 1999, 11, p. 727-822.
- Yu.B. Suris, O. Ragnisco: What is the relativistic Volterra lattice? -In: Commun. Math. Phys., 1999, 200, p. 445-485
- Yu.B. Suris: R-matrices for relativistic deformations of integrable systems. -In: J. Nonlin. Math. Phys., 1999, 6, p. 411-447
- Yu.B. Suris: R-matrix hierarchies, integrable lattice systems, and their integrable discretizations -In: Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations, Eds. P. Clarkson, F. Nijhoff, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1999, p. 79-94
- S. Walcher: On algebras of rank three -In: Comm. Algebra 27 (1999), 3401-3438
- S. Walcher: Multi-parameter symmetries of first order ordinary differential equations -In: J. Lie Theory 9 (1999), 249-269
2. Articles in congress reports:
- Yu.B. Suris: R-matrices and integrable discretizations. -In: Discrete Integrable Geometry and Physics, Eds A. Bobenko, R. Seiler, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999, p. 157-207
- S. Walcher: Orbital Symmetries -In: SPT 98-Symmetry and perturbation theory, Rom, Dec 16-22, 1998. Eds: A. Degasperis, G. Gaeta; Singapore, World Scientific, 1999; pp 96-113
- S. Walcher: Reduction and invariant sets of vector fields admitting orbital symmetries -In: SPT 98-Symmetry and perturbation theory, Rom, Dec 16-22, 1998. Eds: A. Degasperis, G. Gaeta; Singapore, World Scientific, 1999;pp 278-286
3. Books and essays in serial works:
- T. Hagen, M. Renardy: On the equations of fiber spinning in viscous flow -In: Topics in Nonlinear Analysis, pp 321-348. The Herbert Amann Anniversary Volume, Hrsg: J. Escher et al. Birkhäser, 1999
- M. Koecher: The Minnesota Notes on Jordan algebras and applications Springer LNM 1710, (1999), edited by , A. Krieg and S. Walcher
- K. Meyberg, P. Vachenauer: Höhere Mathematik 1 - 5. Auflage, Springer, 1999, 529 S.
- K. Meyberg, P. Vachenauer: Höhere Mathematik 2 - 3. Auflage, Springer, 1999, 457 S.
01.01.1998 - 31.12.1998
1. Journal article:
- Bekka, M.B.; Kaniuth, E.; Lau. A.T.; Schlichting, G.: Weak*-closedness of subspaces of Fourier-Stieltjes Algebras and weak*-continuity of the restriction map -In: Transactions of the American Mathmatical Society, 350(6) (1998), 2277 - 2296
- A.I. Bobenko, B. Lorbeer, Yu.B. Suris: Integrable discretizations of the Euler top -In: . Math. Phys., 1998, 39, p. 6668-6683
- Denzler, J.: Bounds for the Heat Diffusion through Windows of Given Area. -In: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 217 (1998), 405 - 422
- Finston, D.; Walcher, S.: On a class of additive group actions on affine three-space. -In: Rocky Mountain J. Math., 28(2) (1998), 463 - 485
- Führ, H.: Continuous Wavelet Transforms with Abelian Dilation Groups. -In: Journal of Mathematical Physics, 39 (1998), 3974 - 3986
- Führ, H.; Roelcke, W.: Contributions to the Theory of Boundedness in Uniform Spaces and Topological Groups -In: Note di Matematica, 16 (1996), 189 - 226
- T. Hagen, J. Turi: A semigroup approach to a class of semilinear parabolic differential equations -In: Nonlinear Analysis 34 (1998), 17-35
- T. Hagen, J. Turi: On some nonlinear BBM-like equations -In: Comput. Appl. Math. 18 (1998), 161-172
- Kaniuth, E.; Lau, A.T.; Schlichting, G.: Weakly compactly generated Banach Algebras associated to locally compact groups. -In: J. Operator Theory, 40 (1998), 323 - 337
- Krieg, A.; Walcher, S.: Multiplier systems for the modular group on the 27-dimensional exceptional domain -In: Comm. Algebra, 26(5) (1998), 1409 - 1417
- Kruse, H.-P.; Scheurle, J.: On the Bifurcation and Stability of Rigidly Rotating Inviscid Liquid Bridges. -In: Journal of Nonlinear Science, 8 (1998) 215 - 232
- Rumberger, M.: Finitely differentiable invariants. -In: Mathematische Zeitschrift 229 (1998), 675 - 694
2. Articles in congress reports:
- H.P. Kruse: Hamiltonian Dynamics of Ideal Liquid Bridges -In: Nonlinear Oscillations in Mechanical Systems Vol.1, pp 33-43; Repino, St Petersburg, Russia, July 1-10,1998; eds: D. Indeitsev, M.G. Zeitlin, St Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering, 1998
01.01.1997 - 31.12.1997
1. Journal article:
- R.J. Archbold, E. Kaniuth, G. Schlichting, D.W.B. Somerset: Ideal Spaces of the Haagerup Tensor Product of C*-AlgebrasInternational Journal of Mathematics 8 (1997), 1-29
- Denzler, J.: A hypergeometric function approach to the persistence problem of single sine Gordon breathers. Transactions of the AMS 349 (1997), 4053-4083
- Finston, D.; Walcher, S.: Centralizers of locally nilpotent derivations J. Pure Applied Algebra 120(1) (1997), 39-49
- T. Hagen, M. Renardy: Boundary Layer Analysis of the Phan-Thien-Tanner and Giesekus model in high Weissenberg number flow J. Non-Newto. Fluid Mech. 73(1997), 181-189
- Kinyon, M.; Walcher, S.: On ordinary differential equations admitting a finite linear group of symmetries J. Math. Analysis Appl. 216 (1997), 180-196
- Mayer, M.: Asymptotics of Matrix Coefficients and Closures of Fourier-Stieltjes Algebras. Journal of Functional Analysis 143 (1997), 42-54
- Mayer, M.: Strongly Mixing Groups Semigroup Forum 54 (1997), 303-316
- O. Ragnisco, Yu.B. Suris: Integrable discretizations of the spin Ruijsenaars-Schneider models J. Math. Phys., 1997, 38, p. 4680-4691
- Röhrl, H.; Walcher, S.: Projections of polynomial vector fields and the Poincaré sphere J. Diff. Eqs. 139 (1) (1997), 22-40
- Yu. B. Suris: Why is the Ruijsenaars-Schneider hierarchy governed by the same R-operator as the Calogero-Moser one?Phys. Lett. A, 1997, 225, p. 253-262
- Yu. B. Suris: On an integrable discretization of the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation Phys. Lett. A, 1997, 234, p. 91-102
- Yu. B. Suris: A note on an integrable discretization of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation Inverse Problems, 1997, 13, p. 1121-1136
- Yu. B. Suris:Nonlocal quadratic Poisson algebras, monodromy map, and Bogoyavlensky lattices J. Math. Phys., 1997, 38, p. 4179-4201
- Yu. B. Suris: On some integrable systems related to the Toda lattice J. Phys. A, 1997, 30, p. 2235-2249
- Yu. B. Suris: New integrable systems related to the relativistic Toda lattice J. Phys. A, 1997, 30, p. 1745-1761
- Walcher, S.: On sums of vector fields Result. Math. 31 (1997), 161-169
01.01.1996 - 31.12.1996
1. Journal article:
- Bekka, M.B.; Kaniuth, E.; Lau, A.; Schlichting, G.: On C*-algebras associated with locally compact groups - In: Proceedings of the AMS 124 (1996) 3151 - 3158.
- Führ, H.: Wavelet Frames and Admissibility in Higher Dimensions - In: Journal of Mathematical Physics 37 (1996), 6353 - 6366.
- Ge, Z.; Kruse, H.P.; Marsden, J.E.: The limits of Hamiltonian structures in threedimensional elasticity, shells and rods. - In: Journal of nonlinear science 6 (1996), 19 - 57.
- O. Ragnisco, Yu.B. Suris: On the r-matrix structure of the Neumann system and its discretizations. - In: Algebraic Aspects of Integrable Systems: In Memory of Irene Dorfman, Birkhäuser, 1996, p. 285-300
- Schaflitzel, R.: Subfactors and group representations. - In: Mathematische Zeitschrift 221 (1996) Nr. 4, 521 - 535.
- Yu.B. Suris: Integrable discretizations of the Bogoyavlensky lattices - In: J. Math. Phys., 1996, 37, p. 3982-3996
- Yu.B. Suris: A discrete time peakons lattice - In: Phys. Lett. A, 1996, 217, p. 321-329
- Yu.B. Suris: Partitioned Runge-Kutta methods as phase-volume preserving integrators - In: Phys. Lett. A, 1996, 220, p. 63-69
- Yu.B. Suris: A discrete-time relativistic Toda lattice - In: J. Phys. A., 1996, 29, p. 451-465
- Schlichting, G.: Wavelts und die obere Halbebene. - In: Tagungsbereicht, Med. Univ. zu Lübeck, 1996, 110-112
2. Articles in congress reports:
- Marsden, J.E.; Scheurle, J.; Wendlandt, J.M.: Visualization of orbits and pattern evocation for the double spherical pendulum.- In: Proceedings of the Third International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Hamburg, 1995. Eds.: K. Kirchgässner, O. Mahrenholtz and R. Mennicken. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1996 (Mathematical Research Series; Vol.87).
3. Books and essays in serial works:
- Fiedler, B.; Scheurle, J.: Discretization of homoclinic orbits and ``invisible'' chaos - Memoirs of the AMS, vol. 119, number 570 (3), American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1996
- Scheurle, J.: Some aspects of successive bifurcations in the Couette-Taylor problem. - In: Pattern Formation: Symmetry methods and applications. Eds.: J. Chadan, M. Golubitsky, W.F. Langford and B. Wetton. 1996, 335 - 345 (Fields Inst. Comm.; 5).
01.01.1995 - 31.12.1995
1. Journal article:
- Marsden, J.E.; Scheurle, J.: Pattern evocation and geometric phases in mechanical systems with symmetry. - In: Dynamics and Stability of Systems 10 (1995), 315 - 338.
- Röhrl, H.; Walcher, S.: A radical for arbitrary algebras - In: Comm. Algebra 23 Nr. 10, (1995), 3889 - 3914.
- Walcher, S.: On monocomposition algebras - In: Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 123 (8) (1995), 2305 - 2314.
2. Books and essays in serial works:
- Rumberger, M.; Scheurle, J.: Invariant C j-functions and center manifold reduction. - In: Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Chaos. Eds.: H.W. Broer, S.A. van Gils, I. Hoveijn and F. Takens. Basel: Birkäuser, 1995, 145 - 153 (PNLDE; 19).
Technical University of Munich
School of Computation,
Information and Technology
Department of Mathematics
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching b. München
Mariola Nicpon-Stasch
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