Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christina Kuttler
Technical University of Munich
Associate Professorship of Mathematics in Life Sciences (Prof. Kuttler)
Postal address
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
Research interests
- Mathematical modelling of biological and physical processes by ordinary and partial differential equations
- Reaction-diffusion equations
- Parameter estimation
- Systems Biology
Christina Kuttler (born 1973 in Tübingen) studied Mathematics, Physics and Informatics at the University of Tübingen. After finishing her Ph.D. thesis (Freie Randwertprobleme für eindimensionale Transportgleichungen) she stayed for a further position as Postdoc in Tübingen (dealing with mathematical problem of granular matter and the prediction of proteasomal cleavages in the context of the immune system). In 2004 she got a Postdoc position at the Institute of Biomathematics and Biometry, Helmholtz Center Munich, where she was involved in the interdisciplinary research project "Molecular interaction in the rhizosphere" and contributed mathematical models for biological questions.
Since 2008, she is at the Technical University Munich, as an extraordinary professor, with the topic "Mathematics in Life Sciences". Her main interest are focussed at the moment in the area of deterministic mathematical models. A main project deals with the modelling of bacterial communications, where especially the intracellular regulation mechanisms and diffusion processes are considered.
- Fritz, M., Kuttler, C., Rajendran, M. L., Wohlmuth, B., & Scarabosio, L.
On a subdiffusive tumour growth model with fractional time derivative
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 86, Issue 4 (688-729) - Kuttler C., Maslovskaya A.
Hybrid stochastic fractional-based approach to modeling bacterial quorum sensing
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2021, V. 93 (360-375) - Schlicke P., Kuttler C., Schumann C.
How mathematical modeling could contribute to the quantification of metastatic tumor burden under therapy: insights in immunotherapeutic treatment of non-small cell lung cancer
Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling (18:11 (2021)) - C. Kuttler, A. G. Maslovskaya and L. I. Moroz
Numerical simulation of time-fractional diffusion-wave processes applied to communication in bacterial populations
2021 Days on Diffraction (DD) (114-119)
- Christina Kuttler, Anna Maslovskaya
Computer simulation of communication in bacterial populations under external impact of signal-degrading enzymes
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (163-179) - Kuttler C., Maslovskaya A.
Wave effects in stochastic time lagging reaction-diffusion model of quorum-sensing in bacterial populations
Proc. of the IEEE, Days on Diffraction (62-67) - Kuttler C., Maslovskaya A.
Computer Simulation of Communication in Bacterial Populations under External Impact of Signal-Degrading Enzymes
Proc. of the CEUR, Workshop Proceedings, 2020, V. 2783 (Paper 12 (17)) - Jell A, Kuttler C, Ostler D, Hüser N
How to Cope with Big Data in Functional Analysis of the Esophagus
Visc Med 2020;36 (439-442) - Adrian Cazares, Rodolfo García-Contreras, Christina Kuttler, Judith Perez-Velazquez
Targeting Bacterial Communication to Improve Bacterial Infections Therapy
Trends in Quorum Sensing and Quorum Quenching, CRC Press - Oelker A., Horger T., Kuttler C.
The Beauty of a Beast
Matthäus F., Matthäus S., Harris S., Hillen T. (eds) The Art of Theoretical Biology. Springer, Cham - Schlicke P., Kuttler C., Schumann C.
Ein mathematisches Modell zur Kontrolle von Wachstum und Größen pulmonaler Metastasen unter Chemo- und Immuntherapie
Conference: 61. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin e.V. (74(S 01): 15 (2020)) - Volker Hösel, Christina Kuttler, Johannes Müller
Mathematical Population Genetics and Evolution of Bacterial Cooperation
World Scientific
- Aenne Oelker, Thomas Horger, Christina Kuttler
From Staphylococcus aureus gene regulation to its pattern formation
Journal of Mathematical Biology (1-28) - A. Jell, C. Kuttler, N. Hüser, J. Steger, D. Ostler and H. Feußner
Facing Big Data in Longterm High Resolution Manometry of the Esophagus by Automated Swallow Detection and Classification
International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Las Vegas, NV, USA (995-998) - Mund, Anne; Kuttler, Christina; Pérez-Velázquez, Judith
Using G-Functions to Investigate the Evolutionary Stability of Bacterial Quorum Sensing
Mathematics 7, no. 11 (1112) - Schlicke P., Schumann C., Kuttler C.
Ein erweitertes mathematisches Modell zur Beschreibung von Wachstum und Größenverteilung von Metastasen unter Therapie
Conference: 60. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin e. V. (73(S 01) (2019))
- Ammar Jalalimanesh, Christina Kuttler, Rodolfo Garcia-Contreras, Judith Perez-Velazquez
An Agent-Based Model to Study Selection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Quorum Sensing by Pyocyanin: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Bacterial Communication
Quantitative Models for Microscopic to Macroscopic Biological Macromolecules and Tissues (133-147) - Maryam Ghasemi, Burkhard A. Hense, Hermann Eberl, Christina Kuttler
Simulation-Based Exploration of Quorum Sensing Triggered Resistance of Biofilms to Antibiotics
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 80(1) (1736-1775) - Paulina Castañeda-Tamez, Jimena Ramírez-Peris, Judith Pérez-Velázquez, Christina Kuttler, Ammar Jalalimanesh, Miguel Á. Saucedo-Mora, J. Guillermo Jiménez-Cortés, Toshinari Maeda, Yael González, María Tomás, Thomas K. Wood, Rodolfo García-Contreras
Pyocyanin Restricts Social Cheating in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Frontiers Microbiol. 9:1348
- Kuttler, C.
Reaction-Diffusion Equations and Their Application on Bacterial Communication
Handbook of Statistics-Disease Modelling and Public Health, Part B (Chapter 4 55-91) - Juan-Carlos Garcia-Betancur, Angel Goni-Moreno, Thomas Horger, Melanie Schott, Malvika Sharan, Julian Eikmeier, Barbara Wohlmuth, Alma Zernecke, Knut Ohlsen, Christina Kuttler, Daniel Lopez
Cell differentiation defines acute and chronic infection cell types in Staphylococcus aureus
eLife Sciences 6 (1-39)
- Mund, A.; Kuttler, C.; Perez-Velazquez, J.; Hense, B.A.
An age-dependent model to analyse the evolutionary stability of bacterial quorum sensing
Journal of Theoretical Biology 205 - Barbarossa, M.V.; Kuttler, C.
Mathematical Modeling of Bacteria Communication in Continuous Cultures
Applies Sciences 6(5): 149 - Kumberger, P.; Kuttler, C.; Czuppon, P.; Hense, B.A.
Multiple regulation mechanisms of bacterial Quorum sensing
Biomath 5 (2016), 1607291
- J. Perez-Velazquez, B. Quinones, B.A. Hense, C. Kuttler:
A mathematical model to investigate quorum sensing regulation and its heterogeneity in Pseudomonas syringae on leaves
Ecological Complexity 21, (128-141) - B.A. Hense. C. Kuttler, J. Müller
Functionality of Autoinducer Systems in Complex Environments
The Physical Basis of Bacterial Quorum Communication, Springer (83-103) - Blessing O. Emerenini, Burkhard A. Hense, Christina Kuttler, Hermann J. Eberl
A Mathematical Model of Quorum Sensing Induced Biofilm Detachment.
PLoS ONE 10 (7):e0132385
- M. Mohr, M. V. Barbarossa, C. Kuttler
Predator-Prey interactions, age structures and delay equations
Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 9(1) (92-107) - J. Müller, B.A. Hense, S. Marozava, C. Kuttler, R.U. Meckenstock:
Model selection for microbial nutrient uptake using a cost-benefit approach
Math. Biosc. 255 (52-70) - K. Buddrus-Schiemann, M. Rieger, M. Mühlbauer, M. V. Barbarossa, C. Kuttler, B. A. Hense, M. Rothballer, J. Uhl, J. R. Fonseca, P. Schmitt-Kopplin, M. Schmid, A. Hartmann
Analysis of N-acylhomoserine lactone dynamics in continuous cultures of Pseudomonas putida IsoF by use of ELISA and UHPLC/qTOF-MS-derived measurements and mathematical models
Anal. Bioanal. Chem., DOI: 10.1007 (00216-014-8063-6) - M. V. Barbarossa, K. P. Hadeler, C. Kuttler
State-dependent neutral delay equations from population dynamics
J. Math. Biol., DOI: 10.1007 (00285-014-0821-8) - T. Horger, C. Kuttler, B. Wohlmuth, A. Zhigun
Analysis of a bacterial model with nutrient-dependent degenerate diffusion
Math. Methods Appl. Sci.,DOI: 10.1002/mma.3322 - M. Gölgeli Matur, J. Müller, C. Kuttler, B.A. Hense
An approximative aproach for single cell spatial modeling of quorum sensing
J. Comp Biol., DOI: 10.1089/cmb. 2014.0198
- Horger, T., Oelker, A., Kuttler, C., Perez-Velazquez, J.
Mathematical modeling of tumor-induced angiogenesis using porous medium diffusion
Int. J. Biomath. Biostat. 2 (1) (145-165)
- Li, D., Rothballer, M., Engel, M., Hoser, J., Schmidt, T., Kuttler, C., Schmid, M., Schloter, M., Hartmann, A.
Phenotypic variation in Acidovorax radicis N35 influences plant growth promotion.
FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 79(3) (751-762) - Barbarossa, M.V., Kuttler, C., Zinsl, J.
Delay equations modeling the effects of phase-specific drugs and immunotherapy on proliferating tumor cells
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 9 (2) (241 - 257) - Hense, B.A., Müller, J., Kuttler, C., Hartmann, A.
Spatial Heterogeneity of Autoinducer Regulation Systems
Sensors 12 (4156-4171) - A. Meyer, J. Megerle, C. Kuttler, J. Müller, C. Aguilar, L. Eberl, B. Hense, J.O. Rädler
Dynamics of AHL mediated quorum sensing under flow and non-flow conditions
Physical Biology 9 - M. Gallenberger, W. zu Castell, B. A. Hense, C. Kuttler
Dynamics of glucose and insulin concentration connected to the beta-cell cycle: model development and analysis
Theor. Biol. Med. Modelling 9 (4-6) - J. Pérez-Velázquez, R. Schlicht, G. Dulla, B. A. Hense, C. Kuttler, S. E. Lindow
Stochastic modeling of Pseudomonas syringae growth in the phyllosphere
Math. Biosciences 239 (106-116)
- Frederick, M.R., Kuttler, C., Hense, B.A., Eberl, H.J.
A mathematical model of quorum sensing regulated EPS production in biofilm communities
Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling, 8 (1-29)
- Barbarossa, M.V., Kuttler, C., Fekete, A., Rothballer, M
A delay model for quorum sensing of Pseudomonas putida
BioSystems 102 (148-156) - Kuttler, C., Hense, B.A.
Finetuning for the Mathematical Modelling of Quorum Sensing Regulation Systems
Int. J. Biomath. Biostat. 1, (151-168) - Frederick, M.R., Kuttler, C., Hense, B.A., Müller, J., Eberl, H.J.
A mathematical model of quorum sensing in patchy biofilm communities with slow background flow
Canad. Appl. Math. Quarterly 18 (267-298) - Fekete, A., Kuttler, C., Rothballer, M., Hense, B.A., Fischer, D., Buddrus-Schiemann, K., Lucio, M., Müller, J., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Hartmann, A.
Dynamic regulation of N-acyl-homoserine lactone productionand degradation in Pseudomonas putida IsoF
FEMS Microbiol. Ecol.72 (22–34)
- Müller, J., Kuttler, C., Hense, B.A., Zeiser, S., Liebscher, V.
Transcription, intercellular variability and correlated random walk
Math. Biosc. (30-39) - Kuttler, C., Hense, B.A.
The interplay of two quorum sensing regulation systems of Vibrio fischeri
J. theor. Biol.251 (167-180) - Müller, J., Kuttler, C., Hense, B.A.
Sensitivity of the Quorum Sensing system is achieved by low pass filtering
BioSystems 92 (76-81) - Hense, B.A., Kuttler, C., Müller, J., Rothballer, M., Hartmann, A., Kreft, J.U.
Efficiency Sensing - was messen Autoinduktoren wirklich?
Biospektrum 01.08 (18-21) - Zeiser, S., Rivera, O., Kuttler, C., Hense, B., Lasser, R., Winkler, G.
Oscillations of Hes7 caused by negative autoregulation and ubiquitination
Computational Biology and Chemistry 32 (48-52)
- Schuster, I.G., Busch, D.H.,C., Kuttler, C., Ellwart, et al.
Allorestricted T cells with specificity for the FMNL1-derived peptide PP2 have potent antitumor activity against hematologic and other malignancies
Blood 110 (2931-2939) - Englmann, M., Fekete, A., Kuttler, C., Frommberger, M., Li, X., Gebefügi, I., Fekete, J., Schmitt-Kopplin, P.
The hydrolysis of unsubstituted N-acylhomoserine lactones to their homoserine metabolites. Analytical approaches using ultra performance liquid chromatography
J. Chromatography A 1160 (184-193) - Hense, B.A., Kuttler, C., Müller, J., Rothballer, M., Hartmann, A., Kreft, J.U.
Does efficiency sensing unify diffusion and quorum sensing?
Nature Reviews Microbiology 5 (230-239)
Other years
- Müller, J., Kuttler, C., Hense, B.A., Rothballer, M., Hartmann, A.
Cell-cell communication by quorum sensing and dimension-reduction
J. Math. Biol. 53, 2006 (672-702) - Hadeler, K.P., Kuttler, C., Nussbaum, A.K.
Cleaving proteins for the immune system.
Math. Biosc. 188, 2004 (63-79) - Hakenberg, J., Nussbaum, A.K., Schild, Kuttler, C., Holzhütter, all
MAPPP - MHC-I Antigenic Peptide Processing Prediction.
Appl. Bioinf. 2, 2003 (155-158) - Hadeler, K.P., Kuttler, C.
Variational Principles for Granular Matter.
Prog. Nonlin. Diff. Eq. Appl. 55, 2003 (215-225) - Hadeler, K.P., Kuttler, C.
Granular matter
SFB 382, Report Nr. 185, 2003 - Hadeler, K.P., Kuttler, C.
Instantaneous deposition of granular matter
SFB 382, Report Nr. 186, 2003 - Kuttler, C.
On the competitive growth of two sand heaps.
Math. Meth. Appl. Sci. 26, 2003 (1435-1449) - Nussbaum, A.K., Kuttler, C., Tenzer, S., Schild, H.
Using the World Wide Web for predicting CTL epitopes
Current opinion in Immunology 15, 2003 (69-74) - Hadeler, K.P., Kuttler, C., Gergert, I.
Dirichlet and obstacle problems for granular matter
SFB 382, Report Nr. 173, 2002 - Kuttler, C.
Free boundary problem for a one-dimensional transport equation
Zeit. Anal. Anwend. 20, 2001 (859-881) - Nussbaum, A.K., Kuttler, C., Hadeler, K.P., Rammensee, H.G., Schild, H.
PAProC: a prediction algorithm for proteasomal cleavages
Immunogenetics 53, 2001 (87-94) - Kuttler, C., Nussbaum, A.K., Dick, T.P., Rammensee, H.G., Schild, H., Hadeler, K.P.
An algorithm for the prediction of proteasomal cleavages.
J. Mol. Biol. 298, 2000 (417-429) - Kuttler, C.
Freie Randwertprobleme für eindimensionale Transportgleichungen.
Dissertation, Universität Tübingen, 2000 - Hadeler, K.P., Kuttler, C.
A model for slowly moving granular matter
In: D. Helbing, H.J. Herrmann, M. Schreckenberg, D.E. Wolf (eds), Traffic and Granular Flow '99: Social, Traffic, and Granular Dynamics, Springer Verlag, 2000 - Kuttler, C., Nussbaum, A.K., Schild, H., Hadeler, K.P.
Improved Proteasome models for the reproduction and prediction of protein cleavage
submitted, 2000 - Kuttler, C.
Algorithmic Prediction of Proteasomal Cleavages.
In: E. Bornberg-Bauer, U. Rost, J. Stoye, M. Vingron (eds), GCB 2000: Proceedings of the German Conference of Bioinformatics, Heidelberg, Logos-Verlag, 2000
Winter term 2024/25
Summer term 2025
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