- Master's Thesis: Modellierung und Optimierung von Milkruns in der Inboundlogistik der J.M. Voith SE & Co. KG am Produktionsstandort Garching (co-advised with Stefan Weltge)
- Master's Thesis: Matchings of Students and Seminars: A Linear Programming Approach (co-advised with René Brandenberg)
- Master's Thesis: Combinatorial Matching Algorithms for Course Assignment (co-advised with René Brandenberg)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Web Application for the Traveling Salesman Problem (co-advised with René Brandenberg)
- Bachelor's Thesis: The network simplex algorithm and an application in faculty course assignment (co-advised with René Brandenberg)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Bin Packing: Eine Einführung für Studierende des Mathematikgrundlagenstudiums (co-advised with Stefan Weltge)
- Master's Thesis: University timetabling (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Optimale Bestellpläne - eine Analyse von Absatzprognosemodellen für die Verwendung in Online-Optimierungsverfahren (co-advised with René Brandenberg, Stefan König)
- Master's Thesis: Implementation of School Bus Route Optimization (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Verbesserungen bei Applets zur Veranschaulichung verschiedener Graphenalgorithmen (co-advised with Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: Optimizing the distribution of batteries in energy networks (co-advised with Stefan Weltge)
- Master's Thesis: Webbased timetabling optimization for special education schools (co-advised with Stefan Weltge)
- Master's Thesis: Produktionsprozessoptimierung - Minimierung von Lieferzeiten in der Blechfertigung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Cutting Planes for School Bus Routing (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Supply Chain Optimization: A Mixed Integer Programming Model (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Graph Reduction in School Bus Routing Problems (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Optimized GPS Routing (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Ride Pooling in Free Floating Car Sharing (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: Optimal School Bus Routing (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Darstellung von fortgeschrittenen Graphalgorithmen am Beispiel von Push-Relabel sowie Label-Correcting Algorithmen (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: Decomposition Methods with Application to a Multiple-Site Production Planning Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Daniel Opritescu)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Algorithms for Voting and Assignment under Preferences (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Paul Stursberg)
- Master's Thesis: Optimal Integration of Autonomous Vehicles in Car Sharing: A Decomposition Approach and Fastening Heuristics (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Fabian Klemm, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Designing an interface for the Sightseeing Problem (IDP) (co-advised with Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: Reconstrucing the Movement of Table Tennis Balls with Discrete Tomography (co-advised with Andreas Alpers, Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Models and Algorithmic Approaches for Production Planning with Installation Times (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Daniel Opritescu, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Design and Implementation of an Applet for the Sightseeing Problem: Backend Implementation (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: Optimal scheduling and routing in forestry using combinatorial optimization (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Fabian Klemm, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: k-center problems on urban street networks - geometrical and graph theoretical approaches (co-advised with René Brandenberg, Peter Gritzmann)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Application of k-opt improvements for the TSP in a web application (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: Multimodal Route Planning in the Car Sharing Relocation Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Ausbauplanung von Verkehrsnetzen: Netzwerkdesign mit exakten Methoden der zweistufigen Optimierung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Bachelor's Thesis: A Novel Approach To Runway Capacity Management (co-advised with Alexander Döge, Peter Gritzmann, Ferdinand Kiermaier)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Solvability and Stability of Nonograms (co-advised with Andreas Alpers, Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: The Relocation Planning Problem in Free-Floating Car Sharing: Models and Heuristics (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Fabian Klemm, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Algorithms for the Mixed Chinese Postman Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: A Branch-and-Cut Method for the Vehicle Relocation Problem in One-Way Car-Sharing (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: Linearization and solution of the quadratic assignment problem : An application on key assignments of smartphones (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: Branch and Price for the Home Health Care Routing and Scheduling Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: Online Optimization of the relocation problem in carsharing (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Electoral District Design using Optimization Methods from Geometric Clustering (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Fabian Klemm)
- Dissertation: Shape Matching and Mesh Segmentation: Mathematical Analysis, Algorithms and an Application in Automated Manufacturing (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Balancing Bicycle Sharing Systems (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: Dynamische Optimierung mit Schwellenwerten im Erlösmanagement der Luftverkehrsbranche (co-advised with Raymond Hemmecke)
- Master's Thesis: Traffic Network Optimization - an Approach Combining Genetic Algorithms and Nonlinear Programming (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Bündelmethoden für Lagrange-Relaxationen: Anwendung auf ein Problem der ambulanten Krankenpflege (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: Column Generation applied to a special Case of the Hub Location and Routing Problem (co-advised with Raymond Hemmecke)
- Master's Thesis: Multi-echelon facility location problem with inventory consideration (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Implementierung eines Modells für die Wartungsplanung in Verkehrsnetzen (co-advised with Raymond Hemmecke)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Entwicklung und Implementierung eines didaktischen Konzepts für die Wissenskontrolle zu verschiedenen Graphenalgorithmen zum Einsatz in der gymnasialen Oberstufe (co-advised with Melanie Herzog, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl, Anusch Taraz)
- Master's Thesis: A complete Characterization of Jump Inequalities for the Hop-Constrained Shortest Path Problem (co-advised with René Brandenberg, Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Optimization of keyboard assignments for smartphones (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Master's Thesis: Optimizing Power Plant and Storage Dispatch under Uncertainty of Renewable Energy - A Solution Based on Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Matthias Silbernagl, Paul Stursberg)
- Master's Thesis: Central Management of Flexible Loads for Ancillary Services Provision (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Paul Stursberg)
- Master's Thesis: Optimal Gear Train Synthesis: An Integer Programming Model and a Cutting Plane Approach (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Assignment Problems in House and Course Planning (co-advised with Anusch Taraz)
- Master's Thesis: Optimal Gear Train Synthesis: An Integer Programming Model and Heuristic Algorithms (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Ganzzahlige nichtlineare Optimierung - eine Anwendung für die Planung von Wartungsarbeiten (co-advised with Anusch Taraz)
- Master's Thesis: Analyse eines Verkehrswartungsmodells für die Planung von Brückenwartungsarbeiten (co-advised with Raymond Hemmecke)
- Master's Thesis: Surface registration and segmentation with an application in automated metal forming (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Felix Schmiedl)
- Master's Thesis: Network Design for Traffic Flow Optimization (co-advised with Raymond Hemmecke)
- Master's Thesis: Robuste Optimierung für die Modellierung von Energiesystemen (co-advised with Raymond Hemmecke, Matthias Silbernagl, Paul Stursberg)
- Master's Thesis: Umsteigegraphen im ÖPNV (co-advised with René Brandenberg, Peter Gritzmann, Melanie Herzog)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Entwicklung und Implementierung eines didaktischen Konzepts zur Veranschaulichung verschiedener Graphalgorithmen zum Einsatz in der gymnasialen Oberstufe (co-advised with Melanie Herzog, Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl, Anusch Taraz)
- Master's Thesis: Multi-Weighted TSP - The Traveling Salesman Problem under Additional Knapsack Constraints (co-advised with Melanie Herzog, Anusch Taraz)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Kombinatorischer Handel an Finanzmärkten (co-advised with Anusch Taraz)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Ein Global-Games-Modell für Währungskrisen (co-advised with Anusch Taraz)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Wartungsplanung für Infrastrukturbauwerke zur Optimierung des Verkehrsflusses - ein verbesserter Column Generation-Ansatz (co-advised with Raymond Hemmecke)
- Diploma Thesis: Schnelle Algorithmen in der Flugplanung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Optimale Stundenplanerstellung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Surface Registration mit einer Anwendung in der Metallverarbeitung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Felix Schmiedl)
- Diploma Thesis: Optimale Terminplanung für Instandsetzungsarbeiten an der Verkehrsinfrastruktur (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Optimale Steuerung der Betriebsstrategie eines Hybridantriebs (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Das Path-Sightseeing-Problem: Heuristiken und Schnittebenen für die Routenplanung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Melanie Herzog)
- Bachelor's Thesis (TopMath): Optimale Einsatz- und Routenplanung in der ambulanten Krankenpflege (co-advised with René Brandenberg, Peter Gritzmann, Melanie Herzog)
- Bachelor's Thesis (TopMath): Tourenplanung in der Holzwirtschaft mit flexiblen Ladungsträgern (co-advised with René Brandenberg, Peter Gritzmann)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Weiterentwicklung einer Webanwendung zur automatisierten Planung von Stadtbesichtigungen (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Melanie Herzog)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Optimization of power storage for regional electricity networks: A realistic model for production planning (co-advised with Anusch Taraz)
- Project with Colloquium: Tax-aware portfolio optimization (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Netzsegmentierung für automatisierte Fertigungsverfahren (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Personalbedarfsabschätzung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Optimales lokales Wire Spacing unter Berücksichtigung von Anschlussleitungen (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Optimierung in der Logistik (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Optimal Wire Placement in Halbleiterschaltungen unter Berücksichtigung simultaner Schaltvorgänge (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis by Melanie Herzog: Sightseeing: Routenplanung unter Beachtung von Finanz- und Zeitbudgets (co-advised with René Brandenberg, Peter Gritzmann)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Kombinatorische Auktionen (co-advised with Raymond Hemmecke)
- Diploma Thesis: Combinatorial Auctions for the Procurement of Bus Services - A Branch-and-Price Approach (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Optimaler Speichereinsatz in der Stromerzeugung: Zufällige Schwankungen im Verbrauch (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Randomisierte Algorithmen für die Slotplanung (co-advised with Anusch Taraz)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Einsatzplanung in der Logistik (co-advised with Anusch Taraz, Barbara Wilhelm)
- Diploma Thesis: An Algorithmic Approach to the Maximum Independent Set Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Kombinatorische Designs, lokale Strukturbedingungen und Bewertungsfunktionen (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Ein Branch and Bound-Verfahren für dynamisches Replica Placement mit garantierten maximalen Zugriffszeiten (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Ein Java-Framework für ein Optimierungsproblem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Optimales Routing in transparenten optischen Netzen unter Berücksichtigung physikalischer Nebenbedingungen (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Optimierungsprobleme in der zweistufigen Kommissionierung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Optimales Bin-Packing für die Kommissionierung in Warenauslieferungslagern (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Optimale Zuordnung unter Lastausgleich: Lagrange-Dualität, approximative Algorithmen und praktische Anwendung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Zuordnungsprobleme mit Lastausgleich (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Algorithmen für verallgemeinerte Netzwerk-Flussprobleme (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Optimale Transportpläne für dynamische Warenflussprobleme (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)