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scientific work


Parallelized Approaches to Conformal Mappings with applications to real-time calligraphy (submitted December 2023 @TUM)


L. Polke: Parallelized Pixel Averaging for a Real-time Ornamental Pen, Bridges 2023 Conference Proceedings

L. Polke, J. Richter-Gebert: Real-time Ornamental Calligraphic PensBridges 2021 Conference Proceedings

Master Thesis

Discrete Conformal Maps and Typography (submitted November 2018 @TUM)

Bachelor Thesis

Phirotopes: Realization and Reconstruction (submitted August 2015 @TUM)


Winter semester 2023

Exercise class Linear Algebra 1 [MA0004]

  • Group 4, Monday 14:15-15:45 in room 02.06.011

Summer semester 2023

Management exercise classes Geometrie [MA2011] (Moodle course)

my exercise classes: 

  • Wednesday 12:15-13:45 in room 02.06.011
  • Wednesday 14:15-14:45 in room 03.09.014

Mentoring of the Data Innovation Lab Project "Classification of Watermarks" in cooperation with TU Delft and German National Library, Leipzig.


Winter semester 2022

Management exercise classes Projektive Geometrie [MA3203] (Moodle course)

my exercise classes:

  • Monday 12:15-13:45 in room 02.06.011
  • Tuesday 12:15-13:45 online
  • Thursday 14:15-15:45 in room 02.06.011


Summer semester 2022

Management exercise classes Geometrie [MA2011] (Moodle course)

my exercise classes:

  • Monday 10:15-11:45 in room 02.08.011
  • Monday 14:15-15:45 in room 03.08.011


Winter semester 2021/22

Management exercise classes Projective Geometry 2 [MA3204] (Moodle course)

my exercise classes: 

  • refer to the Moodle course

exercise class in Linear Algebra 1 [MA0004]

  • Kohorte F, Tuesday 8:30-10:00 in room 02.04.011


Summer semester 2021

Management exercise classes Geometrie [MA2011] (Moodle course)

my exercise classes:

  • online Tuesday 14:00-16:00
  • online Thursday 10:00-12:00


Winter semester 2020/21

exercise classes Geometriekalküle [MA2203]

  • online Thursday 14:00-15:00
  • online Thursday 16:15-17:15

exercise class Mathematics for Physicists 1 (Linear Algebra) [MA9201]

  • online Wednesday 14:15-15:45


Summer semester 2020

Management exercise classes Projektive Geometrie [MA3203]

refer to the Moodle course


Winter semester 2019/20

Management exercise classes Geometriekalküle [MA2203]

Summer semester 2019

exercise classes Linear Algebra for Computer scientists [MA0901]

  • LA07 Monday 10:15-11:45 in room MI 00.04.011 (HS2)
  • LA11 Friday 12:15-13:45 in room MI 03.09.012
  • LA13 Friday 14:15-15:45 in room MI 00.09.022

supervised theses

Master theses


Bachelor theses

A. Novorolnik

M. Schinke

Master theses

K. Rodrigues de Aquino: Tutorial for CindyLab - a Physics Experimental Kit (abgegeben Dez. 2023)

A. Sigmund: Cinderella-Tutorial on learning the programming language Cindy Script (abgegeben Okt. 2023)

D. Infanger: Interesting Facts and Easy Computations about Cubics (abgegeben Sept. 2023)

C. Treml: Euclidean Theorems in Projective Geometry (abgegeben Juni 2023)

M. Schneider: Solving the Complex Tracing Problem at its Roots, A treatise on the effect of complex detours on geometric primitives (abgegeben Aug. 2022)

Bachelor theses

F. Kelly: Mit Rotationsquaternionen vom Dodekaeder zum 120-Zell (abgegeben März 2023)

C. Kollmar: Euclid’s Elements from an Interactive Point of View (abgegeben Dez. 2022)

L.-M. Kauck: Parametrisierung der Doylespirale (abgegeben Sept. 2021)

E. Lützeler: Logarithmische Spiralen und ihreTangenten: Eigenschaften und Berechnungen (abgegeben Sept. 2021)

X. Zhang: Evaluation of an Iterative Averaging Algorithm for Conformal Mappings (abgegeben Mai 2021)

S. Reitmair: Geometrische Eigenschaften tangentialer logarithmischer Spiralen (abgegeben Sept. 2020)