Foto von Florian Lindemann

Florian Lindemann

Technische Universität München

Zentrum Mathematik


Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München

  • Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 17940
  • Raum: 5608.03.039
  • lindemann(at)

I'm part of the research group Mathematical Optimization.


Summer term 2024

Office Hours

Currently there are no fixed office hours. However, you are welcome to send me an email to arrange an individual appointment.

Awards in teaching

  • 2nd place in the Golden Circle Award (Summer Semester 2021) (best exercise course management) of the Mathematics student council for the exercise course management on "Introduction to Optimisation".
  • Lecturer Award 2020 (special award for digital teaching) from the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology student council for the exercise course management of "Numerical Mathematics (EI)"
  • Nominated for the Ars Legendi Faculty Award (by the mathematics/physics/computer science student council, 2016)
  • Lecturer Award 2015 of the student body of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology for the exercise course management of "Analysis 3 (EI)".

E-learning material for books

I have been developing supplementary e-learning material for courses for many years. This material contains comprehension questions that support the follow-up of lectures and are also very suitable as exam preparation. A lot of them have now been published in the form of digital flashcards for two analysis books. The flashcards are adapted to the books, with references to theorems, lemmas and definitions in the books using detailed explanations. They can be taken in an associated app on a smartphone/tablet or in a browser. Details on how to use them can be found in the books.

Book "Analysis 1" with Prof. Otto Forster (13th edition, ISBN: 978-3-658-40129-0, Springer, 2023).

The book "Analysis 1" of Prof. Forster is a well-known book for first-year students in mathematics, computer science and physics. In the new 13th edition, I joined as co-author and developed flashcards for this book.

Book "Analysis 1" with Prof. Martin Brokate and Prof. Johannes Zimmer (ISBN: 978-3-662-67775-9, Springer, 2023).

This new book is based on lecture notes by Prof. Brokate and Prof. Zimmer, who were the analysis lecturers for first-year mathematics students at TUM several times in recent years. I developed suitable electronic flashcards to this book.


  • Fischer, Michael; Lindemann, Florian; Ulbrich, Michael; Ulbrich, Stefan: Fréchet Differentiability of Unsteady Incompressible Navier--Stokes Flow with Respect to Domain Variations of Low Regularity by Using a General Analytical Framework. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 55 (5), 2017, 3226-3257 more… BibTeX
  • Brandenburg, Christian; Lindemann, Florian; Ulbrich, Michael; Ulbrich, Stefan: Advanced Numerical Methods for PDE Constrained Optimization with Application to Optimal Design in Navier Stokes Flow. In: International Series of Numerical Mathematics. Springer Basel, 2011 more… BibTeX
  • Brandenburg, Christian; Lindemann, Florian; Ulbrich, Michael; Ulbrich, Stefan: A Continuous Adjoint Approach to Shape Optimization for Navier Stokes Flow. In: International Series of Numerical Mathematics. Birkhäuser Basel, 2009 more… BibTeX


  • Lindemann, Florian: Theoretical and Numerical Aspects of Shape Optimization with Navier-Stokes Flows. Dissertation, 2012 more… BibTeX