Picture of Veronika Hofmann

M.Sc. Veronika Hofmann

Technical University of Munich

Associate Professorship of Mathematics in Life Sciences (Prof. Kuttler)

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München

Research Interests

  • Biological applications of dynamical systems in the form of ordinary and partial differential equations
  • Numerical simulation of biological and biochemical processes
  • Parameter estimation
  • Sensitivity analysis

Conferences and Workshops

  • European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB), Toledo, Spain, July 22-26, 2024. Poster Presentation: “Cell Invasion Models: How Complex do They Need to Be?”


A list of previous courses can be found on TUMonline.


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  • Hofmann, Veronika: Cell Invasion Models: How Complex do They Need to Be? , 2024 more… BibTeX