Picture of Josef Dorfmeister

Hon.-Prof. Josef Dorfmeister

Technical University of Munich

TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology

Postal address

Arcisstr. 21
80333 München

Research Interests

  • Differential Geometry of Surfaces
  • Integrable Systems
  • Loop Group Method


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  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Inoguchi, Jun-ichi; Kobayashi, Shimpei: Minimal surfaces with non-trivial geometry in the three-dimensional Heisenberg group. Complex Manifolds 9 (1), 2022, 285--336 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Kobayashi, Shimpei: Timelike minimal Lagrangian surfaces in the indefinite complex hyperbolic two-space. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 200 (2), 2021, 521--546 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Ma, Hui: Minimal Lagrangian surfaces in $\Bbb CP^2$ via the loop group method Part I: The contractible case. J. Geom. Phys. 161, 2021, Paper No. 104016, 27 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Wang, Peng: Weierstrass-Kenmotsu representation of Willmore surfaces in spheres. Nagoya Math. J. 244, 2021, 35--59 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Kobayashi, Shimpei; Ma, Hui: Ruh-Vilms theorems for minimal surfaces without complex points and minimal Lagrangian surfaces in $\BbbCP^2$. Math. Z. 296 (3-4), 2020, 1751--1775 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Wang, Peng: On symmetric Willmore surfaces in spheres II: The orientation reversing case. Differential Geom. Appl. 69, 2020, 101606, 27 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Wang, Peng: Classification of homogeneous Willmore surfaces in $S^n$. Osaka J. Math. 57 (4), 2020, 805--817 more… BibTeX


  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Freyn, Walter; Kobayashi, Shimpei; Wang, Erxiao: Survey on real forms of the complex $A_2^(2)$-Toda equation and surface theory. Complex Manifolds 6 (1), 2019, 194--227 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Wang, Peng: Willmore surfaces in spheres: the DPW approach via the conformal Gauss map. Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg. 89 (1), 2019, 77--103 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Walcher, Sebastian: Theta functions on tube domains. Abh. Math. Semin. Univ. Hambg. 88 (2), 2018, 273--288 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Inoguchi, Jun-Ichi; Kobayashi, Shimpei: A loop group method for minimal surfaces in the three-dimensional Heisenberg group. Asian J. Math. 20 (3), 2016, 409--448 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Inoguchi, Jun-ichi; Kobayashi, Shimpei: A loop group method for affine harmonic maps into Lie groups. Adv. Math. 298, 2016, 207--253 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Inoguchi, Jun-ichi; Kobayashi, Shimpei: On the Bernstein problem in the three-dimensional Heisenberg group. Canad. Math. Bull. 59 (1), 2016, 50--61 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Ma, Hui: Explicit expressions for the Iwasawa factors, the metric and the monodromy matrices for minimal Lagrangian surfaces in $\Bbb CP^2$. In: Dynamical systems, number theory and applications. World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2016, 19--47 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Ma, Hui: A new look at equivariant minimal Lagrangian surfaces in $\Bbb CP^2$. In: Geometry and topology of manifolds. Springer, [Tokyo], 2016, 97--125 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Sterling, Ivan: Pseudospherical surfaces of low differentiability. Adv. Geom. 16 (1), 2016, 1--20 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Brander, David; Dorfmeister, Josef F.: Deformations of constant mean curvature surfaces preserving symmetries and the Hopf differential. Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) 14 (2), 2015, 645--675 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Wang, Peng: On symmetric Willmore surfaces in spheres I: The orientation preserving case. Differential Geom. Appl. 43, 2015, 102--129 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Inoguchi, Jun-ichi; Kobayashi, Shimpei: Constant mean curvature surfaces in hyperbolic 3-space via loop groups. J. Reine Angew. Math. 686, 2014, 1--36 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Sterling, Ivan: Minding's theorem for low degrees of differentiability. Tokyo J. Math. 37 (2), 2014, 503--508 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Boumuki, Nobutaka; Dorfmeister, Josef F.: On a relation between potentials for pluriharmonic maps and para-pluriharmonic maps. Results Math. 63 (1-2), 2013, 335--376 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Burstall, F. E.; Dorfmeister, J. F.; Leschke, K.; Quintino, A. C.: Darboux transforms and simple factor dressing of constant mean curvature surfaces. Manuscripta Math. 140 (1-2), 2013, 213--236 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.: Open Iwasawa cells and applications to surface theory. In: Variational problems in differential geometry. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2012, 56--67 more… BibTeX


  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Conformal asymptotics of properly embedded annular CMC ends. Pac. J. Appl. Math. 3 (1-2), 2011, 1--10 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Rossman, Wayne: Triviality of the dressing isotropy for a Smyth-type potential and nonclosing of the resulting CMC surfaces. In: Geometry---Exploratory Workshop on Differential Geometry and its Applications. Cluj Univ. Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2011, 61--70 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Pedit, Franz: Foreword---tribute to Hongyou Wu. Pac. J. Appl. Math. 3 (1-2), 2011, vii--viii more… BibTeX


  • Boumuki, Nobutaka; Dorfmeister, Josef F.: On a relation between potentials for pluriharmonic maps and para-pluriharmonic maps. Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Differential Geometry and the 3rd KNUGRG-OCAMI Differential Geometry Workshop [Volume 14], Natl. Inst. Math. Sci. (NIMS), Taejŏn, 2010 more… BibTeX
  • Brander, David; Dorfmeister, Josef F.: The Björling problem for non-minimal constant mean curvature surfaces. Comm. Anal. Geom. 18 (1), 2010, 171--194 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.: Loop groups and surfaces with symmetries. In: Riemann surfaces, harmonic maps and visualization. Osaka Munic. Univ. Press, Osaka, 2010, 29--39 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Guest, Martin A.; Rossman, Wayne: The $tt^*$ structure of the quantum cohomology of $\Bbb Cm̊ P^1$ from the viewpoint of differential geometry. Asian J. Math. 14 (3), 2010, 417--437 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Kobayashi, Shimpei; Pedit, Franz: Complex surfaces of constant mean curvature fibered by minimal surfaces. Hokkaido Math. J. 39 (1), 2010, 1--55 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Brander, David; Dorfmeister, Josef: Generalized DPW method and an application to isometric immersions of space forms. Math. Z. 262 (1), 2009, 143--172 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, J.; Kenmotsu, K.: Rotational hypersurfaces of periodic mean curvature. Differential Geom. Appl. 27 (6), 2009, 702--712 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef F.; Ivey, Thomas; Sterling, Ivan: Symmetric pseudospherical surfaces. I. General theory. Results Math. 56 (1-4), 2009, 3--21 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, J.; Eschenburg, J.-H.: Real Fuchsian equations and constant mean curvature surfaces. Mat. Contemp. 35, 2008, 1--25 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Associated families of immersions versus curved flats. In: Contemporary geometry and topology and related topics. Cluj Univ. Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2008, 141--151 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Generalized Weierstraß representations of surfaces. In: Surveys on geometry and integrable systems. Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2008, 55--111 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Kenmotsu, Katsuei: On a theorem by Hsiang and Yu. Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 33 (3), 2008, 245--252 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Wu, Hongyou: Construction of constant mean curvature $n$-noids from holomorphic potentials. Math. Z. 258 (4), 2008, 773--803 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, J.; Kobayashi, S.-P.: Coarse classification of constant mean curvature cylinders. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (6), 2007, 2483--2500 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Wu, Hongyou: Unitarization of loop group representations of fundamental groups. Nagoya Math. J. 187, 2007, 1--33 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, J.; Schuster, M.: Construction of planar CMC 4-noids of genus $g=0$. JP J. Geom. Topol. 6 (3), 2006, 319--381 more… BibTeX


  • Balan, Vladimir; Dorfmeister, Josef: Weierstrass-type representation for harmonic maps into general symmetric spaces via loop groups. J. Math. Soc. Japan 57 (1), 2005, 69--94 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, J.; Kilian, M.: Dressing preserving the fundamental group. Differential Geom. Appl. 23 (2), 2005, 176--204 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Balan, Vladimir; Dorfmeister, Josef: Harmonic maps into general symmetric spaces via loop groups. In: Recent advances in geometry and topology. Cluj Univ. Press, Cluj-Napoca, 2004, 49--64 more… BibTeX


  • Dorfmeister, J.; Eschenburg, J.-H.: Pluriharmonic maps, loop groups and twistor theory. Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 24 (4), 2003, 301--321 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Haak, Guido: Construction of non-simply connected CMC surfaces via dressing. J. Math. Soc. Japan 55 (2), 2003, 335--364 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Inoguchi, Jun-ichi; Toda, Magdalena: Weierstraß -type representation of timelike surfaces with constant mean curvature. In: Differential geometry and integrable systems (Tokyo, 2000). Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2002, 77--99 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Sterling, Ivan: Finite type Lorentz harmonic maps and the method of Symes. Differential Geom. Appl. 17 (1), 2002, 43--53 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Balan, Vladimir; Dorfmeister, Josef: Birkhoff decompositions and Iwasawa decompositions for loop groups. Tohoku Math. J. (2) 53 (4), 2001, 593--615 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, J.; Eitner, U.: Weierstraß -type representation of affine spheres. Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 71, 2001, 225--250 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Balan, Vladimir; Dorfmeister, Josef: A Weierstrass-type representation for harmonic maps from Riemann surfaces to general Lie groups. In: , 2000, 7--37 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, J.; Haak, G.: On symmetries of constant mean curvature surfaces. II. Symmetries in a Weierstraß -type representation. Int. J. Math. Game Theory Algebra 10 (2), 2000, 121--146 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, J.; Haak, G.: Investigation and application of the dressing action on surfaces of constant mean curvature. Q. J. Math. 51 (1), 2000, 57--73 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, J.; Gradl, H.; Szmigielski, J.: Systems of PDEs obtained from factorization in loop groups. Acta Appl. Math. 53 (1), 1998, 1--58 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, J.; Haak, G.: On constant mean curvature surfaces with periodic metric. Pacific J. Math. 182 (2), 1998, 229--287 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, J.; Pedit, F.; Wu, H.: Weierstrass type representation of harmonic maps into symmetric spaces. Comm. Anal. Geom. 6 (4), 1998, 633--668 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Haak, Guido: On symmetries of constant mean curvature surfaces. I. General theory. Tohoku Math. J. (2) 50 (3), 1998, 437--454 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, J.; Haak, G.: Meromorphic potentials and smooth surfaces of constant mean curvature. Math. Z. 224 (4), 1997, 603--640 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, J.; Pedit, F.; Toda, M.: Minimal surfaces via loop groups. In: , 1997, 25--40 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; McIntosh, Ian; Pedit, Franz; Wu, Hongyou: On the meromorphic potential for a harmonic surface in a $k$-symmetric space. Manuscripta Math. 92 (2), 1997, 143--152 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Symmetric cones. In: Topics in geometry. Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1996, 101--121 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Weighted $l_1$-Grassmannians and Banach manifolds of solutions of the KP-equation and the KdV-equation. Math. Nachr. 180, 1996, 43--73 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Algebraic systems in differential geometry. In: Jordan algebras (Oberwolfach, 1992). de Gruyter, Berlin, 1994, 9--33 more… BibTeX


  • Dorfmeister, J.: Homogeneous Kähler and pseudo-Kähler manifolds. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Differential Geometry and its Applications (Bucharest, 1993), 1993 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, J.: Soliton equations and differential geometry. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Differential Geometry and its Applications (Bucharest, 1993), 1993 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Groups associated with a Grassmannian modelled on the Wiener algebra. Integral Equations Operator Theory 17 (4), 1993, 464--500 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Banach manifolds of solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations, and relations with finite-dimensional manifolds. In: Differential geometry: partial differential equations on manifolds (Los Angeles, CA, 1990). Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1993, 121--139 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Szmigielski, Jacek: Riemann-Hilbert factorizations and inverse scattering for the AKNS-equation with $L^1$-potentials. I. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 29 (6), 1993, 911--958 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Wu, Hongyou: Constant mean curvature surfaces and loop groups. J. Reine Angew. Math. 440, 1993, 43--76 more… BibTeX


  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Guan, Zhuang Dan: Supplement to: ``Fine structure of reductive pseudo-Kählerian spaces'' [Geom. Dedicata \bf 39 (1991), no. 3, 321--338; MR1123147 (92h:53081)]. Geom. Dedicata 42 (2), 1992, 241--242 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Guan, Zhuang Dan: Classification of compact homogeneous pseudo-Kähler manifolds. Comment. Math. Helv. 67 (4), 1992, 499--513 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Guan, Zhuang Dan: Pseudo-Kählerian homogeneous spaces admitting a reductive transitive group of automorphisms. Math. Z. 209 (1), 1992, 89--100 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Szmigielski, Jacek: Principal fiber bundle interpretation of the KP-hierarchy. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 28 (4), 1992, 503--533 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, J.; Neher, E.; Szmigielski, J.: Automorphisms of the KdV-subvariety. Integral Equations Operator Theory 14 (2), 1991, 192--212 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, J.; Wu, H.: Banach manifolds of constant mean curvature surfaces. In: Geometry and topology of submanifolds, III (Leeds, 1990). World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1991, 153--162 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Guan, Zhuang Dan: Fine structure of reductive pseudo-Kählerian spaces. Geom. Dedicata 39 (3), 1991, 321--338 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • D'Atri, J. E.; Dorfmeister, J.: The biholomorphic curvature of quasisymmetric Siegel domains. J. Differential Geom. 31 (1), 1990, 73--99 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, J.: Special algebraic properties of Kähler algebras. Tsukuba J. Math. 14 (2), 1990, 315--326 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, J.; Neher, E.: Isoparametric triple systems with special $\bf Z$-structure. Algebras Groups Geom. 7 (1), 1990, 21--94 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, J.; Neher, E.; Szmigielski, J.: Banach manifolds and their automorphisms associated with groups of type $C_ınfty$ and $D_ınfty$. In: Lie algebra and related topics (Madison, WI, 1988). Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1990, 43--65 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, J.; Neher, E.; Szmigielski, J.: Automorphisms of Banach manifolds associated with the KP-equation. Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2) 40 (158), 1989, 161--195 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Proof of the radical conjecture for homogeneous Kähler manifolds. Nagoya Math. J. 114, 1989, 77--122 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • D'Atri, J. E.; Dorfmeister, J.: Flat totally geodesic submanifolds of quasisymmetric Siegel domains. Geom. Dedicata 28 (3), 1988, 321--336 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Nakajima, Kazufumi: The fundamental conjecture for homogeneous Kähler manifolds. Acta Math. 161 (1-2), 1988, 23--70 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, Josef: The radical conjecture for homogeneous Kähler manifolds. In: Lie algebras and related topics (Windsor, Ont., 1984). Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1986, 189--208 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Nakajima, Kazufumi: The fundamental conjecture for homogeneous Kähler manifolds. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 303 (8), 1986, 335--338 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • D'Atri, J. E.; Dorfmeister, J.; Zhao, Yan Da: The isotropy representation for homogeneous Siegel domains. Pacific J. Math. 120 (2), 1985, 295--326 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Variétés homogènes kählériennes. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 301 (4), 1985, 97--98 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Homogeneous Kähler manifolds admitting a transitive solvable group of automorphisms. Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. (4) 18 (1), 1985, 143--180 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Simply transitive groups and Kähler structures on homogeneous Siegel domains. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 288 (1), 1985, 293--305 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Neher, Erhard: Isoparametric hypersurfaces, case $g=6, m=1$. Comm. Algebra 13 (11), 1985, 2299--2368 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, Gerda; Dorfmeister, Josef: Classification of certain pairs of operators $(P,\,Q)$ satisfying $[P,\,Q]=-i$ $m̊ Id$. J. Funct. Anal. 57 (3), 1984, 301--328 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Neher, Erhard: Isoparametric triple systems of FKM-type. III. Algebras Groups Geom. 1 (3), 1984, 305--343 more… BibTeX


  • Dorfmeister, J.; Neher, E.: Isoparametric triple systems of FKM-type. I. Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 53, 1983, 191--216 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Heinze, Joachim: Umkehrbare und nilpotente Polynome. Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg 53, 1983, 170--190 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Neher, Erhard: Isoparametric triple systems of algebra type. Osaka J. Math. 20 (1), 1983, 145--175 more… BibTeX
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Neher, Erhard: Isoparametric triple systems of FKM-type. II. Manuscripta Math. 43 (1), 1983, 13--44 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, Josef; Neher, Erhard: An algebraic approach to isoparametric hypersurfaces in spheres. I, II. Tohoku Math. J. (2) 35 (2), 1983, 187--224, 225--247 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )


  • Dorfmeister, Josef: Homogeneous Siegel domains. Nagoya Math. J. 86, 1982, 39--83 more… BibTeX




  • Dorfmeister, J.: Theta functions for special, formally real Jordan algebras, a remark on a paper of H. L. Resnikoff: ``Theta functions for Jordan algebras'' (Invent. Math. \bf 31 (1975), no. 1, 87--104). Invent. Math. 44 (2), 1978, 103--108 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
  • Dorfmeister, J.; Koecher, M.: Reguläre Kegel. Jahresber. Deutsch. Math.-Verein. 81 (3), 1978, 109--151 more… BibTeX