I supervise theses in the broad area of Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes. Please also have a look at my research interests.
If you are interested in writing a Bachelor or Master Thesis with me, please write me an email containing the approximative desired starting date, which courses in Stochastics you have taken, and what kind of topics would be interesting for you.
SInce I do not regularly offer seminars, having attended one of my seminars is not a requirement. However, for a Bachelor thesis with me you should have taken at least one of the Markov Chains [MA2404] or the Probability Theory [MA2409] courses. For a Master Thesis, Probability Theory [MA2409 or equivalent] is mandatory.
Update: Thank you for your interest. Unfortunately, I will not be able to take on any further students for supervision until the end of the summer semester 2025.