- Master's Thesis: Tipping Points in Energy System Optimization: A Polyhedral Analysis of Robustness and Uncertainty in Linear Programs (co-advised with Paul Stursberg)
- Master's Thesis: Matchings of Students and Seminars: A Linear Programming Approach (co-advised with Michael Ritter)
- Master's Thesis: Combinatorial Matching Algorithms for Course Assignment (co-advised with Michael Ritter)
- Master's Thesis: Geometric Inequalities Involving Different Diameter Definitions
- Bachelor's Thesis: Web Application for the Traveling Salesman Problem (co-advised with Michael Ritter)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Algorithmen zur Berechnung vierer Standardsymmetrisierungen von Polytopen und der optimalen Dilatationen damit diese sich gegenseitig enthalten
- Bachelor's Thesis: The network simplex algorithm and an application in faculty course assignment (co-advised with Michael Ritter)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Portfolio Construction via Convex Optimization (co-advised with Katherina von Dichter)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Distributionally robust optimization for appointment scheduling problems in health care (co-advised with Carolin Bauerhenne)
- Master's Thesis: A Study of the Geometric k-Center Problem from the Perspective of Polyhedral Combinatorics
- Master's Thesis: Optimale Bestellpläne - eine Analyse von Absatzprognosemodellen für die Verwendung in Online-Optimierungsverfahren (co-advised with Stefan König, Michael Ritter)
- Master's Thesis: Optimale Bestellpläne - eine Analyse von Absatzprognosemodellen für die Verwendung in Online-Optimierungsverfahren (co-advised with Stefan König, Michael Ritter)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Schranken für die Banach-Mazur-Distanz: Ein Vergleich der Ansätze (co-advised with Katherina von Dichter)
- Master's Thesis: Clustern bei voneinander unabhängigen Parameteranforderungen (Polyedrische Untersuchungen eines MILP zum k-Pinning von Boxen und zugehörige Algorithmen)
- Master's Thesis: Blaschke-Santaló diagrams of 3 dimensional sets - a computational study of the missing boundaries
- Project with Colloquium: The Maximum Multi Commodity Flow Problem: Implementation of an Approximation Scheme (co-advised with Wolfgang Ferdinand Riedl)
- Bachelor's Thesis (TopMath): The Feasibility Set of the 1-Center Problem
- Dissertation: On the Mathematics of Energy System Optimization (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Volume estimates via the Asymmetry Measure of Minkowski (co-advised with Bernardo González Merino)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Vergleich von DC- und TR-Modellen zur Stromnetzwerkoptimierung (co-advised with Paul Stursberg)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Analysis of uniqueness problems in algorithmic discrete mathematics and its application in teaching support via e-learning tests (co-advised with Fabian Klemm)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Combinatorial Theory of Polytopes (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Dissertation: A Polyhedral Analysis of Start-up Process Models in Unit Commitment Problems (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Polyhedral investigation of the k-center Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Bachelor's Thesis: John´s theorem, its relatives and applications to geometric inequalities (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: k-center problems on urban street networks - geometrical and graph theoretical approaches (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Michael Ritter)
- Master's Thesis: Optimal Allocation of Charging Stations based on Free-floating Carsharing Data (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Bachelor's Thesis: On the representation of polyhedra by polynomial inequalities (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Meta-Heuristics for the Orienteering- and the Sightseeing-Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Melanie Herzog)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Standortplanung in der Logistik - Praxistaugliche Heuristiken für das $k$-median Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Srategies for choosing the cut-vector in the Gomory-Cutting-Plane Algorithm (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Bachelor's Thesis: Containment for spectrahedra (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: A complete Characterization of Jump Inequalities for the Hop-Constrained Shortest Path Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Michael Ritter)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Interaktive Visualisierung von Gomory-Schnitten (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Matthias Silbernagl)
- Dissertation: On the Complexity and Approximation of Fundamental Problems in Computational Convexity (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Core Sets in Optimal Containment Problems and the Szökefalvi-Nagy Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Master's Thesis: Umsteigegraphen im ÖPNV (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Melanie Herzog, Michael Ritter)
- Master's Thesis: Inverse Routing: Estimation of an Origin-Destination Trip Table from Traffic Counts (co-advised with Andreas Alpers, Peter Gritzmann, Tobias Kluth)
- Bachelor's Thesis (TopMath): Optimale Einsatz- und Routenplanung in der ambulanten Krankenpflege (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Melanie Herzog, Michael Ritter)
- Bachelor's Thesis (TopMath): Tourenplanung in der Holzwirtschaft mit flexiblen Ladungsträgern (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Michael Ritter)
- Diploma Thesis by Melanie Herzog: Sightseeing: Routenplanung unter Beachtung von Finanz- und Zeitbudgets (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Michael Ritter)
- Bachelor's Thesis: NP-Vollständigkeit des 2-Farben Tomographie Problems (co-advised with Raymond Hemmecke)
- Diploma Thesis: Vehicle Routing Probleme unter Kapazitätsbeschränkungen (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Matthias Silbernagl)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Entwicklung eines Java-Applets zur multimedialen Lehrunterstützung - Das k-center Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Stefan König)
- Diploma Thesis: Optimale Standortwahl in Verkehrsnetzwerken - ein Vergleich von geometrischen und graphentheoretischen Ansätzen (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Stefan König)
- Diploma Thesis: Das Windy General Routing Problem - Eine Zusammenführung des Chinese Postman und des Traveling Salesman Problems (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Theorie und Algorithmen konvexer Packungsprobleme (co-advised with Steffen Borgwardt, Peter Gritzmann)
- Dissertation: Optimal Containment (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Untersuchungen verallgemeinerter Traveling Salesman Probleme zur Nutzung in elektronischen Besucherführern (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Routenplanung unter Budgetrestriktionen - Polytopale Untersuchungen zur Verwendung in Branch&Cut-Verfahren (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Optimales Containment, Helly-Type-Theorems und Core Sets - Ein Überblick (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Containment Probleme: Lagrange-Relaxation und -Dualität (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Algorithmen für Optimale Containment Probleme von Polytopen in Würfeln unter Ähnlichkeit (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Approximationsalgorithmen zur Lösung von allgemeinen k-Containment Problemen (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Lucia Roth)
- Diploma Thesis: On planar k-containment problems under similarity (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Modelling and Approximation of a Location-Routing Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Dicke Simplexe in Würfeln (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Algorithmen zur Punktmengenüberdeckung mit minimaler Containerzahl (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Optimales Containment mit Ellipsoiden, elliptischen Zylindern und Kegeln (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Algorithmen zur Lösung verallgemeinerter TSP Probleme zur Nutzung in elektronischen Besucherführern (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Verankerte und freie einschließende Zylinder: Branch and Bound-Algorithmen zur Bestimmung ɛ-optimaler Lösungen bei der automatisierten dreidimensionalen Operationsplanung zur Femurkorrektur (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Praktische Methoden zur Lösung minimaler Multi-Contaiment Probleme unter Homothetie (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Ein Problem der Transversalentheorie und seine Anwendung in der medizinischen Operationsplanung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Visualisierung konvex-geometrischer Phänomene mit Hilfe von Povray (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Ein verbessertes Branch and Bound Verfahren für euklidische k-center Probleme unter Verwendung einer gemischtganzzahligen SOCP Formulierung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Lucia Roth)
- Project with Colloquium: Drei Algorithmen zur approximativen Lösung des euklidischen 2-Center-Problems (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Adaptive Algorithmen zur Lösung metrischer k-center Probleme (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Computational Convexity - Berechnung von Dicke und Zylinderradius (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann, Lucia Roth)
- Diploma Thesis: Shape Fitting Algorithmen, Theorie, Implementation und Anwendung in der chirurgischen Operationsplanung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Exakte und ε-approximative Algorithmen zur Umkugelberechnung (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Entwicklung eines Java-Applets zur Lösung grundlegender Problemstellungen der algorith-mischen Graphentheorie am konkreten Anwendungsfall des Tierparks Hellabrunn (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Entwicklung von Java-Applets zur multimedialen Lehrunterstützung in der Diskreten Mathematik - Visualisierung der Algorithmen zur TSP-Lösung unter verschiedenen Metriken (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Project with Colloquium: Berechnung innerer und äußerer Radien konvexer Polytope in Ecken- und Hyperebenendarstellung für die 1-, 2- und ∞-Norm (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Entwicklung von Java-Applets zur multimedialen Lehrunterstützung in der Diskreten Mathematik - Bipartites Matching und Chinese Postman Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Entwicklung von Java-Applets zur multimedialen Lehrunterstützung in der Diskreten Mathematik - Exakte Lösungsmethoden für kleine TSP-Instanzen (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Schranken für das Traveling Salesman Problem (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Diploma Thesis: Optimale Kurseinteilung und Stundenplanerstellung in der bayerischen Kollegstufe (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Entwicklung von Java-Applets zur multimedialen Lehrunterstützung in der Diskreten Mathematik - Kürzeste Wege und Minimale Spannbäume (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)
- Interdisciplinary Project: Entwicklung von Java-Applets zur multimedialen Lehrunterstützung in der Diskreten Mathematik - Lösung graphentheoretischer Probleme (co-advised with Peter Gritzmann)