Celebrating cultural diversity


In our next FACTES event, we would like to learn more about you and your cultures. We will prepare and enjoy traditional sweets or other dishes from different parts of the world together on December 8 from 4:30-7:00 pm in the QuanTUM kitchen (Garching Hochbrück).

Event by FACETS of Mathematicians

Christmas time is getting closer and it is getting cozy in Germany, with warm drinks, delicious pastries, and special songs. Many people from different cultures in all parts of the world also prepare for important holidays around the end of the year.

In our next FACETS event (https://ma.tum.de/ facets), we would like to learn more about you and your cultures. We would like to prepare and enjoy traditional sweets or other dishes from different parts of the world together with you, and invite you to join us on December 8 from 4:30 - 7:00 pm in the QuanTUM kitchen (Garching Hochbrück).
All employees of the Department of Mathematics at TUM are welcome, both scientific and non-scientific.

We look forward to hearing your individual stories about where your cultural background lies and what customs you and your family celebrate. When the Christmas cookies, winter sweets and New Year's dishes are ready to be tasted, we would like to discuss visible and hidden aspects of "culture".

Find material of the event on our Wiki page https://wiki.tum.de/display/wikima/FACETS+of+mathematicians.