Further education
The following offers for further education are aimed at employees of the Technical University of Munich (TUM).
Effective Science Management
Effective Science Management is aimed at (junior) science managers who coordinate and lead projects. It is also aimed at executives in science management who face a variety of challenges, such as hiring the best talents.
In addition to an open course program, the Institute for LifeLong Learning offers two certificate programs: ProMi and Leadership Academy. ProMi is suitable for (junior) science managers and postdocs who wish to develop their skills in the field of science management. In general, certificate programs provide advanced training in project management or courses such as "Finding the Best Talents" and "Leading in Science".
CareerDesign@TUM (TUM Institute for LifeLong Learning)
CareerDesign@TUM is a structured qualification program especially for scientific employees. It offers a wide range of options for personal development. CareerDesign@TUM offers five attractive qualification paths:
- TUM Researcher (Research)
- TUM Learning Professional (Learning and Development)
- TUM Science Manager (Science Management)
- TUM Entrepreneurship Advisor (Innovation and Spin-off Management)
- TUM Technical Expert (Technical Operations and Technology Management)
Faculty@TUM offers an evidence-based, custom-tailored development program for professors. In addition to workshops and events, you can have a leadership profile created or receive further literature and practical handouts in the form of the TUM Leadership Toolbox.
ProLehre for Higher Education Teaching
ProLehre offers courses for instructors, lecturers, and professors, to help enhance teaching skills. The ProLehre course program includes
- courses and certification in media literacy,
- new developments for presence and online teaching formats,
- the production of teaching materials and tools for modern teaching.
In addition to general basic courses, there are further education courses on communication and presentation, teaching and learning concepts, examinations, reflections and evaluations, as well as consultation and guidance.
Particularly popular workshops:
- Basic courses
- Grundkurs Hochschullehre 1 und 2
- Foundation Course
- Advanced courses
- Coping with challenging students
- Innovationen in der Hochschullehre
- Audio in der Lehre: Podcasts aufnehmen und veröffentlichen
- Resilience in Teaching
- Impulse für verantwortliches Handeln setzen
- price: 15 € to 200 € depending on the course
- in presence and online
- wide range of ideas for digital teaching
- in English and German
TUM Horizons
TUM Horizons offers further training for employees. From Mental Health Days to self-confident work and individual coaching, you will find workshops for your personal development or for an entire team.
If you would like advice on suitable further education programs, please contact TUM Horizons directly (info.horizons (at) tum.de).
ProLehre for students
ProLehre also offers extra-curricula education for students. From helpful tips for the start of the semester, motivational strategies and learning techniques to how to write a successful thesis, you will find workshops for your personal development here.
TUM Talent Factory (TUM ForTe)
The TUM Talent Factory offers various workshops for postdocs who are already doing research at TUM. In addition to permanent online courses und online lectures, the TUM Talent Factory also offers semester-specific workshops. The focus of all courses is on deepening and expanding scientific and social skills as well as leadership qualities.
Particularly popular workshops:
- My First DFG Proposal
- Building and Managing your Research Group for Postdocs
- Professor wanted! How to apply for Professorships
TUM Language Center
Do you want to learn one or more languages? Professionalize your communicative and intercultural skills? Get personalized advice for a writing project? The services offered by the TUM Language Center play a key role in the internationalization of our university and are available to all TUM members free of charge.
- free of charge
- online, in presence, blended or hybrid
- courses during the semester and block courses during the lecture-free period
- allocation of ECTS
Carl von Linde Akademie
The Carl von Linde Akademie offers a diverse selection of general education courses for students - whether workshops on writing a bachelor's thesis, on stress competence or "Human Rights in the Present". Here you can deepen your knowledge, learn new things and ultimately complete your studies even more successfully.