Outreach Activities

Mathematics is a living subject – as our outreach activities show: In the school portal, you will find many offers for students and teachers. The ix-quadrat hands-on mathematics exhibition is aimed at young and old and shows that mathematics can be "grasped". The news from the Department of Mathematics will show you where mathematics is alive.

School Portal

Students, teachers, parents and interested individuals can find information and opportunities to get to know mathematics as an interesting subject and field of study here.

Math Exhibition ix-quadrat

The ix-quadrat is a hands-on exhibition which aims to awaken interest in mathematics in general and makes mathematics literally tangible.

News from the Department of Mathematics

Department Colloquium Summer 2024

Department, Colloquium | | Event

International researchers present their current work at the Colloquium of the Department of Mathematics. It will take place in lecture hall 3 (MI 00.06.011) on 10 July 2024. During the break, coffee, tea and pretzels will be served in the Magistrale. We cordially invite all interested parties!

Lecturedate: Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Inaugural lecture

10. Juli, 16-17 Uhr: Johannes Zimmer (TUM)


Particles, partial differential equations and the arrow of time

Johannes Zimmer (TUM): Wednesday, 10. July 16:00 - 17:00 


Many processes in nature can be modeled on different scales; for

example with 'high resolution' using particles or 'zoomed out' using

partial differential equations (PDEs). One interest covered in this talk is

the derivation of PDEs describing the collective behaviour of (infinitely)

many particles: Can we derive the PDE? Can we machine learn the PDE from

particle data? It turns out that it is often important to understand the

structure of the equations; on the level of PDEs, a thermodynamic structure

based on energy and entropy is very helpful and will be described. The arrow

of time will play a central role: Small-scale models (of particle type) are

often can be reversible in time, while the large-scale description (of PDE type)

is irreversible. This seems at first puzzling, as the two models describe the

same system. We will discuss some mathematical approaches to understand this.

Computing tiling properties of polyforms

Craig Kaplan (University of Waterloo), TUM HS3: Mittwoch, 12. Juni, 14:30 - 15:30


Polyforms—shapes constructed by gluing together copies of cells in an underlying grid—are a convenient experimental tool with which to probe problems in tiling theory.  Unlike shapes more generally, they can be enumerated exhaustively, and are amenable to analysis using discrete computation.  Furthermore, polyforms appear to be quite expressive in terms of the range of tiling-theoretic behaviours they can exhibit.  I discuss the computation of isohedral numbers and Heesch numbers, both of which are connected to a variety of unsolved problems in tiling theory, and the connection of these problems to the world's first aperiodic monotiles, discovered in 2023.


Coffee afterwards