About us

We solve in-depth, theoretical questions, isolate problems and build bridges to the real world. The Department of Mathematics at the Technical University of Munich is one of Europe's leading institutions at the interface of Applied Mathematics and other sciences.

One of our core tasks is to connect theoretical understanding and practical application – in research and teaching. This combination runs in both directions: Real-world problems from Engineering, Finance, the Life Sciences, Data Analysis, and other fields of application or research quickly lead to challenging mathematical problems. Vice versa, a theoretical understanding of the underlying structures often opens up new possibilities for application.

Department Head

Foto von Michael Ulbrich

Michael Ulbrich, Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Technische Universität München

Lehrstuhl für Mathematische Optimierung (Prof. Ulbrich)


Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München

Department Manager

Richard Wolf

News from the Department

Research, Department |

Workshop on Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing - 2024

The topics of the workshop in October 2024 are: Mathematical and computer modeling of physical and biological processes; Optimization, control, and numerical methods for ODEs and PDEs; Computer technologies and data analysis in engineering and bioinformatics; High performance scientific…

Research, Probability Theory |

Summer school: Particle systems in random environments

Particle systems in random environments One of the central research topics in probability is understanding the interplay between random processes and random environments. The school will focus on widely popular models, such as random walks, the contact process, the voter model and branching random…

Research, Statistics |

Workshop: Dependence models, Vines, and their Applications.

Do you want to exchange ideas on dependence modelling and vines? Then, join us for an interdisciplinary workshop on "Dependence models, Vines, and their Applications" in Garching near Munich, Germany, on July 22-24, 2024. Vine copulas offer a powerful lens into dependence modelling, unlocking…

Department, Colloquium |

Department Colloquium Summer 2024

International researchers present their current work at the Colloquium of the Department of Mathematics. It will take place in lecture hall 3 (MI 00.06.011) on 10 July 2024. During the break, coffee, tea and pretzels will be served in the Magistrale. We cordially invite all interested parties!

Research, Probability Theory |

Workshop: Random Walks, Scaling Limits and Criticality

The workshop brings together researchers in different career stages working on scaling limits of random walks and random walks in random environments, critical phenomena in percolation, loop-erased random walks, uniform spanning trees and modles with long-range dependence.